Part 29 - The Tournament (Part 1)

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I close my eyes and listen to the echoing sounds coming from the arena and feel like I'm about to pass out from the sheer volume that the crowd outside is making in the bleachers. My parents should've been here to accompany me to the arena's viewing platform, but since they've been accused of putting me at risk from allowing a witch to tamper with my wolf they've been banned and forced to sit with the Red River pack as if they hold no rank.

I'm alone.

I know he won't come.

I've betrayed him by getting marked by another and broken his heart by telling him to stay away. No one has heard from Finn for days and I've no one to blame but myself. Vile rumours have been circulated everywhere about me, no doubt he's heard some of them by now. I knew I was never worthy to have such a mate, he deserves better. He deserves someone unbroken.

Finn was right, there's no happy ending for us but it was a nice dream whilst it lasted.

"Lady Isla, it's time." A warrior from the council says to me gruffly as my eyes snap open and my body stiffens up in panic.

I slowly nod to the wolf who's been watching me under house arrest since Elder Warren's visit to my father's pack a few days ago.

"Oh fuck, Oh fuck, Oh fuck." I chant to myself as I climb the stairs as the noise gets louder.

My hands are shaking as I hold onto the black fabric of my dress, so I don't trip. However, as I reach the top of the stairs, I stumble a little from my nerves, but another warrior catches me by my elbow, so I don't fall back. As I look up I see that it's a warrior I know.

"Thank you, Sanders." I say to him weakly, forcing a small smile on my lips as my eyes drop back to the floor.

"I've seen you do some crazy shit over the years, but one thing I know for sure, you ain't no coward. You're an alpha female. So, get that chin up and show them who's fucking boss like I know you can." Sanders says to me seriously taking me by surprise as he's always been so cold towards me in the past, but something about his words make me feel better as I slowly look back up to him. "You've got this, Luna." He says firmly.

I take a deep a breath, straighten my back and nod to him as his eyes go soft and he pulls back the curtain revealing the arena entrance to the viewing platform that I'm forced to sit and watch from.

"Courage Isla, just move your fucking feet." I whisper to myself as I step forward from the darkness of the corridor and into the light of the arena.

As soon as I do, a huge ground shaking cheer erupts from the Red River Pack as they welcome me home to take my place as Luna, it's so loud it leaves goosebumps on my skin as I look around the arena in awe. The whole pack has come in its thousands. Red River hasn't had a Luna since my grandmother died nearly thirty-five years ago. However, after all the rumours that's been circulating about me these last few days about being weak and having a damaged wolf I thought they'd all hate me. I thought they'd all be disappointed in me but all I see and hear is love and devotion as I look around that brings tears to my eyes. Even my wolf, as weak as she is, hums in my head with satisfaction making me briefly smile to feel her presence.

Holding my chin up high, I head down the steps towards where my seat has been placed, scowling when I see that Elder Warren has been seated to my left, just like the devil he is. There are six other council members next to him. On my right-hand side is an empty seat where my Uncle Lucas is supposed to be sat, my heart drops when I see that its empty. Luckily, my Uncle Oliver is the next seat down and throws me an encouraging smile to come and join him which calms my heart a little to see a familiar face.

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