Part 19 - Full Moon

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Admittedly, the plan we've devised to get into Obsidian City is a bat shit crazy one that Cass came up with over lunch. However, as times against me and in all honestly, I can't think of anything better at this stage, we're all set to rock up at the Rogue's city of sin at first light. To say my fathers are less than happy about all this is an understatement, but at least they're giving me all the resources we need to hopefully get in and out as quickly as possible and under the radar.

Due to Red Rivers wealth, we'll be taking my fathers private jet out towards the desert in the far south to where the rogues shit hole of a city resides on neutral ground as no wolf in their right fucking mind would want to live in a place with no forests and just sand and canyons for miles around.  Unfortunately, both my fathers are way to recognisable to come along as they'd blow our cover story straight away. However, by luck, the delta squad have done a handful of missions in Obsidian City over the years, so I've at least a detailed map of the layout to navigate us around plus plenty of cash in case we run into trouble. If all that fails, we still have our wild card to play... unless she pulls out of coming...  we'll just have to wait and see if she boards the plane or not at dawn, I guess.

Although I'm anxious to get to Obsidian City and get it over and done with, I must admit that I'm starting to look forward to doing tonight's full moon run with my pack. It's been months since I've last joined in and when I did take part I'd often split off from the main group and go off in my own direction as soon as I got the chance. Not that I'd ever tell my second or third, but they might be onto something about lone wolves not been able to a run a pack.

My large paws pad onto the long grass as I make my way out of the dark forest and head towards Red River's large crimson boulder at the centre of the preserve that's always been the starting point of all runs. I'm the only true tri-colour wolf in the pack so everyone knows it's me as I stride through the middle of the gathered wolves. Most wolves here tend to be brown, caramel, or red in comparison, however my father Lucas is a jet-black beast with white paws, whereas my other father is mainly grey with patches of white around his ears.

Flanked either side of me is Cassian and Dax and I've got to hand it to them, their wolves are fucking badass. Their silverly blue fur and eyes as bright as the moon itself certainly gets a lot of attention and are turning a lot of heads on our approach. They're both smaller than my wolf, but just from looking at them you can tell that they're strong and agile. However, they're still outsiders to this pack, so I've made them promise not to run at their top speed and outpace my father as I don't want him disrespected when he leads tonight.

As I get to the front of the gathering wolves my eyes look upwards to where my father the Alpha, still in his human form, stands fully naked and proud on the Red River stone as he looks over his pack.

"My wolves." His voice booms with authority. "You make your Alpha proud by your loyalty and devotion to this pack." He shouts out to the crowd as he pounds his fist to his chest over his heart.

A huge chorus of howls echo all around me as the pack show they're Alpha the respect he deserves as I instinctively join in along with them.

"I know there is soon to be a new Alpha that will stand here and take my spot."

Ear splintering roars, growls and snarls fill the air this time, showing the packs anger and heartbreak to lose him as there leader, but all I feel is pride that my dad is so loved by all here. 

"But I promise you all this, I will only allow someone truly worthy of heart to take my place and as the moon goddess as my witness I believe that wolf will be my adoptive son, Finn. He intends to enter the tournament..."

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