Sick Day

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It's official, I am dying. Every muscle in my body hurts, my nose is running and my throat is so sore. I don't get sick very often, thank god but right now I am pretty convinced that this is the end for me. Ok maybe I am being a little dramatic.

I am laying in bed covered in blankets, box of tissues by my side and a glass of water on my nightstand. My mom prepped me with the essentials before she left for work, telling me that she would call me on her lunch break, I told her not to worry because I would most likely sleep all day.

I threw my covers over my head and sniffled wallowing in my misery until I heard a familiar knock on my window, then I heard it slide open.

" Princess? You ok? You weren't in class this morning and I got nervous, I know that there is a cold or flu or something going around school-"

" Eddie- you should go, I am totally contaminated and probably contagious. Save yourself." I said from under my blanket.

" Veronica , I'm not going to abandon you when you need me the most."

" I don't want you to get sick!"

" Babe, with the amount of time that we spend together, 75% of the time we are making out, it is inevitable that I am also going to get it. It is only a matter of time. I will take care of you and you can take care of me." He tugged at the blanket. " I brought some stuff in the event that you were actually sick to make you feel better."

" I look hideous."

" I am sure you look fine." He pulled the blanket down and shrieked.

I laughed and coughed into my sleeve. "Told you."

" Aww sweetheart ." He lightly ran his thumbs over the dark circles under my eyes." You look so tired."He climbed up into the bed beside me and plopped down a grocery bag. " I brought you some OJ, a can of chicken noodle soup, some cough drops and a book for us to read."

" You are so sweet." My eyes started to tear up.

Eddie wrapped me up in his arms, my head against his chest." It's just soup baby, you don't need to cry."

" I'm sorry, I'm just whiny and tired. You really should just run. I'm serious. I am such a baby."

" You feel a little warm. Want to take a shower? Or a bath? Would that make you feel better? Maybe the steam will help? I am going to go run you a bath." He jumped off my be and ran into the bathroom, I heard the faucet turn on and the water start to run." Ok, we will give that a few minutes. Ok now clothes? Pjs? "

" Top drawer of my dresser."

Eddie pulled open my drawer and stared for a second . " I feel weird rifling around in our underwear drawer. "

"Just grab whatever is on top, everything I need is in there. I don't care if it matches."

He carefully pulled the articles out of my drawer and brought them into the bathroom." All set babe."

" Thank you so much Eddie." I turned and was getting ready to get out of bed when he scooped me up." I can walk."

"I got you." He carried me in and sat me on the bench we had in there.

" This is all just a ploy to get me naked, isn't it Munson?"

" I promise you I will be a perfect gentleman." He carefully pulled my nightgown up and over my head. " I will turn my back while you finish disrobing. I just want to be here in case you need me."

I took off my bra and threw it at him then slid my underwear to the floor, I slowly submerged my body into the nice warm tub. " Mmmm." The bubbles surrounded me.

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