Part 12 - My Queen

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"How can you say it's not enough? His eyes are more golden than the pissing sun." My father the Alpha snarls down the phone as I watch him pacing up and down his office. "That's bullshit, utter bullshit and you know it!"

I'm agitated to fuck and it's not just because the phone call to the wolf council is going so badly. My wolf's not happy to be apart from Isla, she's currently the other side of the pack house in the library with my other father trying to find answers to why my wolf has suddenly emerged as an alpha after all these years. But my wolf can't be reasoned with him, he wants her back in my arms and curled up safe on my lap. I pinch the bridge of my nose then shake my head to try to focus on the important phone call that's going on right in front of me, but my mind keeps shifting, urging me to storm out of this very office to go track her down.

A large bang on my father's desk snaps me out of my inner battle for a moment as I look up frowning at why the Alpha has slammed his palm on it until he covers the mouthpiece of his phone and whispers to me, 'calm your wolf,' before returning to the call.

I furrow my brows in confusion until I look down at my father's desk and see I've run several deep claw marks right across the luxurious wood that I'd not even noticed I'd done. 

Well. Shit.

"What about the fucking witch on my territory? What's that got to do about any of this?" My father snarls once more that has my eyes snap back up to look at him.


Since fucking when does a witch live at Red River?

Wolves and witches do not get on, in fact they fucking hate each other.

"You can't be serious? No witch can cast a spell to do that. No, don't put me on hold. Don't put me on fucking..." My father growls loudly before he throws his mobile phone hard against the wall and it smashes on impact before he slumps down into his chair with a huge huff.

"You can buy me a new fucking desk when all this over." My father scolds me as he pours himself a large whiskey and knocks it back in one go.

"Sure." I roll my eyes. "So, went well huh?"

"They're fucking cocksuckers. They think you've faked it to get a place at the tournament by getting a witch to shine your eyes up."

"Fucking hell." I growl with frustration as I run a hand over my face. I should've expected this, I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. Nothing in this fucking world is ever that simple.

"You gonna tell me about that witch?" I say with a raised eyebrow as I cross my arms over.

My father Lucas huffs before he pours himself another drink. "Actually, I think it's about time you go see her, but she's difficult, a real piece of fucking work. She's only fucking here because Krane insisted I take her in."

"Krane?" My mind instantly trails back to the twins visit a few days ago, this can't be a coincidence.

Just when I'm about to question my father further I hear approaching footsteps and the subtle scent of honeysuckle and peaches coming our way and my wolf perks up making me forget what I was just talking about.

As the door begins to open, I shoot to my feet just as Isla marches in with an armful of books and a determined look on her face whilst being accompanied by two guards. I instantly stalk forwards, throw the books from her hands to the floor before picking her up so she's at the same eye level as me, making her yelp out with surprise.

"You've been too long." I growl.

A huge smile spreads across those sexy lips of hers as she cups my face looking at me so much love in her eyes it makes my chest rumble with satisfaction.

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