Last day of School

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I had dreamed of this day for years now, where I finally get to say goodbye to this motherfucking school once and for all. I know it is my own fault that I am still here, I'll own that shit , but it feels like a lead weight has been taken off my shoulders . I never have to walk these hallways again, I'll never have to hide in the bathroom stalls from jocks again, and I'll never be sent to the principals office ever again. I'm fucking graduating, 86 baby, it was my year. The best year of my life.
" I cant believe this is it. This is really it." Robin leaned up against the locker beside me as I opened mine up for the final time to empty out its contents. There wasn't a lot inside, mostly just notes and jokes from the guys, old assignments and tests and drawings, nothing of value, well except for the 'Munsons Slut ' sign that Chrissy Cunningham made and hung on Veronica's locker .Ronnie then drew a heart and a Rooster on stating that she loves my cock, it was brilliant and she never got in trouble for it because she never wrote out the word cock. It was fucking epic and a true work of art. I kept it taped up on my locker door.
" This is a keeper." I smirked and turned to Ronnie and she smiled.
" Some of my best work. Chrissy loved it." She slid an arm around my waist." I can't believe it's our last day . It went so fast."
" This year, yes, my high school career, not so much."
"  That's because you are a Super Senior !" Robin laughed.
I wadded up a piece of paper and threw it at her." Ass."
" Us Asses need to stick together."
I pulled the last of the locker contents out and jammed it in my backpack. "That it." I slammed the door closed making Robin jump. " Not going to miss this place at all."
" I am." Veronica sighed. " Ms. O'Donnells room where we first met,the band room where Rob and I first met, the library where we would study together, the gymnasium where I caught Eddie Munson at a Pep Rally! The auditorium where we performed together, the drama room where we, uh , also performed together-"
I smiled and watched as Robin looked at us confused. " You guys didn't take drama?"
"No we didn't,"
" Then what we're you doing in the drama room?"
" Hellfire Club."
Robin raised her eyebrows." You played D&D?"
" No, we had sex on the throne in the drama room after D&D."
Robin's jaw dropped. " You had sex here at school? Holy Shit!"
" Dustin almost busted us. He forgot his backpack and tried to open the door." I laughed." He told me we tainted the room. You, " I pointed at Veronica, " Fucking bailed on me."
She laughed. " What else was I supposed to do? Why yes Dusty buns, I just screwed your Dungeon Master. I am the one that is supposed to set a good example."
" It was your idea!"
" I know! "
Robin just shook her head and smirked." Jesus Christ you guys, anywhere else in the school?"
"  Oh god no, that was just a one time thing."
" We could do it again for old times sake." I smiled down at her.
" We are not going to do anything that would put you at risk for not graduating."
" Are you really going to flip the principal off at Graduation?" Robin asked eyebrows raised.
" As much as I would fucking love to, I feel like it would embarrass Wayne. That man has put up with enough of my shit over the years that I feel like I owe it to him to behave myself. So no, I won't flip him the bird as I get my diploma, I will however fully flip him off ,double birds, at the end of the commencement ceremony when the diploma is clenched in my hand. Then I am making a break for it, I will fucking army crawl off that football field if I have to."
" You are not, your going to stand three seats down from me and we are going to throw our hats up in the air!" Ronnie smiled.
" I'll be the first one to walk across the stage. Then Montgomery, Munson and Wheeler. So unreal." Robin shook her head.
" I have to give a speech. I'm so nervous ."
" Your going to knock it out of the park Sweetheart." I kissed the top of her head.
Just then the bell rang and it was time for our last lunch at the Hellfire table.
We were the first to arrive so we took our seats, then as the crowd trickled in we saw Dustin and Mike , Jeff , Gareth, and Scotty stand in the lunch line. We waved at them then pulled our lunches out of our bags. I plopped my baggie of pretzels and soda down on the table and Veronica pulled out an apple and a Peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwich.
" Here Ed's, let's share." She handed me half. I took it from her and the three of us ate in silence, lost in our thoughts.
" Holy shit guys," Dustin sat down next to Robin with his tray." Can you believe it? Our last lunch together. I am feeling a little emotional right now."
I leaned over and gave his shoulder a squeeze. " Your the future of Hellfire Henderson. You and Mike and Gareth, your left in charge of finding the outcast, the lost little sheepies and taking them under you wing, just like I did with you. I took a chance on a kid wearing a Weird Al tshirt and now that kid is getting ready to take over as Dungeon Master. I am proud of you."
" Don't say that shit to me right now Eddie, I can't even think about it. You guys are all going to be leaving, starting new lives, we will be stuck here , in Hawkins, with Steve."
" Well at least you will still have someone here to look out for you and cart your asses around."
" I'm not going to be far." Robin pat his head. " It will be alright."
Mike and Jeff sat down , shortly followed by Gareth and Scotty.
" What's wrong Henderson." Gareth asked noticing that his younger friend was looking a little sullen.
" It's our last lunch together." I answered for Dustin. " He's feeling a little emotional about it. "
" It's alright Henderson, we still have a summers worth of D&D before it is over. You will be fully prepared for DM by the time we all leave." Jeff reassured.
" Your the only one I trust with that title."
" I'm offended ." Mike dropped his fork.
" Are you kidding me right now Wheeler? " I smirked. "You have been at this table a total of 5 minutes and you have already looked over at MY girlfriends boobs like seven times. You are way too distracted. You need to focus."
" It's not my fault, " he looked down at his tray and poked at his food." She's so cute I can't concentrate when she is around. She won't be here anymore so you don't have to worry."
Ronnie's eyes softened and she stuck out her bottom lip. " Awww! Wheeler, are you going to miss me?" She got up and walked over to him and gave him a hug from behind and a kiss on the cheek. Instantly his face got red, he probably had a boner under the table from her breasts squashing up against his back and warm lips on his cheek. I think he did it on purpose. He knows Ronnie is a hugger and he reeled her right in.
" Yeah, we still have the summer. Plenty of quality time left." Robin smiled.
" Eddie you were supposed to teach me how to drive when I got my permit!" Dustin shook his head.
" You want Eddie to teach you how to drive? I don't think that is a great idea." Scotty laughed.
" What? I don't drive like a maniac, well not anymore." I slid my arm around Veronica's waist as she sat back beside me." I'm safe, huh Sweetheart?"
" A little fast sometimes but always safe."
" See, I am a great role model." We all laughed.
" Eddie, will you do it one last time?" Dustin looked over at me with sad eyes.
" Do what Henderson?"
" Give is one last lunchroom rant?"
" I don't really have anything to rant about anymore, I'm fucking out of here."
" Please?"
I sighed then whispered in Ronnie's ear." I'll be right back." And kissed her cheek. I stood up and hopped up on the table." Excuse me, can I have your attention please?"
The lunchroom hushed to a dull chatter and everyone turned in my direction.
" As you all know, today is the last day of school, but more importantly MY last day of school, like forever, finally. I want to thank you all , especially the cafeteria staff ,for putting up with my rants and my bullshit over the years. I know that each and everyone of you has been looking forward to this day since I first started at this school. Now the day has come and I wanted to properly say goodbye. Goodbye everyone and try not to miss me too goddamn much."
The cafeteria staff cheered and some of my fellow students clapped, some just didn't give a shit and it was totally fine with me because I was never going to see them again. I jumped down from the table and stood behind Veronica, rubbing her shoulders.
" Thanks Eddie." Dustin smiled.
I smiled at him and jumped as the bell rang. " And that's a wrap guys."
" Last task of the day, picking up our caps and gowns!" Ronnie clapped excitedly .
We said goodbye to Henderson and Wheeler , Gareth and Scotty then waited for Jeff to turn in his tray. The four of us then walked to the cafeteria to pick up our Graduation ensemble. Holy fucking shit, it was really happening.

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