Part 34 - Floating Stars

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"Are you ready to put it on?"

Chewing my lower lip, I nervously turn around and nod. "Ok, let's do this."

"You know, I always wanted a daughter, but then when I look at you, I realise I've always had one. I can barely remember one memory of my boys without you in it." Smiles Alice as my cheeks heat up.

I've always loved Gamma Alice; she's got that perfect mix of being sassy and authoritative but also has the biggest heart of anyone I know. As my mum's best friend, she has always been someone I could turn to and rely on, that is when she could be prised away from her mate.

"Thank you for helping me dress today." I say to her seriously.

"You know, it's not too late. I could call your mum to come back here." Alice says to me as she squeezes my hand gently.

I sigh and shake my head, "They got an invite to my ceremony, that's the best I can do at the minute, Alice. Plus, I'm wearing the dress she picked out, that's something right?"

"Well, your mum always did have flawless taste." Alice smiles at me.

I roll my eyes and pull a face as Alice's laughs. I know she's right, my mum does have killer taste, but I'd rather die than admit that to anyone.

"Ok, I'm ready." I say, puffing out some air to calm my nerves. Alice nods before she turns to go into my cupboard and brings back a large dress bag.

"Oh, I don't think that's the right one?" I frown, looking at the covering.

"Your mum switched the dresses." Alice smiles mischievously as a small growl vibrates in my dress with annoyance.

"Of course, she did. Why can't she just stop meddling..." The words catch in my throat as Alice unzips the bag and I see that's it's my grandmothers dress and I put a hand to my mouth from the shock.

As I come closer and run my hand over the delicate fabric, I can see that it's been altered to fit my size with a slightly updated neckline. The long A-line tulle dress is simple but utterly exquisite, I've always loved it. The back dips down into a low V with intricate details at the seams of stars and moons. There's a long train that floats at the back that has diamantes sewn in, they look just like stars from the night sky.

"Well, shit." I smile as tear runs down my face.

"No crying, you'll ruin your make up." Alice smiles as she wipes away my tear. "So, I'm guessing you like this?" She says with a raised eyebrow as I nod enthusiastically.

As Alice helps me step into my Luna gown, I can't help but keep running my hands over the fabrics.

"She heard how much you liked the necklace." Alice says as she flicks her head to my birthday gift that's already around my neck.

"Your mum thought you'd like the dress to match." Alice says as she steps away, and I turn to look in the mirror.

I slowly look myself over hardly believing it's me that's actually looking back. Of all the dresses I've ever worn this one is beyond beautiful, it's perfect. I've only applied my make up light as I know Finn hates anything too heavy, it's just enough to make my eyes pop and add some colour to my lips. My golden hair is mainly loose with large bouncy curls around my shoulders, finished off with a plaited headband of my own hair on top. I didn't bother with earrings because my necklace is more than enough. But most of all, what I love the more than anything is my crescent shaped mating mark from Finn that the gown doesn't hide. The dresses neckline leaves it on show for all to see. My gift from my alpha, my mate.

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