Part 30 - The Tournament (Part 2)

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As soon as Finn wins his place on the tournament the arena explodes into cheers and chants so loud the very foundations shake. There can be no doubt in anyone's mind who the wolves here want to win.

Not caring what anyone thinks, I dash to the edge of the platform and climb a rung up on the barrier to get a closer look at Finn, hardly believing he is here. Finn's head snaps to me and within a heartbeat he springs up two flights of bleacher stairs and leaps onto the platforms balcony to come and stand in front of me.

"Finn." I whisper as I reach out and stroke his face. "You're here." I sob as Finn puts his hand over mine that's cupping his face.

"I love you and you love me, right?" He whispers, his eyes searching mine intensely.

All I can do is nod as tears flow down my cheeks. I know the whole stadium is watching us and that we'll soon be broken apart, but at this very moment I've never felt more happiness in my heart than right now to see him... until I remember Hunter.

"Finn, my wolf..." I choke out.

Finn fishes out of his pocket a blue flower, the type that he gave me the first day we met and threads it behind my ear gently before cupping my face. "I know everything. Just hang in there my queen, I'm coming for you both."

"I love you." I whisper once more as I hear warriors coming towards us to take me back to my seat.

"Isla, give me the number of the dead man who did this." Finn says to me seriously as he eyes flash gold, and he looks to my neck where this is still a faint crescent scar then back to my face.

"Number seven, Hunter Jackson." I whimper back as Finn nods with understanding.

"One last thing, give these fuckers something to really hate me for." Finn smirks at me as he flicks his head towards the other contenders.

Smiling back, I lean over the railings and smash my lips onto Finn's and kiss him with everything I have as the crowd goes absolutely wild behind us. I can taste bergamot and spice on tongue which tastes so good I grip onto Finn even tighter as his sexy scent invades my senses and I feel my wolf purr in my mind. For a few fleeting moments I'm totally lost in the kiss, however all too soon warriors come to stand behind me and Finn gets warned to move away as we begrudgingly pull apart. As I open my eyes, Finn smiles back at me lovingly.

"Mine." He whispers against my lips before giving me one of his signature smirks that always makes my heart race then jumps off the balcony doing a back flip and landing perfectly on the arena floor as more cheers erupt for the Alpha of the Black Mountains.



I walk backwards a few steps with a smile on my lips as my eyes follow Isla as she is shown back to her seat before I turn and head back to where my second and third are stood. As soon as my back is turned from Isla, my smile drops as I start to eyeball each and every fucker who's come here today that dared to try and take my girl from me.

They're fucked.

But who I'm really looking for is the asshole who's contender number seven.  He's more than fucked, he's gonna beg me for death.

As I get to number seven in the line of contenders, I come face to face with the prick who's hurt my girl and just stand in front of him and level him a stare as he smirks back at me.

"You've already lost, I've already staked my claim on her." Hunter grins at me. "I'm going to chain her to my fucking bed tonight, she's not going to see daylight for a month."

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