Part 8 - Gamma Alice's Birthday

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***(This chapter takes place straight after the epilogue from book one)***

(Isla aged 15/ Finn aged 17) - 6 Months after the birthday party.


You could cut the atmosphere with a fucking meat cleaver it's so tense in here.

I do dumb shit all the time, but even I know I took things too far today.

The darkness that is always just rippling under my skin got the better of me once more, I let the anger vibrate throughout my body until blind fury won over every logical thought in my mind fell into shadow and I just...snapped.

Sighing, I pull my attention away from the window and look around the car that's as solemn as a hearse carrying a corpse to see my father, Lucas, looking as agitated as fuck opposite me as he curls and uncurls his hands. My other father has opted to sit up front to ignore my presence entirely after the little stunt I pulled at the Gamma's home.

This is gonna be a long drive home.

"Stop the car." The Alpha roars making everyone including myself jump as our driver Matthews, suddenly slams on the breaks and we all lunge a little forward at the abrupt stop.

"Matthews, get out and walk hundred yards away from the car. I want the rest of our convoy to head on and out of hearing distance. I want privacy. Now." Barks my father, the alpha, leaving no room for negotiation.

I watch as Matthews does as he's commanded before turning back to look at my other father, Oliver, who's sat up from in the front passenger as he curses.

"For fuck sake, can we just go home Luke." Groans my father, Oliver, who's resting his head against the window, refusing to look back at myself or his mate.

"No, It can't." The Alpha grunts back, before he sighs, and his tone turns gentler. "Oliver, please. Sit back here. I want us to talk as a family."

For a moment I think my dad Oliver is going to ignore his mate, when suddenly he gives out a huge, animated groan that would rival an aggressive high school girl cheerleader, before he gets out the car's front passenger seat and slamming it closed behind him. He then yanks the backdoor seat open and slumps down next to me with his arms crossed over his chest and lips tightly pursed. The Alpha pulls the door closed after him as it's clear the Captain of the Delta squad sure as shit isn't going to do it himself and we all sit in an awkward silence for a moment.

"I'm sorry." I say quietly not able to look at either of them.

I don't find apologises easy, but when it comes to my dad's, I will always try and be as respectful as possible. They deserve to have such a better son than me.

My father Lucas makes a slow sigh as he runs a hand over his face with frustration, but my other father Oliver just rolls his eyes and looks out of the window as if holding back yelling at me.

"I've failed you, Finn." My father, Lucas, grits out.

I snap my head to look at him with confusion.

"You seem so lost all of the time." He continues as I chew my bottom lip unsure what to say. "Since you found out you couldn't compete in the tournament you've been like a lost pup, angry and resentful. You've become cruel to Isla, blaming her when none of this is her fault."

I frown, shaking my head, my claws digging into my thighs once more.

"This Omega ranking of yours hangs around your neck like a silver chain, doesn't it?" The Alpha continues as my other father sits up a little straighter in his seat seemingly as uncomfortable about this topic as I am.

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