Study Buddies

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I wondered into the kitchen a bundle of nerves, Eddie Munson was going to be studying at my house in twenty minutes. Twenty minutes! Holy shit! I grabbed some cookies that I had made earlier and put them on a plate, a bag of chips some sodas than ran up to my room. Study sessions had been going really well this past month, I am  so impressed by how motivated Eddie has been, though keeping him on task can be a bit of a challenge, it's like his mind is always going off in eight different directions.He's so smart, it is just a matter of keeping him focused.

I can honestly say I have enjoyed every minute of our study sessions so far. He is a great guy, and I feel like there is a real genuine friendship starting between us. He's so goddamn funny, so dramatic and he is so cute. Those big brown puppy dog eyes of his, his big toothy smile. I would be lying if I said I didn't have a slight crush on him, but I know how important it is that I keep my head in the game when it comes to Eddie. This year is too important to him.Besides he doesn't feel the same.

I check my reflection in my vanity mirror to make sure nothing is out of place. Should I put on some lip gloss? Maybe not gloss, maybe just tinted lip balm, I don't want it to be too obvious. I swiped some on my lips and jumped when I heard the doorbell ring. I looked at the clock on my wall, he's early. I heard my mom's footsteps walking to the front door, then the sound of the door opening.

" Mrs. Carver? It's nice to meet you-"

" You must be Eddie Munson. Come right on in. Veronica is up in her room. Why don't I walk you on up?"

" That would be wonderful, thanks. " I hear footsteps and I run and jump on my bed sitting Indian style trying to look casual, luckily I organized all of our study books and flash cards earlier and put them on the stand by my bed, I grabbed the top book, opened it up to a random page just in time for the door to open.

" Here you go, don't study too hard! It was nice meeting you Eddie."

He smiled that charming smile of his" It was a pleasure meeting you Mrs. Carver." She smiled at him then closed the door. I watched him scope out my room, taking it all in. " Duran Duran, Bon Jovi?"

" I told you I listen to everything."

" I bet you think they are hot." He smirked as he walked over and dropped his backpack on the floor near my bed. " May I?" He motioned to my bed.

" Have a seat. "

" So, do you think they are dreamy?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

" Your such a dork, but if you must know Ritchie Sambora hold a special place in my heart."

" You like long haired guys that play the guitar ?" he raised his eyebrows " Asking for a friend."

" You have a friend?" I asked faking surprise.

Eddie laughed,"Smartass . Do you know who holds a special place in my heart? Your mom. They weren't kidding when they said she was hot." I threw a pillow at him and he laughed. "Seriously though."

" You're an asshole."

He laughed and leaned a little closer."I'm your favorite asshole."

It was my turn to laugh. "Alright, you got me there."

He smiled." Knew it!" He looked down at my bed as he made himself comfortable." So is that some kind of new studying technique?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

He pointed to the book I had 'casually' thrown open to a random page." Reading upside down? Seems like a unique learning technique to me."

I looked down and sure enough the book in front of me was upside down. Smooth, Veronica, real smooth. I blushed. "You are on fire today Munson. What has you so amped up?"

" You want to know?" He reached down into his bag and pulled out a paper, put it down on the bed in front of me." 86 baby! I got an 86! The highest grade I have ever gotten in Ms. O'Donnells class! You see that there? She wrote nice job, and not see me after class!"He fist pumped.

"Eddie that is awesome!" Before I knew what I was doing I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around him in a hug. " I'm so proud of you."

"I couldn't have done it without you." After a moment's hesitation I felt his arms slide around me and hug me back. He held on a moment then slowly backed away. We smiled at each other then sat back on opposite sides of the bed.

" I am simply showing you tips and tricks for studying, you are the one doing all the work." I reached over and grabbed a cookie off my nightstand and handed it to him then grabbed one for myself." A celebratory cookie for an outstanding job."

He took a big bite." Damn, your mom makes some amazing cookies."

"I made these amazing cookies because I knew you were coming over."

He flashed me a big smile. " You made them for me?"

" I did."

" Did you put on lip gloss for me too?"

Shit he noticed, be cool." I didn't put on lip gloss, I put on lip balm. My lips felt chapped"

" From kissing ass all day."

" Wow." I rolled my eyes at him." That's sweet."

" Do you expect any less from me?"

" No." I got up from my bed and grabbed a scrunchie off my vanity and threw my hair up into a messy bun on top of my head. "Enough chit chat Munson, we have work to do. Did you bring your history book?"

" No, I forgot it in my locker."

I retrieved mine from my backpack and popped on  my reading glasses." We can just share mine." I climbed back onto my bed and sat next to Eddie. " We can read this unit then work on the questions together ok?" I put the book in my lap and opened to the section we were working on in class." Can you read it ok?"

He moved a little closer to me." Yup, now I'm good."

" Ok, let me know when you need me to turn the page."

" 'Kay"

We spent the next 15 minutes reading the chapter and for about half of that time all I could concentrate on was the fact that Eddie's arm and his knee were touching mine. What is wrong with me?

" Alright, first question. What English monarch granted a charter to the Virginia company?"

" King James the first."

" Perfect." I handed Eddie a blank notebook and a pencil and he wrote down his answer while I did the same in my notebook." Next question-"

" How many questions are there?"



" Yup, we will finish these questions up then take a break. " The key to working with Eddie was taking breaks." Sound good?" I looked over at him and noticed him staring at me. " Earth to Eddie? What? Do I have cookie crumbs stuck to my face or something?"

He snapped out of it."No, I was just noticing that your lips don't look chapped at all. They look soft."

I felt my cheeks get hot." Thanks. Gotta keep them hydrated if I'm gonna be kissing ass all day." I watched him smirk. " Ok now question two-"

There was a knock on my bedroom door," Veronica?"

" Yeah mom?"

My mother opened the door and popped her head in" Sorry to interrupt hun but you have a phone call."

I looked at her confused." A phone call?"

" Yes. It's Steve Harrington?"

"Steve Harrington?" Both Eddie and I said at the same time.

My mom smiled." I think he is going to ask you out on a date!"

" A date?"  I replied, nervously.

" A date?" Eddie repeated

Holy shit.

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