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It's Friday night and I casually stroll into Family video, which to be honest is not unlike any other Friday night . I usually stop by, say hey to my friends Robin and Steve and pick up a couple scary movies for the weekend. But tonight is a little different, tonight I am stopping by to have a little chat with my buddy Steve Harrington.

" Oh hey Eddie!" Robin Buckley says with a smile, She has got to be one of the coolest girls I know.She is funny and a little,neurotic, but that is why we like her. " Let me guess, in the mood for something scary?"

" I will probably just stick with old reliable."

" Nightmare on Elm Street."

" You got it."

" Alright, I will go out back and get it for you!"Robin turned and walked back to the storage room just as Steve walked out.

" Hey Munson, how's it going?" Steve Harrington, the guy you want to hate but you can't because he's actually a good dude. We bump knuckles.

" Good Steve , how's it going with you?"

" Great, got a date tonight as soon as I blow this pop stand."

" Oh yeah?" I know damn well that he has a date tonight but I can't let him know that.

" Yeah, he's going out with Veronica tonight." Robin walks up from behind Steve with my movie in her hand." You know her right Eddie?"

" Yeah, she's helping me out with Ms. O'Donnells class. She's a tutor."

" I totally set them up." Robin clapped excitedly.

I smiled at her excitement." That's great. Uh, what about Nancy?"

Steve rolled his eyes." Still madly in love with Jonathan, he doesn't even live in this state. I give them two months."

" So you guys just hanging out?"

" I guess she hasn't seen a lot of Hawkins, I was thinking of taking her to the mall to walk around then to the movies."

" What are you going to see?"

" I think Back to the future. " Steve looked at his watch. " One more hour."

" Veronica is a really cool girl, your gonna be good to her right?"

" Of course," he gave me a look like I was nuts." Since when have I ever been anything but a gentleman?"

Robin snickered." You going to turn on the Steve Harrington charm?"

" Don't have to turn it on it just oozes out. It's who I am."He smiled.

" it's just that she is a nice girl and you tend to move a little,fast."

" Dude," Steve crossed his arms in front of his chest," I'm not a creep."

" I know you aren't."

" I never go into a date thinking I'm going to hook up. I let them approach me, if they ask if I we should hook up I consider it. But you know I am never disrespectful or pushy."

" If you were I wouldn't have set you up with her." Robin play punched him in the arm.

" Well have fun tonight, be a gentleman." I laid some money on the counter and grabbed the movie. "See you guys later."

I walked out and sat in my van for a couple minutes. The fact that they were going out was really none of my business, so why was it bothering me so much. They are both my friends, I want them to be happy, have fun. Why did I have such a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach?

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