Part 7 - It's for the best

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(Isla aged 15/ Finn aged 17)

"What a fucking mess." Growls my father as he paces around our large guest bedroom suite before running his hand over his long silver braid of hair.

I sigh, sinking deeper into my chair as I stare at my untouched fruit salad that I have absolutely no appetite for. All I want to do is to go back to bed, throw the duvet over my head and hide from the world. The very last thing I want to do is to be sat at breakfast with my parents as they tell me what a fuck up, I continue to be.

"It wasn't Isla's fault, dad." Kai tries to reason as he stuffs his face from the huge meat feast platter that takes up most the table.

It appears he has forgotten all about his own drunken antics last night, he's not even got a fucking hangover!

"We're not saying it was..." My mother chirps in as she gets up from the breakfast table and holds her hands up to stop my father pacing about the room. He instantly stops at her touch.

My father dwarfs my mother so much so it's almost comical to see them next to each other at times. Yet as small and gentle as she is, she could bring my father to his knees if she merely requested it. My father's angered face quickly morphs into a soft one as he looks down at his mate lovingly and strokes her face, before she guides him to sit down and join us.

My father grabs the large tray of meats and starts scooping sizeable portions on his plate as my mother presses a kiss to his forehead then takes the seat next to him. For a few moments there is calm, but I know this isn't over.

As soon as the Alpha looks up from his plate and sees me, I can see irritation grow on his face once more and he slams the platter down making the china rattle across the table.

"Have we taught you nothing? You should never be alone with unmated males. First you get yourself in trouble with Alpha Farrows son that could very well end up with me going war with his family, then after all that I discover you've snuck out to go to a fucking bar with Finn!" My father growls. "That boy is bad news, you're not to go near him anymore."

I shoot to my feet enraged. "So, this is all my fault!" I scream as I look to Kai with disbelief to see if he'll help me, but he just looks down at his plate avoiding my gaze. Fucking coward!

"You dress me up and parade me about like a prize cow at a meat market and when someone wants to sample the goods, I'm to blame. And as for Finn, he didn't take me to the bar, he was the one trying to drag me back home. Get your facts right, Alpha!"

I push my chair over and start marching out the suite.

"Isla." My father calls out my name through gritted teeth.

As I get to the doorway, I turn to look at my parents with disgust.

"Let's not forget the reason I'm forced to do all this, become Luna to Red River and mate with a total fucking stranger in the first place, is so you two could be together. What about what I fucking want?" I seethe before I run from the room, slamming the door behind me as I go.

I'm still only in my white linen pyjamas and bare foot as I race down the hallway, then down the long spiralling stairs where a whole team of Omega's are on clear up duty sweeping up broken champagne glass and bottles. Pink and grey balloons idly float about the destruction as I tip toe my way around them and slip out of the room at back into the side garden, finally taking a huge gasp of fresh air as soon as I step outside.

"GGRRR!" I growl out in frustration as I stomp over to the balcony railing, before I kick it hard, then turn and slump down on the floor with my knees tucked into my chin before I sigh.

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