Part 31 - The Tournament (Part 3)

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I'm already in the ring waiting for him as he swaggers over with his boys in tow like he's on a beach cruising for girls on Spring break. My eyes turn to molten lava as I see him smiling and winking at the girls in the crowd with those big old pearly whites of his. The same ones that ripped into my girl's skin and flooded her system with his poison.

My wolf snarls in my head and I couldn't agree more. Let's make Hunter hurt.

It's late into the afternoon now. The sun that was beating down on us earlier has disappeared behind huge dark stormy cloud which matches my current mood. Gentle pattering of rain drops start to splash onto my skin and arena floor, I close my eyes for a moment and take in the sound to help me keep my emotions under control.

Losing is not an option.

Everything has led up to this moment.

I will either take the win or die trying.

Snapping my eyes open, I get into my attack stance as my wolf energy flows through me like an electrical storm as I hear the crowds all around me chanting my name. I dare not look around to Isla, seeing her anguished face will just steer me off course.

All this is for her. She has always been the end goal.

"Well, here we are." Hunters cockily smiles at me as he enters the ring with a spear in one hand and two throwing knives in his belt. "I was hoping it would be you I'd face in the end."

I say nothing. I give away nothing. As nothing he says matters to me, all I care about is the ring of that...

The staring bell resonates loudly across the arena as the crowd erupts into cheers and I spring forward at lighting speed towards contender number seven. Hunter, a little taken off guard by the bell from being too cocky, is quick to recover and throws his spear at me like an Olympian javelin thrower. It's strong, powerful and on target, but I'm faster, as I dart to the side and duck away from it as I keep sprinting towards him.

Hunters' eyes flare gold now, he bares his teeth as he pulls out both silver throwing knives and takes aim. Pulling back his arm he throws the first blade which yet again I duck away from, before he snarls with frustration and throws the second blade. This time I catch it, flip it in my hand and throw it back at him so it sinks deep into his thigh as he yells out in pain before he drops to his knee.

That's right dickhead, I hope that silver blade fucking burns.

Before he can even pull the blade out, I jump onto him, slamming his body onto his back then pinning him to the ground with my knees and hands.

"What's wrong, Hunter? Where's that fucking smile gone?" I spit out at him quietly in his ear as he growls and snarls at me. "Don't be shy, let's see that fucking smile."

I grab his jaw up tight with one hand as I continue to hold him down with my knees, before smirking at him evilly then I savagely start to rip out his teeth with my bare hands as he gurgles and screams with pain.

The shocked crowd quietens around me as Hunter fills the arena with his screams as I snap his teeth right out of his mouth and throw them away into the dirt. Admittedly this isn't something you'd often see in a challenge, but I thought the punishment was rather fitting for the crime. His wolf tries to protect him by letting his canines grow, but more fucking fool him, they're exactly the ones I wanted. I punch at them like my knuckles are a mortar brick before they loosen, and I yank those big bad boys out as well as Hunter screams in agony.

Smirking, I land a few powerful jabs to his stomach that I know will sting before I get to my feet to look over my work, it's a masterpiece. His toothless mangled mouth is pouring with blood as he cries and whimpers in agony on the arena floor as the rain starts to come down a little harder. I look up to Isla as I see tears of running down her face whilst her dad hugs her around the shoulders, before I hold up Hunters wolf canines then throw them across the arena floor in disgust so the crowd can get a good look at them.

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