Part 6 - The bar

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(Isla aged 15/ Finn aged 17)

Three hard knocks rap at my door making me frown as I throw the towel, I was just drying my hair with into a nearby hamper. I secure the other towel that's around my waist and swing open the door aggressively, pissed to be disturbed at such a late hour after such a fuck up of a night.

"What?" I growl as I come face to face with one of my father's warriors.

"I'm sorry to disturb you sir, but I thought it was best to let you know that Lady Isla is not in her room." The warrior explains.

"Wherever she's told her personal guard that was posted at her door she's going to be, go in the opposite direction and you'll be sure to find her. It's kind of what she does." I growl with a bored tone.

"Ummm....actually I know where she is...that's why I've come to you and not either of the Alpha's..." Stutters the warrior.

Not liking his nervous tone, I raise my eyebrow at him for him to continue. "Well? Where the fuck is she?"


The heavy thump and rowdy cries from Jack's bar only make me more furious as I fling the door open and push my way through the sea of drunken wolves to hunt down the birthday girl. It seems that one party was just not enough for her. Shit like this is very on brand for Isla. The more pissed off she is, the more she will act out, but even I'm surprised Isla's snuck out to the packs bar this evening.

Jack's bar lies on the dirt road a mile away from Red Rivers main city centre, I've been here more times than I'd like to admit. It's the kind of place with a lot of dark corners to get drunk and hide away in and it's always a hive for unmated male warriors to let off some steam. It's safe to say, this is not the sort of place the future Luna of this pack at fucking fifteen should be at one o'clock in the morning.

As I storm in, people are quick to jump out of my way and let me pass, everyone here knows who I am, but I don't give a shit about that tonight. I'm concerned with what Isla is up to or more worryingly who she's with. Lively piano and string instruments are playing loudly near the back of the bar pulling in a large crowd. I Ignore it entirely and focus my attention on the bar, the dance floor and the darkened corner tables. Stalking around the room on high alert, I know my eyes are blazing bronze now, my wolf is as fucked off as me at Isla's antics. But I see nothing until I come to the last table in the corner and find Kai, Isla's brother, kissing a local girl passionately whilst she sits straddled on his lap.

Fuming, I slam my palm on the table loudly and growl, making Kai and the girl jump and instantly turn to look at me.

"Oh, hey man, you wanna join us? I'll grab us a round?" Kai slurs, he's totally fucking pissed, which just angers me more.

"Where the fuck is your sister?" I growl.

"Relax, she's around here somewhere. She said a few drinks would help cheer me up." Kai hiccups. "Beth dumped me."

"Oh, you poor baby." Coo's the girl straddled on Kai's lap before she leans in and crashes her lips back onto Kai's and he completely forgets I'm fucking stood here.

I'm just about to rip the couple apart and tear Kai a new one when my ears pick up the beautiful soulful singing of the very girl I'm trying to track down. I close my eyes to try and steady my breathing and calm my wolf but we're too fucking far gone at this point. Cursing to myself, I snap open my eyes and turn towards the large crowd that is stood in front of the band at the back of the bar.

The rowdy crowd are all singing along to the lyrics, I notice most of the group is made up of males enjoying the fucking show. I shove and push my way to the front until Isla finally comes into view and my blood boils.

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