𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 12

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♪ Couldn't hide the truth from my friends too
It's not like everybody knows but you ♪

Leah Dupont POV

I was dancing with Lily and Carla when a guy came to talk to me, I wasn't really attracted to him but I was laughing because he was so bad at flirting it was almost shameful.

"You can take your hand off of me and I won't call protection, but your flirting is almost pathetic" I say a few minutes after of him talking alone basically.

"I thought you were liking it love" He says getting closer and I roll my eyes.

"I didn't answer you and I gave you many signs I wasn't even slightly interested, now back off" I say and I think the three yawns I gave were enough to show how unimpressed and bored I was in this 5-minute talk. It wasn't enough for him apparently. Are men getting dumber?

"If you had protection it would be here by now. Let's just have some fun, I won't tell anyone" He says getting closer and I push him off.

"Do you see those 4 guys?" I ask pointing at the table where the guys were at and Charles gets up realizing something was up.

"Yeah, and?"

"They are my protection, back off" I say and he lets out a laugh but turns serious when Charles stops by our side.

"Is everything okay?" He asks looking at the guy up and down, this man was 5'7'' (1.70m) and Charles is 5'11'' (1.80m) so can you see how funny this was? The man was as close in height to me as he was to Charles.

"He is not backing off and I asked twice" I say crossing my arms.

"What do you need to leave? Is your IQ that low?" Charles asks in a threatening tone and gets closer to the guy, who started to back off.

"Sorry, I didn't know she had a boyfriend. I'm leaving, I'm sorry man" He says and quickly leaves our side.

"Thank you" I say turning away from him so I could get one more drink but when I get to the bartender I see Charles was by my side. "I don't need you to be my shadow, we have been here for two hours and it's the first I didn't handle alone"

"Am I bothering you? Do you want me to leave?" He asks and his eyes lock in mine.

"You can stay, but you can go back to the guys" I say and break the eye contact, I ask for a shot that quickly comes and drink it. I needed to sober up, I can't be this close to him, why am I thinking things I shouldn't? Why is my mind overthinking so much?

"Leah" He whispers my name and I look confusedly at him, his hand touches my cheek and I look into his eyes again.

"What?" I ask still confused, he takes a deep breath and I couldn't really identify what he was feeling right now.

"I- Shit. Nothing" He says taking his hand off and walking off. I was so confused but I was intrigued which made me follow him outside.

"What happened there Charles?" I ask as we get outside, he leaned on the wall and I saw the almost empty street around us, this is way quieter than inside the club obviously.

"Stupid thoughts Leah, I'm sorry" He says and I put myself in front of him, I pick his face up and make him look at me again.

"Are you okay? Do you need to go home?" I ask worried about him, maybe he wasn't feeling alright.

"I'm not okay but it's not physical. Don't worry, go inside, I will meet you there. I'm just cleaning my thoughts" He says and I see he was looking at me the same as he was before but he looks away again. What is happening? That's when it hit me. He was thinking the same as I was. I can't drink with Charles around.

"Charles" I say and he gives me a quick look.

"Please Leah, I'm fine" He says and I think the drink got the best of me at that moment.

I raised my arms and wrapped them around his neck and I kissed him. I was expecting a lot of things, my mind was racing. Until it wasn't. I feel his arm wrap around my waist and pull me closer as his other hand was on my cheek intensifying the kiss. Shit. What are we doing?

It took us too long to stop the kisses, and I knew this wasn't a drunken thought. It wasn't on my part, it was too passionate and too long. Is he using me to forget Charlotte?

"I wouldn't do that Leah" He whispers after we slowly stopped the kisses.

"What?" I ask confusedly, did he read my thoughts or what?

"I see it on your face, you aren't a rebound. You could never be one" He says and I nod looking at the floor, this is awkward.

"I should go inside" I saw nervously and start to leave.

"Are you regretting it?" He asks and I stop midway and look back. His eyes showed his distress.

"I don't know what to do Charles. I just kissed you and I don't know if I should've done that" I say and he gets closer.

"Thank you for doing what I couldn't get the guts to do. I should've done it 10 years ago" He says giving me a small smile and I'm confused.

"What?" I ask in complete shock and his smile grows wider.

"Leah, let's not do this right now. I've liked you since I can remember. I was just too much of a coward, I wanted to keep the friendship and I fucked it up anyways" He says and I knew it was true. I knew when this man lies.

"You are the one who has a girlfriend, not me" I say passing him and going inside.

"What if I end it? Do I have a chance?" He asks walking behind me.

"You always had a chance Leclerc, you just never took it, and never did I" I say and stop suddenly and turn to him. I see him looking me up and down and smirking.

"Don't get my hopes Dupont" He says and I laugh.

"You are getting too comfortable Charles"

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