𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 24

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♪ But did you know that I loved you?
Or were you not aware? ♪

Leah Dupont POV

I went into the kitchen with mom and Pascale while I ate some chocolates and they were very quiet while looking at me.

"Do I have something on my face?" I ask confusedly.

"No, you just look happy. I'm glad 2022 is looking good on you" My mom says happily.

"I was happy, I just felt like something was missing. Half of my family was here and that meant half of my heart was here too. I was living away from home. Monaco is home, not France. But I got by" I say being honest.

"I never thought I would be glad to break my arm but I am glad. It got my beautiful girl back and that is all I've wanted every day since you left" Pascale says and I smile. I felt bad every time I think about it because she saw me once in a while but I know I broke her heart. She had too many losses, she didn't need to lose me too.

"We need to be happy we are all back" My mom says changing the subject.

"Do you think she can get him back?" I ask when my mom left for the bathroom.

"She is a pathological liar, but Charles doesn't believe her bullshit anymore. He got through her facade as soon as you got back. He hates her now. I think he has been talking about getting a restraining order for both of you if she gets closer to you again. That will make her move apartment buildings and everything" Pascale says and I'm shocked.

"So that's a no, I'm happy then" I say relieved and going back to the chocolates. Arthur got in and laughed.

"Same Leah, sweets always got the best of you" He says and Pascale leaves the kitchen.

"I mean, you know me" I say shrugging.

"Are you and Charles giving it a try?" He asks and I shake my head.

"He wants to prove to me that he is on it for the right reasons, that he wouldn't risk it all for nothing. But I don't want to be a rebound so I will give it time" I say and he nods.

"He loves you, you love him. It was always just a matter of time" He says calmly and I laugh.

"Love is not all Arthur. There are a lot of things on our way" I say shrugging, I am just being realistic.

"I'm here if you need to talk Leah. I always was" He says opening his arms for a hug and I hug him.

"Is everything alright? Is everything good with Carla? Do you need to talk?" I ask as we hugged for longer than usual.

"I'm fine, she is fine. Don't worry" He says finally letting go and giving me a smile.

"That's great!" I say happily and we left for the living room where we found Charles and Lorenzo arguing about something until a quick Google search showed that none of them was right on what they were so confident in.

"A new year starts and the same habits are still here" I say letting out a laugh while sitting by Charles' left side, Arthur sits by my left and Lorenzo stays on his left.

"These are permanent habits. We are brothers, rivalry has to exist for it to be normal" Lorenzo says proudly and I roll my eyes.

"Makes sense. Do you want to argue with me then? You seemed to give up after a few tries with all losses" I say cheekily and they shake their heads.

"You have too much knowledge of random things. I don't know how you memorize it all but I can't argue with you" Lorenzo says laughing.

"That's smart" I say leaning back and I feel Charles' eyes on me. "Do I have something on my face? Why is everyone fixating on my face tonight?" I ask confused but amused.

"You are gorgeous if that's what you mean. I was just contemplating you darling" He says and I slightly blush, I am not a teenager, this is no age for blushing for being called pretty. "You don't need to get shy, you know you are gorgeous"

"I am not shy, it feels really hot in here. Don't flatter yourself Leclerc" I say and he laughs confidently.

"Whatever you say baby" He says leaning back and stroking a conversation with my father about whatever sport he was trying to get my mom into.

Charles was always his buddy on that. And the next few weeks were good, Charles went to the snow with some friends as he always did. I took the chance to go to France and fix the pending business I had to attend. In my work situation, I could work anywhere in Public Relations but I had an offer from Ferrari that I was seriously considering. I didn't tell Charles that Binotto had talked to me, he had no idea.

I wasn't going to tell him until I made up my mind. I had confirmation that my company would keep me but I didn't see much of a progression there. But I don't want people to think I got into Ferrari because of Charles even though I would be a part of Carlos' PR team to avoid backlash and possible unnecessary hate for myself and Charles.

I know I'm good at what I make, I prepare for all scenarios, I can make things go viral and I am great at quick thinking. I was just unsure if me and Charles working together would be a good idea, it could very bad very quickly.

I came back to Monaco after two weeks in France, and as soon as I got out of the airport I saw Charles waiting for me, leaning on his Ferrari with sunglasses on. He looked really cool, like the ones in the movies. I almost laughed if he wasn't as gorgeous as he is it would've been cringe but he was definitely drawing attention to himself.

"Welcome back home ma chérie" He says as soon as I get to his side with a huge smile on his face.

"Missed me much?" I ask with a smirk and he nods.

"Missing you has become too usual, I don't particularly like it" He says opening the trunk to put my luggage there.

"I love you too" I say and he smiles.

"I know baby. Love you" He says opening the door for me to get in.

Should I take the job or should I settle for what I already have? This sucks.

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