𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 2

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♪ So you can tell me 'bout the girl that you kissed last night
Keep going on about staying at her house ♪

Leah Dupont POV

I left Monaco almost 2 years ago, and I had no intention of going back, my parents came to meet me when birthdays and holidays came, and we also spend some weekends together and did some vacations. Imagine my shock when I receive a call about Pascale Leclerc being in the hospital. Doctors wouldn't release her if there was no one to pick her up. I was in France so I got there in maybe an hour or two.

She has 3 sons, where the fuck were they? I called, and called, and called. Nothing. I opened the news while on the private plane I had to book so I could get there faster. They were all in Abu Dhabi because this season ended, and Max Verstappen won. I'm happy for him honestly. I got to the hospital and ran to the reception. I entered the room and see Pascale with a plastered arm which she had broken when she fell down. She was sleeping so the doctor went to her side.

"Miss Leclerc. You can go home now" He says calmly and she seats down. She looks around and when she sees me by the door, her eyes fill with tears.

"Baby, you came" She says and I get closer so I could gently hug her.

"Of course I did. How did they have my number?" I ask and she shrugs.

"I'm sorry, the boys only come back by tomorrow night. I didn't know who to call. Your parents are in Jamaica on vacation so I gave them your number as a last resort" She says and I nod giving her a smile.

"You don't need to apologize, you know I would come. You are like a mom to me" I say and she nods happily.

"So, can you take me home? I will make you a delicious dinner, you must be hungry" She says and I nod laughing.

"Let's go home, I will help you cook. I will sign the forms to state I'm responsible for you" I say and she nods.

The doctor gave us everything we needed and I took her home, she lived in the same building as my parents. And Charlotte Sine. Imagine me saying her name with the most disgusted eye roll ever. She can choke for all I care about. We talked for long hours, I gave her the medication we had to pick up and helped her get dressed and get in bed. I don't like seeing her like this and I'm absolutely stunned they ignored the hospital calls. The next day I called the three of them, but nothing again.

I called Pierre and nothing. Finally, I call Heidi by the end of the morning and she picks up, she tells me at what time they would come so I just wait for the time to come while making sure Pascale has her needed company. Pascale never asked me why I left, I always messaged her so she knew I was fine all this time. Pascale came with my parents to see me some of the weekends but it wasn't enough when she was used to seeing me all the time, or basically every single day for more than 20 years.

I get to the airport, sit down, and wait patiently so I could be ready to give them the lecture of their lives. I finally see them, Arthur and Lorenzo looked around frenetically, Charles was with Alex and Max but when he got to the waiting room he looked a bit scared and nervous. Charlotte just stood there, she didn't even try to make it look like she was looking for me.

"Well, your mother could've definitely died if she was relying on being able to communicate with her own sons" I say getting up and Arthur runs to me, so does Lorenzo.

"Leah, I was starting to think it was a lie" Arthur says hugging me and I hug him back.

"What happened to mom?" Lorenzo asks also hugging me after Arthur let me go.

"She fell and broke her arm. She can't do much and she also couldn't be released from the hospital without someone to take care of her so yeah. My parents are in Jamaica" I say while Charles just stood there.

"Thank you for coming to help her, our phones run out of battery and we were sleeping so we couldn't have guessed" Charles says and I nod.

"What if I didn't answer? What if she hadn't even gotten to the hospital?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I can't do anything from another country. I'm sorry, I'm really relieved you came, I can't thank you enough and I think I speak for the three of us" Charles says with some desperation.

"Okay, I just don't want anything happening to her" I say and he nods.

"We don't want that either" He says and Charlotte puts her hand in his. Max and Alex get closer and I give each one a quick hug.

"I have to go, I have to help her take a shower" I say turning around to leave.

"Hello to you too" Charlotte says and everyone looks at me.

"Fuck off" I say walking off and the shock on their faces is clear since Arthur and Lorenzo were there as I passed through them, this is the most unbothered I have ever been, she is not going to fuck it up.

"Did Ferrari call a cab?" Arthur asks looking at Charles and he shakes his head.

"I called a cab. You can take yourself and the thing in your car" I say when we get outside and throw the car keys to Charles.

"Be respectful Leah" Charlotte says in a threatening tone and I laugh.

"Or what? I don't fucking care about you neither do I respect you. I have respect for Pascale, my parents, and my friends. Not you" I say and our cab arrives.

"Leah" Charles calls as everyone enters the cab.

"What?" I ask clearly bothered. They fucked it up.

"Can you come with me so we can talk?" He asks and I see the surprise in Charlotte's face.

"I don't want to" I say entering the cab and closing the door.

We got to their apartment and Charles took longer since he probably had to help Charlotte get her baggage up. While they unpacked and all that, I went to give Pascale her bath so she could go to sleep. When she laid in her bed I sat in the corner by her side while she smiled caressing my hand.

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