Part 23 - The Rogue Alpha of Obsidian City

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After being thrown into a cell for what seems like fucking hours, we're finally pushed and dragged back upstairs by an armed team of wolves. My main concern at this moment is Astrid, luckily so far, she has been kept with us, but my worry is that is about to change.

As we're marched back through the Casino, I notice it's a lot emptier now as many visitors have gone home. It's probably daylight already maybe even lunchtime, but as there's not a single fucking window in this shit hole I couldn't say for sure. Plus, we've had all our watches and wallets stolen off us, the only thing I'm grateful for is that they've not spotted is Astrid's pendant that tucked into her top and hidden by her huge blonde curls of hair.

I'm shoved in the back by the end of a shot gun to get me to hurry up and move, I look over my shoulder and growl in the dick heads face, noting he has a red scarf around his neck. I'll be sure to fuck him up before I leave here.

As we finally reach what I assume is the Alpha's office, we're motioned to stop and wait. It doesn't take long before we hear the grunting noise of a man and a female whimpering from within resulting in a cold chill running down my spine knowing that dirty fuck is having a good old time in there. I hate this sound, its' the sound of my fucking childhood coming back to haunt me. The alpha growls loudly from behind the door from hitting his climax after taking what he wanted from the girl making me feel physically sick as I bury my claws into my palms. A few moments later the door swings open and I can't help but bare my teeth at the fat, piggy faced, fuck in the loosely tied up robe that has a smug grin across his face. In his hand he has a half-dressed girl by the hair and throws her out of the door.

"Bring her back here tonight." The alpha says to one of his men before looking down his nose at the girl who's a sobbing mess on the floor.

"You're still using too much teeth. I'll give you one last go, baby. Fail to please me once more and I'll knock them all out so you can learn to suck cock better." The alpha smirks at the girl before he flicks his head to a guard and she's dragged away sobbing.

"Alpha, we have the trespassers you requested to see." Says one of the guards.

The alpha rogue's dark eyes then snap to us, scanning over each of us one at a time before he spots Astrid and his eyes light up with hunger. "Well, hello beautiful."

Ignoring the rest of us, he grabs her by the arm and pulls her into his office as we're pushed harshly in the back to follow them inside. The Rogue Alpha slumps into his chair, his robe barely staying closed, before pulling Astrid onto his knee as she shudders in his arms.

"Hands off my merchandise." I snarl at the Alpha making him look back at me interest.

"I make the rules here." The alpha smirks back unfazed as he runs his hand up and down the skin of Astrid's thigh just below where her short denim skirt sits as she looks at me in panic.

"No doubt, you know who I am. Now who the fuck are you and why did you break into my records room."

"I'm Tate, this is Will and Benson" I growl, flicking my head towards the twins. "I came here for a business proposal."

"Liar." Scoffs the rogue Alpha. "I know thieves when I see them. I just can't work out what you'd think you could steal from in there."

I hear Dax shift on his feet nervously behind me, but we've got to stick to our cover story otherwise we're all dead.

"We're catchers from the North looking to sell on goods. We were hoping to start up regular trade with you and, as you can see, we can provide top quality goods." I say as I point to Astrid who's starting to look terrified which makes me feel like even more of an asshole for bringing her here.

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