Part 18 - The Beta and The Gamma

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"Promise to visit me within the fortnight." I murmur as I bring Isla's hand against my face then close my eyes at her touch.

Her skin is just so soft and warm. I never want to lose that feeling, but I know I've no power to stop her from being taken back home today and I'm less than welcome to visit her at the Grey whilst her dad still deems me an unworthy suitor. I guess I should be thankful to Kai for letting her stay another night with me, but all I feel is emptiness and she's not even left yet.

Isla lean's her head against my shoulder and sighs as we sit on the doorstep of the pack house watching the cars being loaded up with her bags by her omega and personal guard.

"Lady Isla, we're ready." Her omega calls over making my heart sink.

"We're just waiting for my brother." Isla replies before turning to me. "Do you know where he's gone?"

I shake my head as Kai's business is his own, although I've got a fair idea where he's taken his wolf out for an early morning run. However, without the rune I'm pretty sure it will be a wasted journey.

Right on cue, Kai comes striding towards the house with a scowl across his face as he throws a t-shirt back over his head. He's bare foot, but already changed into some shorts but looks to be in a really shitty mood as he slams the boot closed as he passes one of the nearest convoy cars ready to take the sibling's back home.

"Isla, let's get going." Kai growls as he comes to stand in front of us.

Sighing, I get to my feet and put a hand out to pull Isla up. As soon as she stands up, I pull her into my chest, bending down to nuzzle my nose into her neck.

Fuck this is so hard. I'm so tired of being alone.

"I love you." I whisper into Isla's ear as her grip tightens on my arm as I breath in her delicious scent of honeysuckle and peaches.

"I love you too." She whispers back before kissing me on the lips.

It's only a small kiss as I don't want to shove it in Kai's face that I've been fucking his sister for two nights solid. Plus, after all, I could really do with him as an ally at this point, but he grumbles all the same from just behind us.

Ahh fuck it.

I pull Isla back into my arms and slam my lips onto hers whilst taking her off her feet. She giggles against my lips before I gently put her down. My heart winces when I see tears starting to well in her huge blue ocean eyes.

"Don't forget about me." She whispers with a sad smile.

"Never." I reply to her seriously.

Isla's annoying omega signals for her to follow her to the convoy. I grin as Isla rolls her eyes before finally getting into her car. As soon as the door slams shut, my heart thunders in my chest as my wolf whines.

"Hey listen." Kai says quietly as he comes to stand next to me. "This whole trip to Obsidian city that you're planning on doing is a mistake, Finn. Those witches are trouble. Find another way for getting what you need. The rogue Alpha is a fucking psychopath."

"There is no other way and I'll not lose Isla again." I say quietly but firmly to Kai. "But I'd appreciate you not telling her where I'm going, she'd only worry."

Kai rubs the back of his neck before looking at me once more. "Fine, it's not for me to tell you what you can and can't do. However, do you really think the Eastwood twins are cut out for all this. They're just pups. Breaking it to them gently that you're choosing a new second and third then send them home will you, I don't want to see them hurt."

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