Part 11 - Golden

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It's late afternoon by the time I arrive at the Red River territory. As soon as my car snaked through the dark forest path then was suddenly bathed in the sunlight of the open road when we entered the packs valley my wolf purred with happiness. It felt like I was coming home.

As I step out of the car, my breath hitches as I take in the full beauty of the pack house as if I've never really seen it clearly before.  I guess I was always too busy playing in the gardens to really appreciate the grand stately grey stone building with huge ornate oak doors with the large brass wolf door knockers. Flowers and plants are everywhere. There're window boxes full of wildflowers that look to have come from the meadow which sit under each bay window and across every floor. Plus, two huge magnolia trees stand either side of the entrance walkway that look so elegant with their white star shaped flowers but what really grabs my attention is the sweet fragrance that's coming from the golden honeysuckle climbing plant that's weaving its way around the entrance door, which I'm sure is a new addition since I was last here.

As I stand looking towards the pack house in awe, my ears pick up the sound of feet on gravel behind me. Before I even have the chance to turn around, I hear my uncle's deep but friendly baritone voice calling my name and I spin around to see the Alpha of Red River and his mate striding towards me with huge smiles on their faces. Both are just dressed in shorts, which makes me think they've just come back from running their wolves together. These two set the standard for 'couple goals'.

"Isla." My uncle repeats as he scoops me up and gives me a huge warm hug lifting me right off my feet making me smile instantly. However, as he goes to set me down, I can't bring it on myself to let him go. I've not hugged my dad like this in years and my uncles the carbon copy of him. It all comes crashing down on me how much I've not only missed my uncle, but I miss my dad too. So instead of letting go, I just end up clinging onto my uncle longer and gripping onto him tightly as I hold back sobbing into his chest.

"I missed you too, kiddo." My Uncle Lucas whispers in my ear.

I finally give out a shaky breath before I nod letting him know that he can put me back onto my feet and take a few steps back before I'm then suddenly bundled into my Uncle Oliver's strong arms as he plants a big kiss on my forehead making me giggle.

"Hey Uncle Oliver." I smile.

"Hey little lady," he grins back at me before he too finally releases me then looks me over. "Not so little anymore, huh? My god, you're all grown up now."

I give him a sheepish smile as my cheeks heat up before I look around to see if Finn is with them as my heart pounds madly in my chest expecting him to appear from the tree line at any moment...but he doesn't come. There's no sign of him. Nothing.

I try to hide my disappointment, no doubt the news of my surprise arrival would have been announced by now by the border patrol team. So, the only explanation for his no show is that he doesn't want to see me. My wolf whimpers in my head at his disinterest.

I clear my throat that suddenly feels dry before looking back to my Uncle Lucas. "I hope you don't mind my visit...I just wanted too...umm...before the tournament takes place...I thought it might be a good idea too..." I begin to try and get my words out as my uncle rests a heavy hand on my shoulder gently and gives it a light squeeze.

"He's at the centre, he doesn't know you're here as he always shuts his mind link off when he's training. I've got your bags, why don't you head on down there and the two of you can catch up." My uncle suggests.

The Alpha's ice blue eyes seem to be able to read my every thought as I give him a small thankful smile and nod before I turn and start walking down the path as my personal guard starts to follow me but my other Uncle, Oliver steps into his path.

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