The break up

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" Eddie I don't want to hide us any more. I want to hold you hand in the hallways and I want to sit with you at lunch."

Eddie sighed." I know sweetheart but it's not a good idea. You see how the jocks and the preps treat me at school, I don't want you involved in that. I would rather just have people associate you and me as strictly tutor/classmate relationship."

It was my turn to sigh." You let Dustin and Mike sit with you!"

" That's totally different, they are guys. Those dickheads would have a field day with you if they knew you were my girl. Chrissy Cunningham can be such a bitch."

" Do you forget that I live with her boyfriend ? She's barely said two words to me. Do you think I'm worried?"

" I am."

I rolled my eyes." So we just aren't going to ever do anything in Hawkins together , just the two of us,for fear that someone might see us?"

I could see the frustration on his face." I'm doing this for you baby. You have enough going on in your life I don't want you to worry about this too."

" I Love that you care and don't want anything to happen to me. It's one of the reasons I love you so much.  I'm just sick of sitting in the lunchroom, looking at you from afar, I want to hold hands and walk down to your van and leave together after school."

" And what about when they start calling you names, bullying you?" He crossed his arms in front of his chest. This was the most serious I have ever seen him.

" It's only  fucking words Eddie, just words."

" Yeah, fucking mean, nasty words Princess. It's not worth it, not over me. I have dealt with fucking mean words my whole life, people treating me like garbage, I will not ruin your reputation."

" So no Parties? No Senior Prom? " I got up from the couch where I was sitting beside him and started to walk away.

" Where are you going?" A panicked look on this face.

" Outside."

" Baby, don't."

" I'm just getting some fresh air Eddie." I walked to the door , grabbed my coat and went outside, sat in one of the chairs in front  of the trailer and buried my head in my hands and started crying. I was so frustrated. I love him so much, it bothered me that he no idea of his self worth. Everyone but Wayne and his close friends had shit on him his whole life, their thoughts had rubbed off on him and made him think that he was worthless and unworthy. It made me sick. He deserves all the love in the world. He needed to understand that I was proud to be with him, he was the sweetest, most caring guy I know. I was not afraid of being picked on, not  at all, what are they going to do , call me names? I don't care, they could call me whatever they want. It was just words, they wouldn't dare touch me. We had the most supportive group of friends anyone could ever ask for, and as long as they were around I couldn't care less what anyone else thought.

I heard the door creak open, then footsteps headed my way.

" Ronnie?" He stood in front of me, a look of despair on his face.

I wiped tears from my eyes and looked up at him, waiting for him to speak.

" I'm not good enough for you Ronnie, you deserve someone better, someone that you don't need to sneak around with, someone that won't draw the wrong kind of attention to you. We shouldn't go out anymore."

I looked at him like he was crazy." You don't mean that Eddie."

" You deserve better than a drug dealing, outcast, Freak."

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