Our last trip🌶️

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It was crazy, summer vacation was coming to a close. In just a few weeks we would be going our separate ways, off to college. it was bittersweet, we were excited for what the future had in store for us but knew that we wouldn't be able to see each other on a daily basis. These people were my best friends, and I was going to miss them so incredibly much. Nancy was headed off to Boston, I was off to Illinois and Robin and Steve would be here in Indiana. Eddie had talked with his Uncle Wayne and my Mom and Bill and got the green light to move into my apartment off campus which I was beyond excited about. The downside was that he would be waiting a month to move in because he wanted me to" settle in" get in a routine and be able do focus on my new schedule, which I absolutely understand and appreciate but knew it was going to be one rough month. The longest time we had been separated was just a couple of days. I already knew I was going to miss him so much.

We decided as a group that we should do one last camping trip, this time just us, no "Shrimps' allowed. We wanted to be able to let loose and not have to worry about setting a good example for anyone.

As always our social coordinator Steve planned the trip, this time renting a small cabin in the woods. He made checklists and made sure that we were fully prepared for our weekend away.

" Alright, clothes, linens , food, drinks, ice ,beer, wood-"

" You've got wood Steve? " Eddie joked

" Yes Edward I have wood."

" But is it enough?"

" I have plenty of wood Munson, probably more than you."

" It's not about how much wood you have, it's about if you can make a fire with it." Robin laughed.

Steve turned and looked at her." What do you know about wood Robin, I think you would more about beavers."

We all exploded in laughter, including Robin who was laughing so hard she was crying. " Touché."

" Alright pervs are we ready?" Nancy shook her head smiling.

" Van is loaded and ready!" I chimed in, super excited to get going.

" All right , let's get out of here!" Steve clapped his hands together . Nancy and Robin got into Steve's car and we got into the van.

" I can't believe that this is it Sweetheart. I can't believe that you'll be leaving soon. What the fuck am I going to do without you?"

" Just come with me, then you don't have to worry about it!"

" I want you to be able to concentrate, I'll just be a distraction. Get settled in first then I will be there with you all the time. It will be amazing." He rubbed my thigh. " I want to look for a job as soon as I get there, maybe a record store or something like that. "

" That would be perfect! I know it sounds totally lame but I can't wait to go grocery shopping with you and make dinners for you! We'll get into a routine."

" I can't wait baby. I won't have to climb through any more windows. You know how clumsy I am, there were times I thought I was going to lose my footing." He laughed.

" Never got caught though."

" I am surprised Lucy and Bill are ok with me living with you."

"Why are you surprised? They know we love each other, and you take such great care of me. "

" But living together, then they know for sure that we are sleeping together ."

" Baby, you don't think my mother knows that we are having sex?"

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