Part 9 - To Rule Red River

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(Isla aged 17/ Finn aged 19) – 2.5 years later



Huffing to myself, I reshuffle and organise the large stack of paperwork that's been left strewn across my desk by my father's Beta, Edward. What a fucking mess, can he not even work out how to use a fucking paper clip by now?

Both of my dad's call me a perfectionist but I know they just think I'm a borderline control freak. What can I say, like everything in my life, I like things done properly. No cutting corners. No half measures.

Since the age of seventeen my father Lucas has allocated me some of his duties to help run the pack. I know what he's doing, he's trying to keep me busy and focused, so I don't lose my shit again and go on a rampage. My wolf is too angsty and aggressive to take orders from head warriors let alone lower-level pack warriors so I couldn't even make it onto a fucking patrol team. My other father Captain Oliver tried to find a place for me on his Delta team, but apparently, I don't work well with others. For quite some time I struggled to find my place at Red River. It's a frustrating situation to be in, I'm the adoptive son of an alpha, yet I can't inherit the pack due to bullshit laws.

There very well maybe alpha blood that runs through my veins from whatever asshole is my true biological father but who wants to look for a rapist and claim that evil as their kin? I inherited nothing but darkness from my biological father. To this day, I'm convinced that's why my wolf can be so fucking volatile and dangerous at times. I have the genes of a fucking monster. 

So, now I spend my days doing a mixture of the Alpha's paperwork or I'll be down the training arena with my other father helping him devise training plans for his warriors. I've kept my head down, I no longer drink as that just makes me act like a real prick and kept myself busy. But long term...well fuck...long term, I've no clue what I'll do. Isla turns eighteen in two months' time and everything going to have to change.


I've not seen her since her fifteenth birthday nearly three years ago. She did as I asked and stayed away. I don't allow myself think about her anymore or who she's with, those thoughts just lead me to the edge of insanity. However, when she becomes Luna here in a few months time and takes another as a mate, I just don't think I'll be able to stay at Red River anymore.

Sighing, I look back down to the paper I was in the middle of filling out when I realise, I'd totally zoned out and had been absentmindedly sketching Isla's eyes in the margin. I stare at my drawing, remembering the little silver streaks that run through her dark blue orbs. How utterly beautiful they are up close. I shake my head, pissed at myself for thinking about her again before I crumple up the page in my palm and throw it in the paper bin so aggressively that it rocks and topples over.

I might have been lying when I said I no longer think about her.

Suddenly the balcony window flings open and a large gust of wind storms through my office making the paperwork I'd just meticulously organised scatter all over my desk and floor making me instinctively growl.

"No. Not today. Just fuck off, I'm not in the mood." I curse as I cross my arms over and lean back in my chair.

"Is that how you greet your best friends?" Laughs Cass as he comes to an abrupt halt and perches on my desk.

"How many times do we have to go over this? You two ball bags are not my best friends!" I growl as my office door now flings open and Dax comes blustering through with an armful of ice cream cartons that he's just raided from our stores.

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