Part 17 - The Library

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"Holy fuck, Isla. This wasn't the debriefing I was expecting, princess." Finn growls as his grip on my hair tightens as I take in more of his cock into my mouth and suck on it hard.

I've never done this before, but from how Finn is reacting I'm pretty sure I'm doing a damn good job. As soon as Finn and the others came back from seeing the witch, I stole my man away to the library on the pretence we needed to talk alone before I pushed him into a nearby chair and started to suck on his huge dick like it was my favourite flavoured lollipop.

Finn's eyes never leave mine as he watches me with so much intensity, I'm surprised I don't set fire. His golden eyes blaze with lust as his dark pink lips are parted and panting. Every so often, a sexy growl rumbles in chest that I swear makes my core flood each time I hear it. I love how he's staring at me; I never want him ever to look at another like this. Finn is all mine.

I start to run my hand up and down his length as I continue to lick and suck his steel hard dick, I'm kidding myself to think I can take all of him into my mouth he's just way too big. However, as my hand starts to pump him harder whilst I keep sucking, It's a real big fucking turn on to see Finn's head falls back whilst he growls loudly with pleasure. His grip on my hair tightens once again as he starts to curse and thrust his dick into my mouth instructing me to take more of him which I do my best to do.

"Princess, I'm gonna fucking come. Take your pretty lips from my cock if you don't want to..." Finn tries to say but stops when I increase my speed once more showing him, I'm going fucking nowhere. 

Finn had fun devouring my pussy last night, now it's my turn to take what's mine from him. Within seconds Finn clenches his teeth together and hisses as he starts to come before a huge growl rips through his chest as warm shoots of his seed pumps into my mouth and the back of my throat. And I take it, I take it all happily before swallowing the last of his warm cum down as Finn looks down at me panting, his eyes filled with awe.

As I release Finn's cock from my mouth, he cups my face so lovingly that it makes me want to pleasure him all over again. His thumb brushes away a drip of his seed from the corner of my mouth, but instead of letting him clean it away I suck on his thumb making sure I got every drop as Finn's dick starts to get harder and harder again...until he snaps.

Before I know what's happening, I'm being picked up from off my knees and slammed up against a bookcase as Finn rips down my panties from under my dress and pistons his cock straight inside of me as I cry out with satisfaction. He growls loudly before sucking and kissing up and down my neck as I thread my fingers through his hair pulling him in closer. We both might be new to this intimate stuff, but my-fucking-God, Finn has always been a fast learner and he's already touching me exactly how I want to be touched.

"Finn." I whimper as he starts to rock into me harder and harder.

The library is silent except for the knocking of our bodies against the old wooden shelf and our grunts and groans. A book dislodges from the bookcase were fucking against hitting Finn on the head making me giggle as he starts to laugh but doesn't slow his pace. Instead, he smashes his lips onto mine as I cry out against his mouth. His tongue massages my tongue perfectly as I grip onto him tighter lost for a moment in kissing him. It's only when he suddenly jolts us away from the bookcase and pushes me onto a nearby study table that I gasp with surprise before giggling again. I love seeing Finn so authoritative and dominate with my body but also playful at the same time. As I lie flat on my back on the table, Finn throws my legs over his shoulders before ramming his cock into me with hard with powerful thrusts making my back arch from how good it feels.

I throw a hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming out as Finn rips open the front of my dress so he can watch my bare breasts bounce in rhythm to his thrusts.

"Fucking perfection." Finn growls as his eyes blaze with lust.

So far, we've not been very quiet and I don't think I'm about to get any quieter as I feel my orgasm start to build. I close my eyes and rest my head to the side of the table enjoying the feel of our bodies connecting, until Finn wraps his strong hand around my throat. I snap my eyes open as he turns my head to face him.

"Look at me when I'm fucking you." He commands sternly and it knocks me over the edge.

My legs that are still thrown over Finn's shoulders start to shake uncontrollably as I clamp them tighter arounds Finn's head.  Finn smirks at me before he rolls his hips faster penetrating me even deeper from this position. It's all too much. I can't hold back anymore. My orgasm hits me so hard my whole back arches once more off the table as tears rolls down my face. My hands claw at the table below me as I totally lose myself to Finn. I scream out with pleasure just as Finn hits his own climax and throws his head back whilst he ejaculates deep inside of me and yells out my name.

Sit fully seated inside of me, Finn pants hard with his head still fallen back as I watch his Adam's apple bob. I bite my bottom lip as I watch Finn slowly get back the control of his breathing before he looks down at me and grins. He gently kisses the inside of my legs one after each other that are still slung over his shoulders before he slowly pulls out of me and lets my legs drop down. My limbs feel like jelly as I go to sit up, but can't help smiling when Finn scoops me up in his arms and pulls me into his chest as I nuzzle into his neck.

"Ok, now you can tell me what happened with that witch." I whisper in Finn's ear as he chuckles and holds me tighter.

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