Part 21 - The Grand Hall Casino

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"Just let it fucking go will you, get your game face on." I growl at Dax who still has a face like thunder whilst Cass pulls Astrid by the arm through the dimly lighted Casino just behind us.

"Fine." Scowls Dax.

Ignoring his shitty attitude, my eyes scan around the Casino, clocking that there's heavily armed security teams posted at each exit. The Casino fucking stinks of stale booze, cigarettes and sex. I hate it here as so does my wolf, it's starting to trigger bad memories of where I grew up. I drop my eyes to the floor for a moment taking a deep breath to keep my wolf under control, this is going to be harder than I ever imagined if I can't control my emotions.

The Casino Hall is bathed in gold and red lights and jammed packed with the worst kind of people you'd ever want to meet frittering their money away or getting lap dances by emotionally void looking females who have little to no clothes on. I look over my shoulder to Astrid who's chewing on her bottom lip looking around nervously as I nod to Cass to move her closer to him after a large wolf tries lean into her and smell her hair. Fuck, maybe this was a bad idea bringing her especially at how many stares she's getting. She's starting to gain a lot of interest.

Fresh meat for the hungry wolves. Fucking pricks!

If the Delta squad is correct, the door that leads to the records room we're trying to access is behind the back of the main stage where it will take us to a staircase that we need to follow, taking us two floors down. These might be scum bags running things here, but just like the brothel I was raised in, they will be meticulous when it comes to money and profits. I have no doubts they will have clear records on their auction sales, my only concern is getting into that fucking room.

As we keep moving towards the door, the scene here gets even seedier. I keep my face as neutral as possible, but my fists tighten up instinctively with the disgust and rage I'm feeling. I try to shift my gaze away from the stage that comes up on the left-hand side, but it's hard not to look when a female is groaning with fake enthusiasm whilst being strapped down on a table as another female has her head between her parted legs and is eating her out as a crowd of drunk fucks cheer and encourages them on.

A low growl rumbles in my chest, to think my mum was kidnapped and sold here makes me feel fucking sick. I can feel my wolf starting to pace in my head wanting to shift and rip apart all these fucking horrors that laughably call themselves men and set free the poor girls that are trapped here. The urge to shift starts to consume me until I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder, and I snap my head to look at Dax.

"Calm your wolf, bud." He says to me seriously in a hushed tone making me realise that I was starting to use my aura once more. "I want to save all the girls from here too. But that's not our mission for today. We've got to stay focused. When you become Alpha, I'll happily tear this fucking place to the ground with you. But not today."

Taking a deep breath, I then run a hand over my face before nodding to Dax for grounding me yet again when I'm starting to lose it. Once again, he reminds me so much of his dad when he's been serious like this, which is funny because usually they are so different.

"One day we'll come back here and raise fucking hell." I say in a hushed voice as Cass and Dax's eyes flair silver briefly before they nod once in union.

"Let's get this fucking over with. "I growl quietly, before turning and continuing towards the door. Luckily as everyone is so captivated with the sex show, no one is paying us much attention as we slip around the back and through the door.

Taking two flights down, we only see one other wolf that Dax at lightning speed knocks out before I'd even seen the guy come around the corner before I help throw him into a nearby storage room.

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