Graduation day

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The day was fucking here. High school graduation. I can't believe it's actually fucking happening. This day should have happened years ago but didn't because I couldn't get my dumb ass to focus. That didn't matter now,

I stood in the living room in my crisp white button down shirt and a pair of dress pants, I wasn't going to dress up , I'm going to be wearing a gown over it for Christ sakes, but Wayne insisted on it, he even ironed everything so that I would look 'presentable'. He was proud and excited that the day had finally come.

" Now your not going to do anything to embarrass me are you?" He asked as I nervously paced the floor.

" I've said for years I was going to flip the principal off when I got my diploma, but you have already put up with enough of my shit over the years that I wouldn't do that to you."

" Be respectful Eddie."

" I will, I promise."

Wayne came up to me and gave me an awkward hug, the man had a heart of gold but wasn't super affectionate. "I'm proud of you son."

I smiled at him." Sorry it took this long."

" You just had to want it."

" Just needed a little inspiration."

" That inspiration just happened to have big brown eyes and curly black hair?"

" Something like that." I chuckled than grabbed my cap and gown." It's finally fucking time."

Wayne shook his head." Any other time I would scold you for your language but today, fuck it." He smiled." Come on kid, time to get that goddamn diploma."


" I am so nervous, why am I so nervous?"

" Veronica, I have heard your speech a million times and it is wonderful. You practically have it memorized." My mom gave me a hug, rubbing my back." Your going to be amazing!"

" Your just saying that because your my mother."

"Honey you need to relax, try to enjoy this day!" She gestured over to the couch where Jason was sitting, looking absolutely bored out of his mind." See Jason is enjoying himself."

" I'm ready to get a move on it and just get it over with, enough with the formalities , let's just get to the parties. "

For once I agreed with him."At least you are at the beginning of the alphabet, I have to wait till the middle. "

" You and the Freak in the middle of the pack."

" Why do you have to be like that?"

" Like what?That's what he is! I'm surprised he's even graduating, it's been what ten years-"

" Jason, that's enough." My mom put her hands on her hips." This is supposed to be a special day, I don't want to hear anymore fighting."

I wanted to walk up to him and slap him across the face, but I wouldn't, it would upset my Mom.
Just then the doorbell rang. I looked at my mom and she smiled.

" Go see who it is!"

I ran to the door and opened it up. "Grammy!! Oh my god you're here!!"

There stood my sweet Grammy Montgomery, one of my most favorite people in the world. She threw her arms around me and squeezed." Did you think I would miss my sweet girl's graduation?" She kissed my cheeks and squeezed me again. " I miss you so much!"

I felt tears in my eyes. My Grammy was my comfort person, she was sweet and funny and the reason that my father was such an amazing human being. She was also the reason for my curves and my bouncy curls." When did you get into town?"

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