𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 31

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♪ Well, did you know you're an angel who forgot how to fly?
Did you know that it breaks my heart every time to see you cry? ♪

Charles Leclerc POV

I watched as everyone had fun, every girlfriend was here and everyone was celebrating my win. I couldn't be happier. Leah was killing it, even Isabel, Carlos' girlfriend, complimented her on the dress and she caught up with everyone that she still hasn't seen since she got back.

"I think this night is not going to end well" Lorenzo says coming closer to me as I talked to Pierre, Carlos and Max.

"Why?" Max asks confusedly.

"Arthur has been drinking too much" Lorenzo says looking at me and I think I got it.

"Give me a few minutes" I say getting up from my seat and going to Leah.

"Hey there" She says giggling and I think she had a few drinks too.

"Can we talk?" I ask and she nods, she puts her hand in mine, and the other rests on my arm while I took her to an empty table.

"What happened?" She asks worriedly.

"Nothing. I- Did you and Arthur talk about that kiss and confession? Do you know if he meant it? He has been drinking a lot and I honestly feel like I don't want to step on anybody, much less you and my little brother" I say trying to be straightforward but the truth is that she doesn't owe me a thing.

"Charlie" She says with the cutest voice I've heard her make and looks at me and my mind went blank.

"Yeah..." I say confusedly.

"Just kiss me already" She says getting closer and kissing me. I didn't even budge, I kissed her back on the second she kissed me.

"Leah. Are you drunk?" I ask when the kiss ends and she laughs.

"Nope. You have seen me drunk. I drank like 3 glasses, I just get a bit more open-minded to kiss you with a little courage. My mind is fogged and I don't overthink. Are you drunk? You don't seem drunk" She says quickly and I laugh.

"I am not drunk love. You would know it too" I said stroking her hair and she smiles.

"I will seat on your lap and hug you but I should tell you that your hair is messy and I love it on you. You are very attractive right now" She says doing just as she said and I hold her in my arms, I feel like this is where she should be.

"You are always attractive but this dress is killing me" I was trying so hard not to have any other thoughts because she would know. She really would.

"You smell really good. Why did you call me here?" She asks sitting straight and her lips were inches from mine. "Arthur?"

"Yeah, it was about Arthur" I say nervously. I can resist it.

"We haven't talked about it. We kind of pretend it didn't happen. Do you think I should talk to him?" She asks looking around, I do the same and I see him and Lorenzo talking.

"I just wanted to know if there was any conclusion from that. It's kind of awkward not to know if you made a choice or if he feels something for you" I say while my hand went up and down her arm, her skin was so soft and it relaxes me.

"I don't know any of that. I don't talk about my feelings out loud so I don't expect him to do the same" She says shrugging.

"We should go before people notice we have been gone for 10 minutes" I say trying not to look at her lips and at that moment she gets closer.

"Are you not attracted to me? Just asking for a friend" She says and I feel her lips dangerously close to mine.

"Leah, if I did what goes on in my head I don't think it would even be legal to do it here. But I do feel attracted to you, more than what should be humanly possible" I wait for her reaction and I see her gulp.

"Could we go back to your room when the party ends?" She asks running her hand through my hair and now I'm the speechless one.

"What? Yeah, of course. You are always welcome in my room" I say nervously and I feel like a fucking teenager.

"You better fuck me tonight Charles, because I've been wanting on it for too long" She says getting up from my lap I sat there, no words came to my mind.

"You okay mate?" I hear Max's voice and I get out of my thoughts and get up.

"I couldn't be better" I say going to the dance floor and having some fun while Lando was doing his DJ duties.

"You two make a great couple. I'm happy you are figuring it out" Kelly says happily.

"I mean, I guess we are. What did she tell you? I just want to make sure we are on the same page" I ask curiously leaning in and she laughs.

"She likes you, Charles. She doesn't want a title, she thinks that will make it complicated. Just get closer, treat her as your girlfriend but don't call her one. In a few months, she will put on the title and you will be just fine. Take the pressure of the title out" She says and I think I was glad she told me that. Now I know what the problem was.

"Thank you. I'm glad she has good friends that look out for her. The three of us could only do so much" I say letting out a laugh.

"Let's toast to the winner, and the other two!" Leah says happily appearing with a tray of champagne glasses.

"The other two? Very nice" Carlos says pretending to be insulted.

"I'm not on the clock. You are the other man, but the main one doesn't mind" She says giving him a tap on the shoulder and giving me my glass.

"I am the main one? I'm flattered" As soon as I say it we both laugh.

"Of course mon chéri" She says giving me a smile and putting her arm on mine.

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