Part 13 - First Time

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I give out low satisfied growl as the hot water runs down my back whilst I lean both my palms against the cold shower wall. I know that she's watching, it wasn't an accident that I left the bathroom door half open whilst I stripped then slowly washed the suds off my body. I put a nice little show on just for her, half hoping she'd jump in here with me but so far, she's not moved from the bed where I'd left her reading a book on Alpha wolves.

Up to now, she's only really had good look at my back and ass through the steamed-up glass, so smirking to myself, I slowly turn around as I keep running my hands over my body even though I'm pretty sure there's no soap left to rinse off until my mischievous eyes collide with her lust filled deep blue orbs. I notice that the book she'd been reading has now been set aside and forgotten about. My chest rumbles with a small laugh as I watch Isla's eyes go wide from under the cascading water as her eyes drops straight to my cock. Even from here I can tell her cheeks have a sexy scarlet hue to them as she bites down hard on her bottom lip. That action alone makes my cock stand to attention as I imagine those lips of hers wrapped around my tip before working her warm mouth up and down my shaft.

It's not the first time I've fantasied about Isla down on her knees for me.

My hand instinctively reaches for my hardened length as I slowly stroke it up and down with my eyes still pinned on Isla as I see her gulp and take a fist full of my bed sheets whilst her chest heaves up and down. Her eyes are so huge and innocent looking, but my god, her lips look like pure fucking sin.

However, as she's still not budged from the bed, there's no way I'm pushing this on her until she's ready, so chuckling to myself I remove my hand from cock and knock the shower off before getting out and wrapping a towel around my waist. That look on her face was more than enough for now to satisfy me. I turn and grab another towel from the rail and start drying my dark locks, when I feel a small hand glide down the skin on my scarred up back. Anyone else I'd flinch away from the touch, but I've never hidden my scars from Isla.

I'd not even heard her enter the bathroom. I freeze up for a heartbeat before I look over my shoulder arching an eyebrow at Isla as I see a small playful smile on her lips. I throw the towel I was drying my hair with onto the floor before turning to face her. I then run my hand down her cheek, admiring her soft skin. She's simply exquisite.

"Don't cover up." She breathes as her hand reaches between the folds of my towel and my breath hitches when her fingers clamp around my harden dick as it twitches at her firm grip. A low rumble of pleasure vibrates in my chest as she starts to slide her hand up and down making me close my eyes for moment as her touching me like this nearly has my legs buckle.

"Isla." I rasp, but fuck she feels good, making the next thing I'm about to say so fucking hard. "We don't have to do anything if you're not ready."

My wolf paces in my head, he's loving Isla's playful side, but fuck him. For once I'm not giving him an inch of control showing to him how serious I am about this.

Only when she's ready will I touch her back.

A nervous smile hits Isla's lips as her eyes scan mine before she tugs at the knot on my towel letting it drop to floor and continues to pump my cock.

Holy fuck.

"Don't get shy of me now." Isla whispers back as she runs her other arm up to wind it around neck.

Growling, I pick her up so she's eye level with me, as she pumps my cock even faster as my mouth drops open from the pleasure.

"Tilt your neck. You gave me skin ship earlier, now I want my mine." She growls seductively as her wolf peaks out at me making me grin.

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