Part 10 - The Luna of Red River

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"Ok, you have to admit that Hunter is hot." Beth whispers to me as we sit watching the sparing wolves in the training arena.

I chew on my bottom lip as my eyes slowly scan over Alpha Roman's second born son Hunter as he goes against my brother in a challenge. Hunters extremely muscular and strong with a defined V shape on his lower torso that is sinfully perfect. Ok, he is pretty damn beautiful.

As if he knows I'm checking him out, Hunters sparkling green eyes fix onto mine before he tosses me a playful wink that make my cheeks burn. Laughing, he moves his sandy blonde hair from out of his face before his attention switches back to my brother.

Hunter has been visiting me on and off for the last two and half years, he's easily my favourite out of the bunch of contenders. Some of the dates I've had to live through have been pretty excruciating, at least Hunter is fun. Perhaps he will do, perhaps he can make me happy?

As soon as I think this, my wolf whines in my head and refuses to even show the ounce of interest in Hunter which makes my smile drop almost instantly. She's a lot harder to please than me it turns out.

The challenge has been pretty evenly matched so far, but unlike my brother who's just playing around, I can already tell that Hunter wants to show off his fighting skills in order to impress me now he's got my attention. Like lightning, he sweeps my brothers feet resulting in Kai slamming onto the floor making Hunter the winner.

His eyes snap back to me as he waggles his eyebrows playfully in victory, before he offers a hand to my brother to help him off the floor then they start to laugh and chat away amongst themselves.

"Don't let your mate hear you say you think another wolfs hot." I whisper back to Beth as she grins mischievously at the mere mention of her mate.

Right on cue, Gamma Hudson strides into the training arena with a small group of warriors behind him to start on some drills he's devised. As soon as Hudson see's Beth, a huge smirk pulls on his lips as he flicks his head beckoning her to come down to see him which the fiery red head is only too happy to do.

"Gotta run." Smiles Beth as she gets to her feet and races down the steps jumping straight into the Gamma's arms before slamming her lips straight onto his as he snakes a hand through her hair pulling her in close. I don't think I've seen Hudson stops smiling since he marked Beth last summer, the same night he became Gamma to the pack.

A pang of jealous hits my gut that people all around me seem to be finding their soul mates. Is it really too much for me to have my own happy ending?

My eyes flick onto Kai to see if there's any evidence that he's still hung up on the Beta's daughter, but there's nothing, not even a flicker of jealously from his wolf. To tell the truth, he's been pretty preoccupied trying to win my dad over this last year to get him to step down as Alpha and hand the title to him, but my dad has yet to set a date much to my brothers annoyance.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when a dark shadow comes to stand over me and I slowly look up to see Hunter towering above me with a huge playful smile on his lips and an outstretched hand to help me out of my seat.

I give Hunter a small smile before I take his hand and he pulls me onto my feet a little too hard and I end up falling into his hard sweaty chest as he chuckles. "No need to throw yourself at me Lady Isla, I've already told you, I'm all yours." He teases in a low voice in my ear.

But for some reason his boldness irritates me, and I push him back to create some distance between us. "Behave Hunter."

"Still not fully charmed you yet, huh, Ramsey? I'm not giving up." Hunter grins.

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