Part 15- The Witch of Red River

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"Look, there on the trees. We're here." Dax exclaims as he points to the four huge Redwood trees that have the symbols of fire, water, earth and air carved out on their barks.

I nod at Dax, before I pull out the black stone rune and turn it over in my palm. The black obsidian stone is ice cold in my hand as I run my fingertips over the symbols that match those that are on the trees. Nothing happens. I thought the stone would light up or do some witchy shit, but nothing.

Cursing, I spin the stone in my hand once more when Kai suddenly grabs my arms making me look up from the rune and take a step back in surprise. There at the feet of the giant redwood trees now stands a small cottage where once only a grass bank had been growing. The cottage isn't huge, but it looks to be well looked after. There's a small garden in front that looks to be full of herbs and plants. I frown when I see and smell the unmistakable Belladonna plant otherwise known as wolfsbane growing in her borders. I'm guessing the witch likes wolves as much as wolves like her.

"Fuck." I murmur.

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea." Kai says to me quietly. "You know I've always wanted you and my sister to be together but messing with magic is a mistake."

"Pops said we could rely on her for help, so we need to try this." Cass butts in.

"No offence, but you two are still pups and I can't say I'm best pleased that you're planning on moving out of my pack without telling me. Does your dad know?" Kai questions in a hushed voice.

"Maybe we were meant to be more than just trackers or scouts, Kai." Dax says seriously as Cass nods in agreement.

"Look, I'm going in. Whoever wants to come, then come. I'm not forcing anyone to follow me inside." I say, growing inpatient. Pack politics can wait.

Kai sighs. "I'm coming otherwise Isla will cut my balls off."

A small smile hits my lips as soon as I think about Isla, giving me the courage I need to get my legs to start moving. Before I know it, I'm stood in front of the red doored cottage and knocking heavily on the blistered wooden paint. For a moment there is absolute silence before my wolf ears pick up a shuffling noise from within. Calming my wolf, I take a deep breath as the door swings open.

"Well, hey there sweetness. You're right on time."


The cottage is hot. It's summer outside, but there's a fire on making the place a sweat box. The air is full of so many different spices and herbs, it's almost sensory overload for my wolf who keeps wrinkling his nose up and pacing around my head. He's on edge, just as I am.

Dax, Cass and I are all sat squashed up on a long thread bare sofa that looks centuries old, whereas Kai is sat perched on a kitchen wooden chair that he's way too big for. In front of us sits four drinks of an amber liquid I'm suspecting is not just simply whiskey that not one of us has dared to try.

I look to Cass who is sat on my right, but he just shrugs his shoulders unsure what the witch is up to himself after she let us in here, offered us our drinks before disappearing into what I suspect is her bedroom.

Just as I'm about to knock on her bedroom door to call her back, the door fly's open and stood in the doorway is the witch with a huge smile across.

"Welcome. Welcome to my humble home my darlings!" Hazel exclaims theatrically as she takes a big puff on her cigar.

My eyes go wide as I can't help myself scan over the witch's face and body. Hazel looks to be in her late sixty's. She's attractive I guess for her age, with her long flowing grey and white hair. Like all witches she has amethyst eyes that are now glowing with excitement. But what's most surprising is that Hazel has decided for this business meeting to change into what I can only presume is her finest satin underwear, knee high tights, a see through nightdress and black feather bower. She kind of has the look of a 1920's, art deco, back street club singer about her. Most worryingly, she looks like she would like to fuck all of us then literally eat us.

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