The First Day of School

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It was the first day of school, but not just the first day, the first day of my senior year. When I first started my freshman year I dreamed of this day, strolling into the school, finally the top of the high school food chain, my friends by my side nervous but excited because we were finally there, so many things to look forward to this year. Instead I am walking into a new school, in a new town, the only person I know is my Step brother Jason and he doesn't acknowledge that I am a living human being, which in all reality is fine because he is a major tool anyway. He is the most popular guy in school and can't be seen with the dorky new girl, he has a reputation to uphold. He even went as far as dropping me off down the street so that no one would associate me with him and his perfect cheerleader girlfriend Chrissy Cunningham. Asshole.
I walk up to the school and through the doors and was thankful that a couple of days earlier I was able to do a walkthrough with the Principal so at least I knew where I was going. The hallway was full chatter and excitement, teenagers high fiveing and hugging, happy to be seeing each other again after a few months apart. I make my way to my first class, room 102 , Ms. O'Donnell's class and find a chair in the back of the classroom. I forced a smile on my face to appear approachable, after all I do want to make friends so I am not completely alone this year, I can feel my cheeks turning red as my classmates walk in and stare at me, oh look there is someone new in class. Holy social anxiety.
A woman walks into the classroom with an armful of books and sets them down on the desk, Ms. O'Donnell I presume and the classroom starts to quiet down. The bell rings, teacher closes the classroom door and it is time for class to begin. The learning, book work has always been the easy part of school for me, it is a total lack of self confidence that I struggle with.
" Hello class I am Ms. O Donnell, welcome to my classroom, I hope you all had a wonderful summer but are eager to be back and ready to learn-"
The door to the classroom opens and a tall shaggy haired boy strolls in, smile on his face.
"Ms. O Donnell it is a pleasure to see you, again,-"
" Ahh, Mr. Munson the bane of my existence, nice to see that you have decided to join us."
" Ms. O Donnell, I can feel it , this year is our year, second times a charm?"
"Mr. Munson please take a seat in the back of the classroom so we can carry on with class."
" You got it teach."
I watched as his eyes scanned the classroom and landed on the empty seat beside me. As he made his way passed the front rows one of the jocks in the front of the room hollered "Freak!"
He stopped and turned in the direction of the insult," Oh hey Troy, see things haven't changed much over the summer, your still a dick."
" Sorry, I'm sorry for disrupting you class.Please carry on." He continued walking back until he reached my table. " Hey, your new? This seat taken?"
I felt my cheeks grow hot again. " Nope, all yours."
He spun his chair around and sat , arms casually draped over the back of his chair as he leaned forward.
I tried to play cool but oh. My. God. Was he gorgeous. I mean I knew he was good looking when he walked in,but up close , damn.
He looked over at me . " Hi, I'm Eddie Munson. What's your name ?" He flashed me a wide smile and extended his hand.
I slowly reached out and shook his hand. "Veronica Montgomery."
"Well Hello Veronica Montgomery, welcome to Hawkins."
I smiled shyly." Thank you Eddie Munson."
I turned my attention back to the teacher and listened as she rambled on about the upcoming course curriculum, what she expected from us this year etc,etc,and even a couple times felt the gaze of the gorgeous boy next to me upon me. I tried to distract myself by reaching into my bag and pulling out a notebook and pencil, my reading glasses.
"Hey, Ronnie, do you have a pencil I can borrow?" Eddie whispered, leaning in a little.
" Uh sure, " I leaned over and grabbed an extra pencil out of my backpack and handed it over.
He smirked." Happen to have an extra piece of paper?"
I flipped open my notebook and as quietly as I could ripped a couple pieces of paper out and handed them to him.
" Thanks new girl." He smiled again.
"Anytime." I smiled back. I bring my attention back to the teacher and start copying down notes she is writing on the chalkboard until I see a piece of paper slide in front of me. It reads,
"How long have you been in Hawkins? Where are you from?"
I jot down " Two months, and I am Originally from California, moved to Indiana last year to live with my grandparents then to Hawkins two months ago." I carefully slid the paper back then tried focusing on Ms. O Donnell again until the paper slid back in front of me.
" From Cali? Wow, must be a drag being in Hawkins then."
" It's nice, quiet. I am ok with being out of the city. I thought you would need the paper and pencil to write notes."I slid it back then looked over with a smile.
He read the note and smirked I watched him write a quick note and pass it back quickly." I am writing notes, to you. I am just trying to get to know my new classmate."
" That is sweet. You know, your not going to pass this class the second time around if I keep distracting you." I passed it back
He laughed out loud and Ms O'Donnell looked back at him.
" Mr. Munson?"
"Sorry, I promise I will stop being a distraction to the class."
She stared him down for a minute then turned back to the board.
I wrote ," Busted." On my notebook and tipped it towards him.
He smiled and shook his head then wrote" Thanks for getting me in trouble." On his paper.
"You started it, I think we should pay attention now. You don't want to start off the school year on the wrong foot Mr. Munson." I tipped it towards him for the last time and watched another smile spread across his face.

I focused the rest of class on actual school work a little disappointed that I let myself get so easily distracted, but after all he was the first person to talk to me.

The bell rang and Ms O'Donnell dismissed the class but replied " Ms. Montgomery, Mr Munson please meet me at my desk please."

" Oh shit, we are in for it now." Eddie backed out of his chair as I packed my things into my bag and slung it around my shoulder, did she see us passing notes?

" Do you think so? No way." But my heart was beating a little faster as we both walked up to her desk.

" Ms. Montgomery I just want to say that I am very happy to have you in my class this year. I looked over your grades and GPA and I am very impressed. High honors throughout your high school career."

I finally let out a breath,"Thank you Ms. O'Donnell. I am excited to be attending Hawkins High this year."

" I am excited that you have signed up for the peer tutoring program, which brings me to why you are here Mr. Munson. Remember how you said this was going to be your year? Well, you are a very lucky boy, Eddie, we have paired you up with Ms. Montgomery. "

I could feel my cheeks heat up again as he looked over at me. " I am a very lucky guy. What a wonderful opportunity to start out the school year on the right foot." He smiled.

"Ms. Montgomery will be a great asset to you this year. She has signed up to help out a student in every subject and since you fit into that category we assigned her to you."

" I am greatful to have this opportunity to work with you, Ms. Montgomery."

I smiled shyly " Happy to help."

" We will meet up in the library after school to coordinate your schedules.I will see you both then.And Eddie, I wouldn't screw this up"

" There is no way I am going to screw this up. Thank you Veronica."

" I will do my best to get you to graduation." I smiled again,"If you'll both excuse me, I need to find my way to my next class. I will see you after school."

" I could show you?"

" That would be great, thanks!"

I followed Eddie out of the room and down the hall, and I couldn't help but notice how nicely his jeans fit him.

" So you are smart and sassy? " he turned to look at me.

I bit my lip," So that is the vibe I give off from my notes? I guess I didn't make a great first impression."

"Are you kidding? I appreciate a some sass and sarcasm, keeps me on my toes." He stopped in front of a classroom led me to the door taking a step back." We have arrived at your destination."

" Thanks for walking me here and being so nice."

" Your welcome. I'll see you after school."

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