Graduation - part 2

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This had truly been a remarkable day. Finally walking across that stage and getting that diploma, I felt like a giant weight was lifted off my shoulders. It was over. Would I miss it , absolutely not. Time to move on to bigger and better things. I was still unsure of what my future held in store for me, but one thing was certain, Veronica would be there.

I couldn't help but stare as I watched her walk back to where I was sitting, on a blanket in the grass in her back yard. Her hair pulled back into a thick ponytail swaying back and forth as she moved, smile on her face making her dimples prominent and the corners of her eyes crinkle. Her cheeks were sun kissed from being outside all day and that made the light freckles on her nose stand out a little darker against her fair skin. She hadn't been kidding when she had said that her breast looked spectacular in her sundress , her whole body was exquisite. Perfect hourglass figure accentuated by the material of the pale yellow dress. Small waist but nice full hips and the sweetest ass I had ever seen. I always thought of myself as a boob man, but goddamn, did I love grabbing that ass to pull her closer to me or holding onto her hips for dear life as she would grind down onto me.Jesus Christ, I needed to stop, I was surrounded by her grandparents for fuck sake.

" Earth to Eddie?" She stood in front of me , a smirk on her face." Day dreaming?"She sat down and snuggled up to me.

" More like admiring the view." I wrapped an arm around her." So, did I make a good impression?"

" Knocked it out of the park with the Grandparents babe. My Grammy, you had her as soon as you walked out that door. Nana and Pops, both thought you were sweet and charming. My Pops, he can be a tough nut to crack, wasn't sure about the hair and the tattoos but decided you were' a fine young man'. He's in there talking Wayne's ear off."

I chuckled." Wayne? Being social? Holy shit!"

She laughed." I know! You know what I really love?"

" What Princess?"

" How much my family loves you. It makes my heart feel full." She lifted her head off my shoulder and looked up at me with her sweet doe eyes.

I leaned over and kissed the tip of her nose, then placed a light kiss on her lips." It makes my heart feel full too Sweetheart.It has just been Wayne and I for so long, I don't know what it is like to have family. It's overwhelming? I guess? But in the best way possible . I don't think I have ever gotten so many kisses and hugs in my life." Seriously though, but to be held in a loving manner by a Grandmother, there is something special about that. Grammy Millie, best hugger on the planet. I have only known her for a couple hours and I fucking LOVE her.

" Very touchy feely family. It's in my blood to want to touch you Munson."

" Oh trust me, it's in my blood to want to touch you too Princess." I scooped her up so that she was sitting sideways across my lap and was just getting ready to give her another kiss when I heard-.
" I remember when your Grandfather couldn't keep his hands off me either." Millie chuckled. " Look at you two love birds over here. What a handsome couple you are. You'd make adorable children."

Veronica laughed." Gram!"

" Well back in my day you two would be married by now. Not that I am rushing you along. I understand women wanting to establish careers now , before settling down, and I support that one hundred percent, but I'm just saying.."

" So your saying we are a good couple?" I asked her smiling.

" I may be an old lady but I'm a good judge in character and I know love when I see it. You two are in love. Your good kids." She pointed at us matter of factly. " I also know that that Jason kid is nothing but a little prick."

I just about fucking died. I started laughing so hard I fell back into the grass." I couldn't have said it better myself Millie!"

She chuckled." I call it like I see it."

" God Gram I missed you!"

Millie took a seat on the blanket next to us." Now why aren't you guys at some crazy party?"

" Because Gram, we wanted to visit with you."

" I'm just an old lady, you should be with your friends, causing a little trouble." She looked down at her watch." It's almost time for me to turn in, it's been a long day for me, I'm still trying to catch up on my rest. This time zone thing has got me all screwed up.Go to your party, have a good time."

I looked at her eyebrows raised." But what about-"

She reached over and slapped my leg, then smirked and gave it a squeeze. "You're a good strong boy aren't ya? Well anyway, I want you to go!"

"Gram, were you getting fresh with my boyfriend?" Veronica smiled.

" I'm old but I'm not dead Veronica."

I burst out laughing again, covering my face with my arm, tears streaming from my eyes.

" Oh? What is that?" Mildred lifted up the corner of my shirt." Good god, look at that tattoo!"

" Gram!"Veronica exclaimed."You can't just go lifting up his shirt like that!"

" Well I have never seen a tattoo like that before! How many do you have under there?"

" You really want to see them?" I asked, sitting up.

" I'm just curious is all. "

" I'll show you if you really want to see, but only because I like you." I winked at her and it brought a smile to her face.

" Oh boy are you trouble."

" So I'm sure that you have seen the ones on my arms,this one on my side here is the most recent, got it done for my birthday. Can I level with you Gram?"

" Always sweetie-"

" It hurt like a bitch." I raised up my shirt on the other side." Please don't judge me by how stupid some of these are, I was young and dumb and thought it would up be awesome to have a demon head and a spider on my chest."

" Well who wouldn't think it was cool?"

" Thanks Gram."

" And that one-" She reached over and touched the heart with our initials in it." EM + VM, you have my granddaughter's initials on your chest? Oh dear lord!"

" Yeah, it was a surprise."

" I think it is just the sweetest thing." She pointed at Ronnie." You have got to hang on to this boy."

" I don't really have a choice, he has my initials on his chest, where else is he going to find another VM?" She smiled up at me.

" I'm sorry if I embarrassed you Eddie."

" Not at all Millie, if I didn't want people to see them I wouldn't have gotten them."

" Well thank you for indulging an old woman."

" Your not that old."

" Bless your heart. "

"Gram, your only in your late sixties right? Your still a spring chicken."

" A spring chicken with bad knees."

Veronica slid off my lap and I sprung up to help her to her feet." I got ya Millie."

" Thank you Eddie." She slapped my ass and I yipped." Now get my granddaughter to that party."

" Whatever you say Ma'am."

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