Let's play a game 🌶️

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" This definitely does not qualify as a scary movie Princess ." Eddie looked down at the movie case as he pulled it out of my backpack.
" It has ghosts in it Edward." I put a bag of popcorn in to the microwave and punched in the time, then hopped up and sat on the countertop as I waited.
Eddie walked over and stood in front of me, I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him in close." It's Ghostbusters, Sweetheart. "
" It's a compromise. You get ghosts and I get laughs, win win."
He leaned in and kissed my neck. " We probably won't be watching much of it anyway."
" Why is that Mr. Munson?" I couldn't help myself,closed my eyes and sunk into him. His lips were so warm and soft.
" What happens every time we watch a movie? We make out or we have sex."
" Not every time." I backed away from him, eyebrow raised. " Do you think I can't resist your charm? "
A slow smile spread across his face and he ran a finger down my cheek. " You haven't been able to so far."
" I love your confidence." I smiled right back at him. " I think we should play a little game. Let's see who can hold out the longest, resist temptation. No physical contact."
He chuckled." I am up for a challenge."
The microwave beeped and I unwrapped myself from him, and he backed away a couple steps. I slid down the counter and looked up at him. "Your going to lose Munson. "
He smiled down at me and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. " Good luck Sweetheart." He grabbed the bag of popcorn out of the microwave then strutted into the living room giving me a perfect view of his tight ass , and then sat on one end of the couch.
I smiled. This was going to be fun. I opened up the refrigerator door." Hey Baby, would you like a soda or a beer?"
" Sure, I'll take a Coke."
" Coming right up!" I slowly bent down to grab a couple sodas from the bottom shelf, and felt his eyes on me. There were two things Eddie Munson couldn't resist, my ass and my breast. I pretended to shuffle around containers on that shelf , stalling so that he would get an eyeful. I grabbed the sodas , slowly stood up and closed the door. I picked up my backpack that had a bunch of candy in it for movie night, then walked over swinging my hips, laying it on pretty thick, and handed him his coke.
He smirked." Thanks doll face." He winked at me. Jesus.
I sat on the opposite side of the couch , one full couch cushion between us and he laughed.
" Afraid you're not going to be able to resist the urge to touch me?"
" I always sit on this end and you know that." I put my drink on the stand beside the couch and opened up my backpack, took inventory then pulled out a box of skittles and threw them over to Eddie.
" Thanks Sweetheart." He smiled.
" Welcome baby." I pulled a tootsie pop out of my bag and unwrapped it. "Cherry, my favorite." I brought it to my mouth and licked it, put it into my mouth and swirled it around then pulled it out with a pop. I flicked it with my tongue then licked it again. I looked over at Eddie and smiled when I saw him swallow hard. " How many licks does it take Ed's?" I watched him watch my mouth so I licked my lips.
" The world may never know sweetheart."  He blinked, snapping out of his daze then was back in the game again. " Its warm in here, are you feeling warm? I'm feeling warm." He stood up and slowly pulled his shirt up over his head, his ink on full display, his abs, his cute little belly button,his pants hanging low on his hips, the V pointing down to his-" You alright Princess?" He threw his shirt on the floor and walked over in front of me, grabbed the stick of my lollipop popped it out of my mouth then stuck it in his. "Yummy."
" Well that was rude."
He threw his head back and laughed, god, I wanted to kiss his throat. I'm going to fucking lose. I need to pull myself together.
" You know your right, it is toasty in here. " I grabbed a scrunchie from my pocket and put my hair up into a messy bun, Eddie once told me that there was something about the act of me putting my hair up , or putting on lip gloss or putting in earrings that he found sexy, I would use that to my advantage. I tugged on the collar of my shirt, " I think you had the right idea baby." I sat up on my knees and untucked my shirt , then made direct eye contact with him while I unbuttoned my shirt all the way . I bared my shoulders."So much better." I ran a hand down my neck, my chest.  I watched his eyes follow my hand then settle on my breast, he licked his lips. I pulled off one sleeve then the next then threw my shirt to the floor. " There! Now I'm comfortable." I looked up through my lashes and smiled.
He shook his head and smirked. " So we are getting comfy now Doll face? Sounds great." I watched his hands go to his belt, he unbuckled it then slowly pulled it through the loops and tossed it away . " Now that is better."
I wanted to touch him so fucking bad, I wanted to trail kisses all over his body, but I was too proud. I knew he could see it written all over my face. I plopped back on the couch , grabbed the bag of popcorn and decided to stuff my face as a distraction.
Eddie looked at me with a shit eating grin on his face. " What's the matter darling? "
" Your so annoying."
He laughed again." Awww, baby , just touch me, I know you want to, then this stupid game will be over."
" I wouldn't give you the satisfaction." I huffed, then put some popcorn in my mouth. " I'm sitting here drooling over you and you barely even flinched. I used all my tricks. I thought once the boobs came out it was game over but no. I'm clearly revolting."
" You look so fucking cute when you pout."
" But not cute enough to touch. Any other time I swear to god you would be all over me."
" Your goddamn right I would. But you see Princess I am trying to show you that I have self restraint, that I am not the only one in this relationship that is a fucking horndog. " He took the lollipop out of his mouth and pointed at me ."You are just as guilty as I am. I don't know if you have ever noticed, Sweetheart, but 70% of the time you are the one making the first move. I am just innocently laying there ,head on your lap and you lean down and kiss my neck, or nibble on my ear. There was that one time you straight up reached over and grabbed my junk. That was fucking bold babe, and I loved it." He finished off the tootsie pop.
I smirked. " You think I don't know how I get when I am around you? I am sitting on your couch with my tits out, cramming popcorn into my face to distract myself so that I don't attack you."
He twisted some hair around his finger and brought it over to his mouth, started chewing on it." What would you do to me if you weren't cramming your face full of popcorn?" He knelt down in front of me, big brown eyes searing into my soul.
I put down the popcorn and sat up straight in front of him. " You want to know? Alright."  I bit my lip then slowly  looked him over, my eyes stopping at his." First I would cover your mouth with mine, your lips would taste sweet,like cherries from your pop.Then I would wind my hands in your hair, give it a little tug, because I know that you like that, pull your head back and kiss your jawline, suck on your earlobe, kiss your throat, work my way down. Tonight I'm feeling a little feisty, I would nibble on your shoulder, I bet you would like a little bite, wouldn't you?"
Eddie swallowed hard and nodded.
" Thought so. I would run my fingernails down your back, not enough to scratch but enough to give you chills. Then I would kiss every single tattoo you have, slowly working my way down, my hands unbuttoning your jeans ."
" That sounds fucking amazing Princess. " He was staring at my lips, I could see his breathing quickening.
I leaned forward a little more and whispered." How about if I were to slide my hand down your pants , wrap my hand around your cock and stroke away. How does that sound baby?"
Eddie groaned , then leaned in and whispered , his breath giving me goosebumps."How about I push you back on the couch , strip off the rest of your clothes and bury myself deep inside you? Make you cum so hard your legs will be shaking the rest of the night? How does that sound Sweetheart?"
Fuck, I'm done. A little whine slid past my lips. I slowly backed away and saw a smile spread across his face. He was just about to say something when I covered his mouth with mine, slid my tongue into his mouth. He did taste like cherries. He matched my intensity, this tongue tangling with mine. I moaned into his mouth, the pent up sexual energy from the night finally being released. My body was humming and I hadn't even touched him yet. We pulled apart gasping for air.
" You win." I nuzzled into his neck and started kissing it , working my way down, lightly biting his shoulder, as promised.I heard him groan.
"Fuuck, Sweetheart." He reached behind me and unclasped my bra, slid it down my arms and threw it to the floor. He pushed me back onto the couch.
" Baby , pants, take off your pants." I demanded as I slid my own off, not wanting to waste any time. I wanted him, needed him right now.
He quickly took off his pants, his dick springing up, hard and ready. I bit my lip, I was ready.
" Eddie," I whined." Please fuck me."
" What do you want me to do baby? Say it again."
" I want you to fuck me. "
He carefully lowered himself down on top of me. He took my face in his hands  and kissed me again softly then pulled away, kissed my neck, my chest , latched onto my breast, teasing my nipple with his tongue, then working his way over to the other. He was lingering, taking his time .It felt so good. I ran my fingernails lightly down his back. I felt him shiver.
I felt his hand in the inside of my thigh, spreading my legs wider." Your so wet,"
He slid the tip of his cock up and down my slit, practically making me whimper with need. " Are you ready?"
" I'm so ready baby please." I begged.
He lined himself up with my entrance the slowly slid himself in.
I moaned. I was so full, but in the most wonderful way. He slowly pulled out then buried himself into me again, this time further, making me gasp.
" You good?"
" So fucking good. Keep going baby, please."
" You feel so fucking good. You take it so fucking good." He picked up the pace. " My sweet girl, taking me in so well."
I arched my back , wrapped my legs around him to pull him closer. His head dipped down and he kissed me again. I wound my hands through his hair pulled. He moaned into my mouth.
He pumped harder and faster  relentlessly and I could feel the wave of pleasure wash over me, hitting me hard. I cried out and a few moments after I felt Eddies body shudder, and he called out my name, I kissed his throat as he climaxed knowing that it would only intensify it for him. He collapsed on top of me and I held him close as we caught our breath.
" That was so worth it , even if I lost."
Eddie turned his head to look down at me." Neither one of us lost Darling, I would say we were both winners. " he leaned down and kissed the tip of my nose, then lifted himself up on his elbows.
I smiled at him then gasped." Oh god Eddie , I left a mark on your neck! I'm so sorry!"
" A hickey? Really?" He laughed." Baby, it's fine."
" I'm sorry Ed's." I reached up and gently touched it with my finger.
" Really Sweetheart it's fine. I will wear it like a badge of honor. Besides, it is more important that I don't leave one on you, Lucy would never forgive me if she found a mark on her little girl."
" I think your shirt will cover it. I don't want the boys to see it. "
" You think that they will think of you differently if they see this little love bite? "
" Maybe? I want them to think of me as the funny smart girl, not the slutty girl that leaves hickeys on her boyfriends neck."
" They would never think that." He brushed a hair out of my face and kissed my lips. " I'm totally showing Harrington though."
I laughed. " Are you serious?"
" Yeah, but like casually. Like I'll pretend to scratch my neck and pull down my collar. He's going to be impressed."
" Your such a dork."
" But you love me."
" I do."
Eddie rolled off of me and helped me up. I ran off to the bathroom and came back wearing one of his hoodies and a pair of his sweatpants. He had gotten back into his tshirt and boxers.
" Your ass looks way better in those sweatpants than mine does. So round and full." He slapped my ass as I walked by.
" Sure , now you'll slap it." I plopped back down on the couch and got comfy." It's kind of funny how this whole thing started because you didn't want to watch Ghostbusters.  But now that we got the sex part out of the way..."
" It's ghost and Bill Murray time, I know." He popped in the movie and pressed play, then he curled up next to me ,laying his head in my lap.
" I promise I won't nibble on your ear."
" I mean if you really want to.." he looked up at me and smiled. " Will you play with my hair though?"
" Of course lover boy. "
" Your the best. "
" It's the least I can do, I mean you did deliver on the shaky leg promise."
He laughed." A promise is a promise."

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