Corroded Coffin

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" Thanks for picking me up guys! I am so excited!" I climb into the backseat of Steve's car and shut the door." Have you guys ever heard Eddie's band play before?"

" Once, I think it was the school talent show a couple years ago, they were good. Not really my type of music but good." Steve replied as he backed out of the driveway and headed out.

" I can't wait to go into the bar and people watch, it's going to be spectacular." Robin claps her hands together in the passengers seat." It's Friday night people are going to be ready to let their hair down, a bunch of drunk metal heads- do you think we will see a fight?"

" Hopefully not, but that is why I am coming along. Some long haired metal head tries to put their hands on you guys, nope not on my watch. I am your muscle tonight. Steve Harrington, body guard. You girls have nothing to fear."

"Awww Steve, that is so sweet! But what makes you think we can't take care of ourselves?" Robin asked

" I am just trying to be chivalrous. I am willing to put my good looks on the line for you ladies."

" You would take a punch in the face for us?"

" Yes I would, your my girls."

"Awwww!" We said in unison.
" If you weren't driving we would both give you a big hug."I pat him on the shoulder.

"Rain check?" He smiled

Robin rolled her eyes." We'll see." She turns to me." You have never seen Eddie play?"

" I have seen him play, but never the band. He wanted to surprise me."

Steve pulled his car into a parking spot on the street in front of A bar called The Hideout." Looks like they actually have a crowd tonight."

"Oh my god I have butterflies in my stomach!" I opened the door and got out. I fussed with my hair and pulled down on my skirt. " Do I look Ok?" I was wearing one of Eddie's Metallica shirts, a Jean jacket ,a black mini skirt, tights and my converse high top sneakers. I had my curls pulled up into a messy bun with a couple of tendrils left down on either side of my face. " I don't usually wear skirts this short, or makeup-"

" You look good." Robin smiled at me and asked," Is that your Eddie Munson's slut skirt?" Referring to the time when Eddie and I came out as a couple and Chrissy Cunningham left a lovely little note on my locker calling me a slut. I went to school the next day dressed the part. She was so pissed that she didn't get to me.
" It is, that is the only other time I have worn it."
" Yeah, you look hot, he's gonna love it." He stood in between us and put his arms across our shoulders. "Remember, anyone messed with you let me know."

We walked up to the door and the bouncer checked our ids " Your all under age." He wrote a black x on our hands." I catch you with a drink your out of here."

" You don't have to worry about us sir, just here to listen to the band." Robin smiled.

He motioned for us to move along so we walked inside. It was dark and smoky and crowded . Steve put his hands on our backs and lead us through the crowd to the front of the stage just as Corroded Coffin started playing Rock and Roll all night by Kiss . My breath hitched in my throat. Eddie looked magnificent on stage. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He looked so confident, so damn sexy and he sounded amazing.

"Earth to Ronnie-" Robin waved her hand in front of my face and I snapped out of it. " They sound really good!"

" Yeah they do!" Robin and I smiled and screamed Eddies name.It took about five seconds for him to find us in the crowd but as soon as he did he made his way over to where we were standing , a huge smile on his face. I watched his fingers fly as he played a riff, his tongue poking out from between his lips as he concentrated, when he looked up at me and winked I thought I was going to lose my mind.

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