Part 25 - The Wolf With The Gold Lapel Pin

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I slam the receiver down on the pay phone at the gas station before running a hand through my hair with frustration. I've called The Grey Crescent pack several time now and keep getting fobbed off. I suspect that Isla's fucking dad is baring my calls but fuck him. I'm not giving up.  I need to speak with Isla, it's been too many days since I've seen her, and my wolf seems to be getting more agitated almost by the hour. I know if I could just hear her voice, it would calm him somewhat, plus in all honestly, I'm desperate to talk to her. I miss her so much it's making it hard for me to concentrate on what I need to do next and the task at hand is far from easy.

Feeling determined, I pick up the phone and dial for The Grey once more, noting to myself that I need to pick up another burner phone as soon as we get the chance after our last one was taken off us in Obsidian city. As the phone rings again, I'm put straight through to Beta's office which is standard protocol for most packs as they're the main wolf of the pack to talk to outsiders.

So, it comes of a surprise when I'm put through to a different wolf this time. "Gamma Hudson speaking, Grey Crescent Pack."

My words catch in my throat for a moment, I'd not been expecting my ex-best friend to answer, and it throws me off my game a little. "Hudson?" I say quietly.

After a long pause, I hear a rustling on the other end as if he's sat down at a desk. "Are my brothers, ok? Are they hurt? Kai told me what happened."

"Yeah, they're fine. They're just grabbing some food." I say to Hudson, hating how awkward it is to talk to him these days. "Listen I really need to..."

I hear a sigh on the line which makes me stop talking and frown, "You've got to stop calling, bud."

"I just want to speak to Isla, Hud. Just for a couple of minutes. I know Alpha Drake is probably telling you not to allow this and I don't want you to get in trouble with you alpha..." I begin to say.

"Alpha Drake isn't here." Hudson interrupts, which takes me by surprise. "Kai is currently in charge whilst he is away."

Fuck, is Kai stopping me from talking to Isla because I took Astrid to Obsidian?

"Then put Kai on the phone." I grumble as I run a hand of frustration through my hair.

"I'm sorry, he's busy." Hudson says quietly as I clench my fists up tight. "It's not really a good time, Finn."

"I love her Hudson. Like you love Beth." Fuck it, I'm not above begging just to get the chance to talk to my girl at this stage. "If no one will let me talk to her on the phone, then I'm coming down there. I'm not out to cause trouble." My voice comes out more pained than I'd meant to show it as my desperation starts to bleed through.

I hear Hudson sigh once more before there's another long pause. At first, I'm concerned that he's hung up on me as I chew on my bottom lip. I'm just about to hang up the phone when my ears perk up to something my wolfs heard on the other line.

"Finn." Isla says quietly.

"Isla." I gasp with surprise as a huge smile hits my face as I lean my forehead against the wall in front of me. "Fuck baby, I miss you. You have no idea how much I miss you."

"Finn, you shouldn't keep calling." Isla says quietly.

"I don't want to get you in trouble with your family for talking to me, but I had to hear your voice, I can't stand us being apart. I fucking love you, Isla." I say, smiling against the receiver.

"Oh Finn." Isla breathe, it sounds like she's crying on the phone. But I'm guessing she's just as emotional as I am fucking right now.

"I can't wait to see you, I've so much to tell you. But before I come to your pack, I have to..."I begin to say.

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