Part 4 - The Birthday Party

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3 years later - (Isla aged 15/ Finn aged 17)

My tie itches like a motherfucker.

I pull and yank at it to try and get it to sit comfortably but it just feels like a noose around my neck.

I hate balls and dances. I hate all the society bullshit that goes with being part of a high-ranking family. However, as the adoptive son of Alpha Lucas Ramsey of the Red River pack and Captain Oliver Conway of the packs Delta squad, I have no choice but to be here pretending to be the dutiful son when all I want to do is high tail it out of this place and let loose in the forest.

I'm a wolf. Not a fucking ballroom dancer.

Yet here I am, stood watching from the dark shadows of the first-floor balcony that overlooks the entrance hall as high-ranking wolves and warriors arrive in their finest attire into our home to disturb my peace. My eyes fix onto my fathers who are welcoming them by the large doorway. My father, Oliver, is talking animatedly to some guests I don't recognise whilst I can't help the small smile that tugs at my lips when I see my other father, Lucas, pulling at his tie with discomfort and scowling. He hates these fucking parties as much as me, whereas my other dad seems to relish in them.

Today is Isla's fifteen birthday. I should've escorted her down from her bedroom to the party nearly forty minutes ago, but I couldn't quite bring myself to expose her to all the unmated male wolves that are stalking around the dance floor waiting for her to arrive. Tonight, the future Luna to this pack, will be formally introduced into Wolf's high society to officially start her search for who her parents deem a worthy mate. Something I'm certainly considered not to be due to my obscure background, omega ranking and short temper.

Her parents have given Isla three years to meet as many eligible males as possible from an alpha bloodline in the hopes she will find a connection with at least a few of these pricks. So, when the time comes for the actual tournament to see who will rule Red River alongside her when she turns eighteen, they are convinced that at least one of her favourites will be the winner and it's all sunshine and fucking roses.

A connection.

A true connection.

As if that's so easy to come by.

As if this can be manipulated in some way.

Huffing to myself, I turn to start heading down the stairs to finally make an appearance to what will no doubt be a car wreck of a party when my wolf starts to pace about in my mind. I already know why before I've even seen her. Even in a large crowd like this, I just know instinctively that she's here. My grip on the balcony railings tightens as Isla steps into the hall and the whole rooms attention switches on her.

Tonight, she's dressed in a long red dress that no doubt her mother chose for her to wear. The fabric clings to her body like a second skin, showing off all her curves and best assets. I clench my jaw as I see all the unmated male wolves' eyes roaming all over her body lustfully, after all she's the prize that none of them can wait to try and claim.

I rub a hand over my face to try and calm myself down as my wolf starts to get even more agitated. I could stay up here, hidden away from her to avoid any awkward exchanges, but that's not my style at all. I must be a fucking masochist, because even though seeing her flirting or dancing with other male's will be more torture than the large silver burn that runs across my back, I'll still never miss a chance to spend time with this girl.

As I'm about to start my descent, I come to abrupt stop when I see Alpha Drake introducing Isla to some fucking blonde headed prick with a stupid lopsided grin that makes him look like a right dumb shit. My wolf snarls in my mind when I see Isla plaster a fake smile on her face and force a laugh at his joke.

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