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" He's going to fuckin flip Sweetheart, he is going to love this! It has been forever since he has been home for his actual birthday."I looked around the trailer at the decorations that we put up ,then over at Veronica as she shook sprinkles on the top of the birthday cake that we made Wayne.
" I hope so! I mean it's not perfect, but it is homemade and it was made with love."  She turned and smiled, her face lighting up. " I think we did pretty good. Now hopefully I didn't fuck up the roast."
" It smells amazing. Pot roast is his favorite, we never have it because neither of us knows how to make it."
" I followed my mom's directions exactly. I am going to make a casserole too."
" Like what kind? One with vegetables and shit?"
She furrowed her eyes at me." Yes with vegetables and shit. You two bachelors don't eat enough fresh veggies, my mom recommended that I make it. She is worried about you guys getting proper nutrition."
I smiled. " That Lucy, always thinking of us. She is a good woman."
Ronnie threw a pot holder at me , which I easily dodged and put her hands on her hips. " She is already taken Munson."
I smirked and slowly walked over to her, grabbing her hips and pulling her up against me, her hips had to be one of my favorite parts of her body. She was always so self conscious, but I loved her hips , they were perfect for grabbing onto to pull her close,or to hold onto while we were getting'intimate'. Her curves were so goddamn sexy. "You are all the woman I need Sweetheart. You take such, " I kissed the top of her head." Good,"
I kissed the tip of her nose." Care of me , in every, and I mean every possible way." I took her face in my hands and kissed her lips. I felt her arms wrap around my neck, and her tongue part my lips as she deepened the kiss. She pinned me up against the counter and pressed herself against me. Goddamn. I ran my hands down her sides than grabbed onto her ass and gave it a squeeze. She made the cutest little noise. Her teeth lightly grazed my lower lip as she pulled away. " Fuuck baby."
" Got to take care of my man." She smiled then backed away. " Alright Munson, time to focus, got to get these veggies chopped up."
" Do you need my help?"
" I would love your help." I watched her get the cutting board out from the cupboard, I swear she knows her way around this kitchen better than I do, then she took some kind of yellow squash out of a bag and started slicing it up.
I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, I put my chin on her shoulder. " Your doing a wonderful job."
" I thought you were helping?"
" I am, didn't you hear my words of encouragement ?"
" I did. If you don't want to chop can you grab me a casserole dish? "
" What the fuck is a casserole dish?"
She laughed." Do you have a glass baking dish?"
" Oh , yeah." I let go oh her then went to a cupboard and took out what I thought she was looking for then brought it over to her. She thanked me with  a peck on the cheek then went back to work. I went back to my position behind her and watched as she methodically chopped and layered vegetables in the pan, poured some soup mixture over the top then covered it in foil. I took it from her then placed it in the oven.
I helped clean up the kitchen then hopped up on the counter and sat and she stood in front of me , back against my chest , head in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around her and snuggled her in, she was warm cozy and I buried my face in her hair. She smelled so good.
" Thank you Princess."
" For what?"
" For this. For helping me throw this together for Wayne's birthday."
" Oh Ed's you don't need to thank me. Wayne is the best. I am happy to help."
" It just means a lot, he's all I got."I squeezed her tight.
" Was all you've got, you've got Lucy and Bill and me now." She tilted her head and kissed my cheek.


I opened the door to my old beat up, shit box of a truck and couldn't help but notice the aroma of something cooking in the air. Boy did it smell good. It was making my stomach growl, I hadn't eaten anything in hours and was starving.
I shut the door then made my way up the steps on our small front porch, I could hear laughter and music playing in the background and I smiled to myself. This is what a home should sound like. I opened the door to walk inside and was greeted by." Happy Birthday Uncle Wayne!"
I stepped inside and saw that the kids had decorated with banners and streamers and balloons for my birthday. I was so touched. Eddie was sitting on the counter, arms wrapped around Veronica, she was leaning against him,huge smiles on both of their faces.  They were so cute together. I have never seen my boy so happy, so settled. He was in love, and it was real. I could tell by his demeanor, his attitude. He was a different kid.He was doing well in school, he was actually going graduate this year. I had Veronica to thank for that. She made him focus and kept him grounded. He needed that, especially because I wasn't around nearly enough, and I always felt horrible about it. I wished that I could have been home more , but times were hard and bills needed to be paid. Eddie always seemed to understand.
" You kids didn't need to do all this!"
" Of course we did, it's your birthday!" Veronica smiled." They are meant to be celebrated!" She walked over and gave me a hug, Eddie right behind her.
" Thank you sweet girl." I gave her a squeeze then backed away and pat Eddie on the back. " Thanks kid."
" Your welcome." Eddie smiled. " Your in for a real treat tonight. Ronnie made a pot roast, she even made some other vegetable casserole thing, and we made you a cake."
" It smells amazing, I can't wait."
" Hopefully it comes out ok, I hope I didn't screw it up, I have never cooked a roast before."
" It's going to be perfect Princess." Eddie kissed the top of her head.
" It should be just about done, I'm going to check it." Veronica went to the oven and Eddie went to the cupboard and took down plates , started setting the table.
I couldn't help but smile." Eating at the table, fancy."
Eddie laughed." I know right?"
" I think it is done!" Veronica started pulling dishes out of the oven and it made the trailer smell wonderful.
I walked up beside her and smiled,"That looks fantastic Sweetie. I can't wait to sink my teeth into it."
She turned to me and beamed."Hopefully it taste as good as it looks!"
" I am sure it will."
I put a couple potholders on the table and helped her carry over the dishes.
" Wow babe, that veggie casserole thing actually looks good." Eddie started digging in, I couldn't blame the kid. It was a rare occasion that we actually ate home cooked meals, and rarely together.
We filled our plates than dug in. The first bite I took brought a smile to my face. " You did good sweet girl, real good. This is delicious."
We chatted as we ate, the kids telling me about school and the upcoming Senior Prom, I was happy to hear that Eddie would be attending it this year. It was wonderful to be sitting at the table eating and talking and laughing as a family. I may look like a gruff, grumpy old man but deep down I have a soft spot, and this made my heart feel happy.
When we were finished dinner the kids made me go into the living room to relax and ' let my food settle ' so that I would be ready for cake, while they did the dishes. I was more entertained watching them than I was the tv. Eddie would scoop up a handful of bubbles and put them on Ronnie's nose, he would laugh hysterically then she wouldn't blow them off and put them on his head. I loved sitting back and watching them interact when they had no idea that I was watching. They were such a good match, Eddie always so full of energy and Ronnie, a nice calming presence. They always seemed to be laughing and joking, sharing loving looks and gestures. This is exactly what I wanted for him.
" Ready for cake Wayne?" Veronica asked from the kitchen
" Anytime you are Sweetie."
" Ok then close your eyes!" I heard a lighter flickering, then heard the kids start to sing Happy Birthday. By the time they got to me Veronica said " Ok now open 'em!"
" Surprise!" Eddie was smiling, as he held a chocolate cake with a million sprinkles on it and just as many candles on it. " Make a wish!"
I blew out the candles in one deep breath, not bad for an old man that smoked as much as I do.
" What did you wish for?" Eddie asked.
" He can't tell you or it won't come true!"
" I didn't have to wish for anything. I already have everything I need right here. This was perfect ,thank you guys."
Eddie pat me on the back, " Your welcome old man."
I smirked." Smartass, now why don't you cut us some of that delicious looking cake."
" You got it boss."
I took a big bite and it tasted as good as it looked. This was the best birthday ever.

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