Part 3 - Alpha Bloodline

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(Isla aged 12/ Finn aged 14)

Drumming my hands on the large cherry oak desk in my father study, I sit waiting impatiently for my father to arrive for our meeting. He's late. My father is never late unless he wants to be. I know this is a tactic to get my back up before we even get started. He's pissed at me, and I'm pissed off with him for dragging me in here. If I'm being honest, we are more alike than I'd like to admit, both stubborn assholes who can never back down, it's probably why we are both so good at fighting.

My keen wolf ears finally pick up on my father's heavy-set footsteps approaching and I lean back in my chair waiting for this clusterfuck meeting to begin.

Right on cue, the two oak doors swing open and my father paces in with his usual nonchalant look on his face. He gives me a swift nod, his way of saying hello, before he takes his seat and gives out a big sigh as he studies me.

"Just say it." I grit out.

"What do you want me to say Finn? We've been through this a thousand times. You've gotta get this anger of yours under control." My father, Alpha Lucas, growls.

"He started it." I mutter quietly.

"He's gonna lose an eye. You took the challenge too far." My father barks as he slams a hand on his precious desk, making the legs buckle a little on the impact.

"He was acting inappropriately towards Isla." I murmur as I dust off some mud from my trousers.

"Christ, Finn, the kid winked at her. Clawing out his eye was a bit overkill, don't you think?" My father snarls as he grabs a heavy crystal glass and pours a big slosh of amber whiskey in it before throwing it down his neck then takes a deep breath as his ice blue eyes fix back onto mine. "We need to talk about Isla." My father says quietly.

"I'll sort it, I'll go see her right after this." I begin to say, but my father shakes his head.

"She's already gone." He interrupts as he watches my reaction carefully.

My wolf growls in my head, hearing that she's left without saying goodbye knowing it will be months before we see her again. I clench and unclench my hands under the table several times to try and calm him, but it has little effect on his bad mood.

"She was due to go home tomorrow." I say quietly, void of emotion.

"And yet she demanded to go today." My father grits back.

My wolf's eyes deceive me as they flare up with rage, I quickly look away from my father's piercing gaze already knowing full well he has seen that this news has hurt me.

"Finn." My father says gently making me slowly look up to him.

"I know why you train every day and for longer than any other warrior in this pack. You're already exceptional, you know that right?" He begins.

I don't say anything, I hate hearing praise, but I'm curious to know where this is going.

"You intend to take part in the tournament, don't you?" My father states flatly.

I take a deep gulp, unable to deny his statement as I dig my claws into my thighs.

The claiming tournament to see who will rule Red River, alongside Isla, will take place when she turns eighteen due to some legally bound bullshit agreement my father and uncle Drake made years ago. Whoever wins the tournament will not only become Alpha to my father's pack but claim Isla as their mate. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that becoming Alpha to the first place I ever considered home and following in my father's shoes isn't something that I'm unambitious to do.

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