Dungeon Master 🌶️

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" I feel weird about going to your meeting tonight. Like I am breaking some kind of 'No girls allowed' rule. I really don't want to interfere with your guy time Ed's." We sat facing each other on my bed, homework splayed out before us.
Eddie smirked." First of all, it is not a guys only club, Sinclair's younger sister Erica, or Lady Applejack as she likes to be referred to, goes all the time. She is a firecracker that girl, she has more balls than any on the guys, well except for Dustin. " He laughed. " I have asked the guys, they don't mind at all. I want you to see what Hellfire is all about, what I do two nights a month for hours at a time. " He leaned forward and lightly kissed my lips." Please Princess?"
I took his face in my hands." It is literally impossible for me to say no to you."
" Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow and whispered,"Can I fuck you right now on your pretty pink comforter?"
I felt my face get hot. " No-"
" I thought you said it was impossible for you to say no to me?"
" Baby, my Mom could walk in at any second-"
" Your right, I would hate for Lucy to catch me railing her daughter, especially since she thinks I am such a sweet boy."
" Yeah , I would absolutely hate that too. She's not naive, as much as she loves you she still doesn't want us having sex in this house. Why do you think she always comes in with drinks and snacks?"
" Because she's a total mom and doesn't want anyone to starve while they are under her roof."
" She keeps coming in to make sure we aren't getting busy. That is why the door must stay open at all times."
" It's a good thing she doesn't know what happens when she goes to bed at night and I sneak in." He smiled devilishly.
I could feel the blush still on my cheeks." But we have never actually had sex in this house. "
He sighed. " It is a dream of mine, to have sex with you in this sweet, girly girl room surrounded by your stuffed animals, lace curtains and your floral scent."
" A dream of yours?"
" Yup." He smiled. Almost on cue we heard footsteps coming down the hallway.
" Knock , knock!" My mom came in carrying a plate of cookies." How's the homework coming?"
" Good! We are almost done. " I grabbed a Chocolate chip cookie."Tonight I'm going to a Hellfire Club meeting."
" That will be fun. Just don't get sucked into his satanic cult ok?" She winked and laughed.
Eddie laughed." No Lucy, that doesn't happen until the second meeting."
She shook her head. " They are all a bunch of dumbasses, it just a game. Well I will let you get back to it!" She strolled out.
" So you are going to come tonight?" Eddie smiled widely.
I leaned closer to him this time." I don't know, am I going to cum tonight?"
" Abso-fucking-lutely." He whispered, giving me chills. " I promise to make it worth your while."
" I am sure you will. I can't wait to see my Dungeon Master in action. "
" Good evening Gentlemen, we have a special guest tonight. Ronnie is here to observe this portion of the campaign." Eddie dragged me into the drama room at the school. We were surrounded by every prop from every school play for the last 20 years, and there was a large wooden table with what appeared to be a throne on one end and heavy wooden chairs surrounding it. The Hellfire Club, which consisted of Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair ( who happened to be absent tonight due to the basketball game currently happening at the other end of the school) and Eddie's band members from Corroded Coffin Jeff, Gareth and Scotty, were all sitting the table.
" Hey guys!" I smiled and waved to the group and they all greeted me back. " I promise I won't interfere with anything, just observing."
" We are glad your here." Dustin smiled at me.
" Yeah, if you'd like you can come over and sit by me? I, uh , could kind of walk you through it ." Mike motioned to a chair beside him .
" I don't think that is a good idea Wheeler, your going to need to have your head in the game," Eddie started setting up his binders and books and notebooks. " It's a nice gesture but your easily distracted." Eddie looked over his binders at Mike and smirked.
Mike Wheeler had been caught on multiple occasions staring at my chest and Eddie was convinced that the kid had developed a crush on me since the morning I walked out of Eddie's room wearing nothing but a hellfire shirt and panties. Little horndog. But in my defense I also wasn't expecting his entire group of friends to be standing in his living room at 7:00 in the morning. I wore that same Hellfire Shirt tonight, this time paired with a cardigan and a jean skirt. I knew that Eddie would appreciate the shirt because it fit tightly over my chest ,and the Jean skirt, knowing that it would be easy access for sex later on that night. He always seemed to be wound up after campaigns, not that I would ever complain.
I stood back and watched him set up, a look of concentration his face, this was clearly something he took very seriously. I listened to the chatter at the other end of the table, the guys strategically planning . It was nice to finally see what it was all about.
Eddie looked over at me and smiled, " Hey Sweetheart, why don't you come on over and sit next to me?" He waved me over to the throne he sat in.I stood beside him and he pulled me down on his lap. " I am so glad that you are here Princess. " he gave me a quick kiss, then motioned to everything laid out in front of him. " I will give you a quick review of what what has been going on in this campaign then we will get started." He ran his hand up my thigh as he explained, of course everything sounded so foreign to me but I loved the passion and excitement in his voice. Before he got started I climbed off his lap and sat in a chair opposite of Mike and Dustin.
" Gentlemen, let us continue the quest for Phandelver treasure."
I sat back and watched for hours, trying to follow along , soaking in as much information as it could,completely enthralled. The man was an amazing storyteller, I had know this first hand when he read me the Hobbit, he was animated and dramatic , a natural performer. He really should have been in drama. The other members of the club ate it up. It was equally as entertaining watching their reactions and how they handled the different situations.
" You are traveling through the dark forest on your way to the forbidden cave where the treasure you covet sits inside ,and your band of Warriors Hear a crashing through the woods, you take cover, hiding behind trees, boulders anything you can to conceal your bodies. You slowly peek out from behind the trunk of the tree and spot a Minotaur-"
There was a huge reaction to this, an outburst of obscenities.
" We are all fucking dead!" Gareth exclaimed throwing himself back in his chair.
" There is no way we are going to make it out of this alive!" Jeff commented.
" Stop being a bunch of Pussies, we knew that there would be a guard outside the cave-"Dustin looked around the group.
" The clock is ticking gentlemen, he is getting closer and closer, he is sniffing the air, picking up on your scent,do you stay hidden and hope that he will pass you by? Or do you make your move, risk it all to get the treasure deep inside the cave? Do you fight or do you flee?"
The guys looked at Eddie, back to each other then back to Eddie.
" Timeout!" Scotty yelled. The group took off to the corner of the room to come up with a game plan, I could hear arguing, Dustin telling his teammates that they needed to grow bigger balls, I smiled to myself and then looked at My Dungeon Master. He had a smirk on his face as he watched the other's panic, he must have felt my eyes on him because he turned his head and gave a smile that had me melting in my chair. He got up out of his throne and sauntered over , placed hands on either side of me on the armrests and leaned down to my ear. " You would look so pretty riding my cock while I sit on that throne. A perfect seat for my sweet little Princess."
My eyes went wide, my heart started beating faster and I swallowed hard. "Jesus Christ Eddie."
" It's ok baby, they can't hear me,they are too busy panicking over there in the corner. What do you say Sweetheart?" He ran his hands up and down my arms, giving me goosebumps."After everyone has gone we have ourselves a little adventure of our own?"
I looked up into his gorgeous brown eyes of his. My stomach flip flopped. "If they lose to your Minotaur I will fuck you on that throne."
A slow smile spread across his face. "And if they win?"
" We are having sex either way , whether it is on the throne or in the van or on your bed, so really it is win win, this way just adds a little pizazz to it."
" I fucking love it." He leaned down and kissed me." I fucking love you."
" I fucking love you too. Now there isn't a way you can cheat at this, right?"
" No, these nerds know every detail of this game. It literally comes down to the roll of the dice."
I smiled." Good luck, Eddie the Banished."
He winked at me than ran back over to his chair." Time is up. What is your decision? There is no shame in running away."
" The odds that we will actually win this-" Mike exclaimed.
" Don't ever tell me the odds. What the hell are we even playing for if you all are too afraid to take chances? We can beat it between all of us if we don't turn and run away-" Dustin commented.
" Gentlemen, I need an answer."
" All in favor of playing this out raise your hands." Dustin looked around the group, there were 3 hands in the air. "Alright, 3 out of five , let's fucking do this!"
And then there was pure chaos. The boys were hollering and dice were rolling, Eddie jumped out of his chair , leaned across the the table, his eyes watching the dice like a hawk. I had no idea what the hell was happening but it was getting intense. Eddie swept his hand down and sent game pieces flying, the guys roared. I sat on the edge of my seat, literally watching the whole scene unfold. It was nuts.
" This is it, this is fucking it." Dustin took the die in his hand and closed his eyes. He shook it in his hand and everyone held their breath as he let it go onto the table. They all leaned forward waiting for the dice to stop on a number. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The dice stopped and settled.
There was a loud cheer. " We won! We fucking won!"
" You have destroyed the Minotaur, and are now able to access the treasure you have risked your life for. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. Congratulations, you have completed the campaign."
The boys went absolutely bonkers.
I watched Eddie smile then go over and pat them all on the back. I walked over to the group and squeezed Dustin's shoulder. " You've got balls kid. That was incredible."
He turned to face me, giant smile on his face." So when are you going to start playing?"
" I think I will just continue to watch for a little while. I'll leave it to the professionals."
There was a lot of happy chatter as the guys helped Eddie pick things up and put things away.
Mike looked down at his watch." Shit Dustin, we're late, Steve is probably waiting for us in the parking lot."
" Shit. Eddie, you need us to do anything else for you?" Dustin asked.
" Yeah Ed's, what else can we do?" Jeff asked.
" You guys go ahead, I just need to load up the van and lock the door, drop the key off on the front desk of the office. I've got it from here. No need to wait around,I'll be out in 10."
" Alright, good night Eddie the Banished." Dustin smiled and bowed, which Eddie returned in an even more dramatic fashion.
" Congratulations again guys! Have a good night!" I waved to them all as they smiled and walked out of the room.
Eddie plopped down on the throne with an exaggerated sigh. " I was so fucking close Princess, so fucking close! Dustin, that little Shithead is so goddamn fearless, he has no idea what he cost me tonight-"
I walked over to the door and turned the lock then flipped off the light switch. The dim safety lights came on and I walked over to Eddie.
I saw the smile on his face as I approached him." What are you doing darling?"
" I know how disappointed you are that they defeated your Minotaur baby, so I am going to make an exception." I stood over him and started to unbuckle his belt.
" We're really going to do this?"
" Unless you don't want to-"
" Of course I want to -"
" Then help me pull your pants down."
He did not hesitate , his pants were down in a blink of an eye, his shirt also on the floor. Even in the dark I could see how hard he was. I ran my hand down his length and heard him moan. If you had told me a year ago that just the sound of a moan could turn me on, or that I would be screwing my incredibly hot boyfriend in the drama room at the school after dungeons and dragons I would have laughed in your face, but here we are.
Ever since our first time I can't stop thinking about sex with him. I can't look at him without wanting to put my hands all over him. He is such an amazing lover, he can be so soft and sweet and gentle, and as I am more recently finding out also assertive and very vocal. He is so fucking hot.
I slid off my panties and straddled him, my hands running over his bare chest.He ran his hands up my thighs and hiked up my skirt, then continued up to slip off my shirt. He stared in awe at my breast, then a slow smile spread across his face.
" Are you ready for me Princess?" His fingers slid between my legs. " Your so fucking ready."
" I am always ready for you baby." I lined myself up with his thick cock and slowly lowered myself down onto it until I had taken him fully in. We both moaned at the sensation.
" Oh Fuck," Eddie breathed, I watched as his head rolled back, exposing his neck. I leaned in and kissed his throat, trailing kisses up to his jaw and then his lips. He moaned into my mouth as I slid up and down on his shaft. He felt so amazing, stretching me in the best way possible.
His big hand's grabbed onto my hips and he rocked me back and forth, he nibbled on my lower lip before pulling away. " You look so pretty Love, face flushed, your pouty lips swollen," he brought his hands up to my chest, slid his thumbs under the lace of my bra, grazing my nipples. Goosebumps washed over my skin." That feel good?" He thrusted his hips upward as I rode him and I gasped.
" That feels so good baby please don't stop." I begged.
He continued at a relentless pace, I whimpered as he hit the spot over and over again." Open your eyes baby, look at me." He tilted my chin up and I opened my eyes and gazed right into his. " I want to watch your beautiful face as you cum." He breathed.
I rocked harder and faster until I felt my body unravel." Eddie, cum with me."
I could feel his body bucking beneath me, I threw my head back as my own orgasm hit me hard and I cried out. I heard Eddie say my name, panting. I collapsed onto his sweaty chest, trying to catch my breath. I felt his arms wrap around me , his fingers in my hair.
" I love you so fucking much." He breathed into my ear.
" I love you too baby." I snuggled into his neck. " I could stay right here forever."
" Mmmm." I heard a rumble deep in his chest, he kissed the top of my head.
I reached up and was about to brush his hair off his sweaty forehead when the doorknob shook.
" Eddie?" It was Dustin.
" Fuck!" We both jumped in surprise then rummaged around looking for our clothes. I pulled on the first shirt I could find and my panties, smoothed out my skirt as Eddie jumped into his pants and slid a shirt over his head. He looked me over with a smile and made sure I was presentable. " Your shirt is inside out Doll,"
I took it off and flipped it right side out then slid it back on. He winked then went to the door.
He unlocked the door and opened it up." Henderson, what can I do for you?We were just getting ready to leave."
" We got halfway home and I realized I forgot my bag-" his brows furrowed. "Why are you so sweaty? Why aren't you wearing shoes?"
I slid my cardigan on then grabbed Eddies duffel bag." I'm going to bring this out to the van. See you later Dustin." I slipped past them and heard Dustin ask Eddie,
" Did you just have sex in here? Is this room tainted now?"
I smirked to myself but didn't stick around to hear his answer.

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