Part 5 - Party's over

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(Isla aged 15/ Finn aged 17)

"What the fuck were you thinking? Daniella's a total skank, man." Hudson growls at me before taking a sip of his ice water as I throw down whatever this pink shit is in a cocktail glass.

Hudson's on duty. As part of his Gamma training, he's been added to the protection team looking after Alpha Drake and his family tonight whilst they're at Red River so he'll not as much as touch a drop of alcohol, whereas I'm hoping to drink enough till I pass out. Luckily, as I've just stolen a whole tray of drinks from a shocked looking omega, I've now got a monopoly of booze at my disposal to help me on my way. Only issue is, my fucking wolf so far won't allow that to happen and would rather keep me sober to remember all the dumb shit I've done recently thus keeping me miserable. What a dick.

"You better apologise to her, Finn. I mean it." Continues Hudson as I scoff rolling my eyes, before knocking another drink down my throat.

"You've got your own issues. Don't get involved with mine." I snap at him before I flick my head towards the dance floor to where Kai and Beth are dancing together closely. The Beta's daughters flame red hair making her impossible to miss even in a packed ball room.

Hudson's eyes snap straight onto the couple dancing as I see his Adam's apple bob before he quickly looks away.

"I'm going walk around the perimeter and check in with my team." Hudson mutters as he puts his drink down a little too hard and half the contents spill on the table. "...oh and Finn, don't do anything else stupid tonight. OK, bud?" He says over his shoulder as he turns and walks away before I can answer.

Fuck, I really am an asshole at times. Hudson's one of the good guys, he doesn't deserve me giving him shit about Beth. As much as I get on well with Kai, he's always ball's deep with some girl or another whilst keeping Beth on the side like a trophy piece of ass. That being said, she's a fucking idiot not to see a good thing when it's right in front of her.

As my eyes continue to watch the multitude of dancing couples, the familiar feeling of ennui starts to take root that no amount of alcohol can drown out. Sighing, I put down my glass finally giving up trying to get drunk. Just as I'm about to turn and leave and hide out in our families private wing I catch sight of Isla weaving her way through the crowds and disappearing through a side door near the back of the hall. Frowning, I look to where Alpha Drakes warriors are stationed but they're being fucking useless and looking completely in the wrong direction, not even noticing that Isla has given them the slip.

My wolf growls in my head that no one is keeping an eye on her with so many non-pack members in our territory. We're not exactly on the best terms these days, but she's still under my father's protection non the less. Even when I stood her up earlier this evening, I posted a warrior outside her room to make sure her safety wasn't compromised.

Fuck it. I'll follow her myself.

As I stalk across the room, the little brunette from earlier come to block my path. Her pointy polished fingernails play with my tie as she steps closer, right into my space as she flutters her eye lashes to look up at me. "Maybe we could carry on...." she begins in a sultry voice.

"Move." I snarl at her as I rip my tie out of her hand before ignoring her entirely and continuing my pursuit of Isla.

Pushing the door open, I find myself in one of the outdoor patio areas that leads to the large walled garden. It only takes me a few moments to spot Isla stood at the railing looking upwards and away in the distance up to the moon that's half out tonight and a mass of twinkling stars.

"You know you're not supposed to be out here alone." I begin, when I notice she jumps and looks to be brushing tears away from her face.

"I'll go back in there in a minute." Isla replies quietly.

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