The First Date 🌶️

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I was so nervous. Eddie was going to be picking me up in twenty minutes for our first official date. We have been keeping our boyfriend/girlfriend status quiet for the time being mostly because Eddie is afraid that me being associated with the" Freak" would make me an outcast. He also doesn't want Jason to be a miserable asshole to me but he always is anyway. I am pretty sure my mother suspects something, but she hasn't asked. I think she has a soft spot for Eddie, she asked him to call her Lucy instead of Mrs. Carver, and always calls him hun.

Since it was a beautiful fall day, a little cool but sunny I decided on wearing a plum colored v neck sweater ( that showed just a little bit of cleavage)with a wide black belt at my waist and black leggings with black ballerina flat shoes. I piled my hair up into a bun and applied some light make up, nude colored lip gloss and some gold hoop earrings and a gold chain around my neck. I stood back and slowly turned while looking in the mirror. I think it looked nice, simple but a little dressier then what I usually wear. I spritzed some perfume on my sweater and headed out of my room.

As I walked past the kitchen my mom called my name and I backtracked and went in." Hey Mom, whatcha doing?"

She smiled " What are you doing?" She looked me over. " You look lovely by the way. That sweater looks good on you. I like how you added the belt, it shows off your nice curves. "

"Mom! You practically called me a frumpy hag the other day-"

She laughed." I did not! I just said you should stop dressing like your 90 and start showing off your assets."

" Showing off my Ass?" I joked

" Of course not! Just dress more your age. " she smiled." Where are you going?"

" Eddie is picking me up, he's taking me on a 'foliage tour' I told him fall was my favorite season."

" Oh, Eddie is picking you up? " she wiggled her eyebrows. " I have a sneaky suspicion that there is more to him coming around then tutoring."

" Mom, he is my friend, probably my best friend-"

" I see the way he looks at you Veronica, your not fooling me. You guys are a couple aren't you?"

I blushed, I could never lie to my mother." We are seeing what our friendship blossoms into. We just aren't announcing it to the world."

" I am so happy for you. I have heard bizarre rumors about Eddie but he seems like a good kid, he has been around enough for me to form my own opinion of him. Just promise me that if it starts to get serious you will be responsible and get yourself on birth control."

" Wow Mom-"

" I am not condoning or encouraging you to have sex, just be smart about it."

" I promise mom, when have I ever not been responsible."

" I know honey." She hugged me." My girl growing up, Graduating this year, boyfriend,it's a lot for a mom to handle."

" It is a lot for me to handle." I pulled away and smiled " Thanks for being so cool about this." I heard a knock on the door. " Eddie's here!"

" Don't leave him waiting." We walked out together to answer the front door."Hey Eddie, come on in!"

" Hey Lucy! Nice to see you! Is Veronica-"

" Hey Munson," I stepped out from behind my mom." Ready to go leaf peeping?"

The look on his face when he saw me instantly gave me butterflies. His eyes skimmed over me and he smiled ." Hey Princess, are you ready to go?"

" All set. Bye Mom!"

" Drive safe , have fun! "

Eddie put his hand on the small of my back and walked me out to the van, opening the door for me.

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