Part 27 - The Night Walker Pack

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Ice cold water hitting my face and body snaps me from unconsciousness as I jolt awake and quickly sit up to take in my surroundings.

Fuck. We're fucked.

"Well, isn't this a familiar sight." Snickers a deep voice that sends a shiver down my spine.

I've only seen my grandfather once before, it was many years ago, long before I knew who he really was. He'd come to Red River when I was a boy to announce he was taking a seat on the Elders council. I'd come back early from a hunting trip to see my father Lucas and Elder Warren screaming in each other's faces in the driveway. Even then, I knew there could be nothing good about this wolf from just seeing how angry he'd made the Alpha of Red River.

My father rarely ever lost his composure with outsiders, sure he can be surly motherfucker at times, but not often will he let someone truly get under his skin like my grandfather's announcement did that day. Over the years I found out more and more about Elder Warren and his packs notorious reputation. Not only was it widely believed but never proved that he'd financed and supplied warriors to the attack Red River the year my dad became Alpha, but he also ran his pack with an iron fist. In short, he's one nasty power-hungry dick, and my father never forgave the council to allow him a seat.

I shift my eyes to the other cells and see that Cass is still knocked out cold lying across the stone floor from the wolfsbane drug, but Dax is slowly waking up and rubbing the back of his head where he'd been whacked over the head by the butt of a gun. My eyes snap back to the large, shadowed figure who's leaning against a wall smoking before he throws his cigarette to the floor and steps closer towards the silver bars of my cell.

My grandfather's eyes roam the barred wall between us before he looks down at me with a smirk on his lips.

"This isn't the first time I've seen you sat looking helpless behind a high wall of metal bars." Elder Warrens muses as his hazel eyes meet my own. "I know exactly who you are and why you've trespassed on my lands."

I say nothing and let old fucking gramps do all the talking as my wolf begins to push hard to regain his strength from being drugged. My grandfather pulls across a metal chair, letting the legs scrape across the stone floor before he sits down comfortably opposite me as I bare my teeth at him with disgust as he tidies down his suit unaffected by my hostility towards him.

"They thought she was a rogue at first. The mystery girl who dropped down dead on Alpha Drakes pack borders with her son in her arms." My grandfather spits with agitation before his eyes fix back onto mine. "As if i'd sire such a wolf!"

That fucker knew.

Again, I say nothing and leave him to speak as he obviously enjoys the sound of his own voice whilst I try and work out how to get the fuck out of here alive with my Beta and Gamma. I don't even know how fucking long we've been knocked out for. From the tiredness from my limbs I'm guessing a fair few hours.

"When the investigation started and her picture was circulated around, I knew It was my Jennifer. She looked... different... but it was her none the less. I faked some reason or another to visit Drakes pack. I wanted to see her with my own eyes one-last-time, to see what a true disappointment she'd become. So, I slipped away from my group to head to the healer's unit... and there you fucking were. Age six. Sat alone behind the high walls of the orphanage. The strange, quiet boy with the scars all over his back. I knew instantly who you were."

He's got my attention now. I bite down on my molars hard to suppress my rage, keeping my face as emotionless as possible. Because fuck him. I won't let him see how much this hurts.

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