High and dry 🌶️

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" Do you think it will ever stop? I'm ready for it to stop. " I was laying on Eddies bed staring out the window at the rain as he spooned me, face snuggled into my neck, arm wrapped tightly around my waist pulling me back so that I extremely close and secure.
" I love rainy days. They are perfect for cuddling." He mumbled in to my hair.
It had been raining for three days straight and I was starting to get bored . We had just finished reading Lord of the Rings: two towers, we watched every scary movie imaginable and now we were literally just watching and listening to it rain.
" There has got to be something we can do?"
" I can think of something we can do." He kissed my neck and pressed himself into me.
" Mmmm, we'll you know I'm always up for that."
" Me too, can you tell?" He chuckled.
" Yes, yes I can tell." I looked at the alarm clock beside his bed. I still had hours before I had to be home. An idea popped into my head." Hey baby? Do you have any pot?"
" Oh course I do Cupcake,Why? Do you want to get high?"He pulled away and rolled me on my back. " Really?"
I shrugged." It was kinda fun last time until Steve and the girls barged in."
He smiled." Holy shit, alright, I'll uh be right back!" He sprung from the bed and left the room. I put my arms behind my head and closed my eyes, patiently waiting. This should be fun.
" Alright Sweetheart, I got us the best from my stash, real premium shit here. I'm so fucking excited, you were hilarious last time. " He practically jumped on the bed." Do you want to start out shotgunning?"
" Yeah, I liked that, very sexy." I sat up against his headboard and watched him light the joint.
He took a hit like a total professional then slowly blew it out." Now remember we are totally safe here ok? I am right here with you so don't get nervous."
" I know baby, I'm not nervous."
" Ok, let's get this party started." He pulled me close." I'm going to blow the smoke in your mouth ok? Then you inhale."
" Got it!"
He nodded then took another hit. I leaned forward and he locked his lips on mine then slowly exhaled. I took it in.I couldn't help but shove my tongue in his mouth for a sloppy kiss after.Between the two of us we finished off the joint then Eddie held me in his arms as we waited for it to kick in. "Y'all right Princess?" Eddie asked lazily.
" Mmmmhumm." I was starting to feel fuzzy." I think it's working," I giggled."Yup, it's working."
Eddie laughed and pulled me close."What are you feeling?"
I tried to concentrate, find the words to describe what I was feeling." I feel like my body is getting heavy and like I want to laugh but don't have any clue why."
" Just let it out, laugh away."
" Eddie?"
" Yeah babe?"
" What if I forget how to breathe?"
I felt his chest rumble as he laughed." I promise you won't forget sweetheart."
He lifted my chin up to look at him. His eyes were half closed and he had the dopiest smile on his face. He was so adorable.
I giggled and held his face in my hands." Your so cuuuttee!"
Eddie giggled and it totally set me off. I laughed so hard I collapsed back on the bed. Eddie pounced . He peppered me with kisses and I laughed until I had tears streaming down my cheeks. "Eddie! That tickles!"
He straddled me, a shit eating grin on his face." That tickles? I'll show you tickles!" He ran his fingers up and down my sides and I thrashed around, the feeling of his fingers giving me goosebumps.
" Stop! " I laughed trying to catch my breath.
Eddie froze. " Baby are you alright?"
" I'm fine." Truth is I was more than fine." I feel tingly, like all my senses are heightened. I wonder if this is how a Jedi feels?"
He threw his head back and laughed then looked down at me ." You are higher than a kite baby girl."
" I know." I sighed and smiled as I looked up at him." Your beautiful."
" No you are beautiful." He leaned down and kissed my neck and my body lit up.
" That feels so nice. Touch me Eddie, please."
"Touch you? Like this?"Eddie smirked as he lifted my shirt up and over my head, he threw it to the floor.He trailed kisses down my neck and along my collar bone then lightly bit my shoulder , causing me to gasp." Or touch you like this?" He then unclasped my bra, greedily licking and sucking at my breasts.
I moaned, my body reacting in a way it never had before , every touch so intense."Fuck baby, that feels so good."
He whispered in my ear." You think that feels good, just wait till I fuck you."
" Please baby,please." I reached up and pulled his shirt off. I lightly ran my fingertips down his chest and he sharply inhaled. He rolled off me and pulled my shorts and panties off in one quick motion.
" I'm going to take good care of you baby, " he flicked my nipple with his tongue than continued kissing and licking his way down my body , making me shiver. He ran his hands down my thighs gripping them and looked up at me." May I?"
" Go down on you, I want to taste you Sweetheart."
My eyes opened wide. " Are you sure?"
" I'm fucking positive. Are you ok with that?"
" Yes."
He smiled," Perfect, now relax those legs for me Angel, so I can make you feel real good." He gently pulled my legs apart and placed tender kisses along the soft skin of my inner thighs. It was so sensitive, my breath hitched. "Okay?"
" Mmm hmmm." I closed my eyes.
I could feel his warm breath between my legs and then his tongue as he licked my slit." Oh god." He continued lapping and flicking  and licking my most sensitive areas and he had me squirming." F-uck! Oh Jesus!"
" You taste so good baby."He murmured between my legs, clearly enjoying the feedback he was getting. When he added his fingers into the mix I was done. My body felt like it was buzzing, even more than usual under his touch. " Feels so good baby, oh god , oh fuck!" My fingers wound into Eddies hair and he moaned, the vibration between my legs too much for me to handle and I felt my body let go. My orgasm was so intense, I was still catching my breath when Eddie crawled on top of me. He was panting, desperate to get some relief of his own.
" Baby, I-" he breathed, I reached down and lined his throbbing cock up with my wet entrance then raised my hips in invitation. He plunged in." Oh shit, goddamn it, you feel so good."
" Your cock feels fucking incredible. " I wrapped myself around him and pulled him closer.
" I'll give you all I've got, " he pounded into me. " You can take it,"
" I can take it baby, give it to me, I want it all."
A sexy growl arose from his throat as he went deeper and harder and I thought I was going to lose my mind. "You take it so fucking good. Fuck, so good, so fucking tight. "  I dug my fingers into his shoulders and he groaned."Baby I'm going to cum."
" Don't stop." I panted.
He rolled his hips slowly into me and I felt another wave wash over me. I felt my body tighten around his cock and his body shuddered as he shouted out.
He collapsed into my chest breathing hard." Holy fuck Princess, that was fucking insane."
" So intense, so incredibly intense.  My body was so sensitive and responsive. Holy shit. "
" Sex when your high,there is nothing like it." He smiled and rolled off me closing his eyes.
I leaned over and kissed his eyelids, forehead, nose and ran my thumb over his swollen lips." Your mouth is fucking amazing."
He opened one eye and peeked at me then giggled." Guess I got the munchies."
A laugh burst out of my mouth." Jesus Christ Munson!"
We both laid there and laughed hysterically for a few minutes, I rolled onto my stomach and looked out the window." Holy shit! It stopped raining!"
Eddie rolled over too. " No shit!"
" It was our magic Jedi sex that did it." I laughed.
" I just had to wave around my light saber."
We both looked at each other and completely lost it.

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