Part 28 - Beta V Beta

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"You're Jay Miller, aren't you?" Dax growls as he moves closer to the bars to his left to get a better look at the wolf in the next cell to him.

Well fuck. This day's turning out to be a right shit show.

"You have her eyes." Whispers Jay as a small smile tugs at his lips whilst he's transfixed on Dax's brown orbs, looking at them almost longingly.

However, without warning, Jay reaches through the bars and grabs Dax around his head and slams his face against the silver bars and holds him against it. "...but you have his face."

"Dax!" I yell as I get to my feet in alarm as Dax screams out in pain.

The silver from the cell bars melts two lines into his skin above his eyebrow and down his cheek before Dax manages to wrestle away and fall back to the floor hissing with pain as Jay watches on smiling at the damage he caused.

"You're a fucking sicko." Spit's Dax as he winces on the floor as I stand helplessly watching from across the room.

"You were meant to be mine. My son, not his." Snarls Jay. "I would have taught you better."

Dax slowly gets to his feet then spits in Jays face through the bars. "You're dead to my family and once I get out of here, I'll make sure you stay dead this time."

"Well, you certainly inherited Cole's arrogance." Jay muses as he wipes the spit from his face. "...but I see that you're the weaker twin, let me guess, you're the Gamma. Let's see if the other one is more like me." Jay smirks as his eyes fall onto Cassian who is still passed out, his smile falters then he frowns.

"Guard. Guard." Jay yells out as his eyes flare with anger.

Within minutes a scowling guard marches into the cells. "What fucking now, pet." He snarls.

"Send for the healer. Now you fool. He's barely breathing, and Elder Warren will not take kindly to him dying under your watch." Seethes Jay as he points to Cassian who's in the cells next to me.

"Cass?" Yells Dax in alarm.

I'm a little taken aback how much authority Jay seems to have even in his dishevelled state. Not knowing if this is just another game of Jays' or not, I drop to my knees and reach through the bars to feel Cassian's chest.

Fuck, he's right. Cass is barely breathing.

"Now!" I yell at the guard.

Growling, the guard turns on his feet and heads out of the door.

"Tick tock, Tick tock. He doesn't have long." Whispers Jay as he taps his fingers together impatiently ignoring Dax who keeps curses at him.

"Cassian?" I plead to him once more, but he's as cold and as still as a stone.

A few moments later the guard swings the door open, closely followed by a healer that looks a little old than me with dark black hair who's carrying a medical bag. The healer looks around the room with surprise to see so many new inmates before his eyes fall on Cassian.

"Open the door." The healer says sternly to the guard.

"I'm under strict orders not..."

"I said open the fucking door, Clint. How can I save him from here?" The healer bites back.

Sighing the guard unlocks the door and steps aside as the healer hurry's in and kneels down next to Cass and starts to check him over.

"You can wait outside." He says coolly to the guard as he reaches for his bag and starts searching through it.

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