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♪ He fell in love with his best friend
When she's around, he feels nothing but joy ♪

Leah Dupont POV

Everything was going great. Christmas was a lot easier than Christmas Eve. It was an almost new year and I found myself and Charlotte in the same space, the elevator. I didn't even look at her, she disgusted me. She took everything to the extreme. I heard her reasoning when Charles ended it, everything is someone's fault but never hers. She could put a person in jail by how much she lies and she is good at it because she fully believes what she says. It's like she creates a whole different story in her head.

As soon as Charles started dating her I was always respectful. We never went back to sharing a bed. Yes, I would do sleepovers with the Leclerc brothers, the three of them and I would either fall asleep on the couch or return to my house. I stopped sleeping with Charles as soon as Giada and he became a thing. I respected every girlfriend he had. I and Giada never had problems, she was sweet and I liked her.

I texted Charles at any time. Of course, I did. He spent nights in blank on a simulator or nervous about races. He wasn't obliged to answer, one of us would end up not answering for hours or falling asleep. Not a big deal but whatever. I called him at any time, yeah... That is also not true, my parents slept in the room by my side and I don't like phone calls that much. I could do this all day but the truth is, she is a pathological liar and she will say whatever she thinks will give her reason.

She once had an argument with Charles and pushed him, he got hurt and she really tried to tell Pascale it was me, mind you that it was on the second week of him revealing they were together. Oh, and I was with Pascale all day so it couldn't possibly have been me. She is just like that so I wouldn't make assumptions based on her words or actions, she deserves to be in a psych ward where she could get real treatment.

"I wish you a very nice year, I hope you finally get what you wanted all along" She says as the elevator opens on her floor.

"I hope you can finally invest in some therapy and become a less bitter person. You could've had it all" I say calmly as the doors closed, I was being honest.

My conscience is clean, I did nothing wrong to her or whoever Charles got close with. I stepped away and respected the person, it's the least a person can make. I enter my parents' apartment and I see my dad and Charles talking while watching football on the tv, I shrugged and went to the kitchen to get something to drink.

"What are you two doing?" I ask curiously and they both turn to look at me.

"Mom is with Pascale preparing for tomorrow and we are just socializing" Dad says calmly and I nod.

"I will get ahead on some work. Can you meet me in my room when it ends?" I ask happily, Charles smiles and nods.

"Give me an hour and I will be there" He says while I headed out. I gave him a thumbs-up and entered my room.

I went to my desk and started working on my laptop, I didn't even notice time passing by because when I noticed Charles was already entering the room with a glass of orange juice for me.

"Missed me?" He asks with a big smile while sitting on my bed.

"I saw you yesterday when you came to help my mom. You really should tell her she shouldn't be moving furniture around" I say as we both laughed. My mom loves to reorganize the house.

"I can't say no to your mom" He says turning on the television and looking for something to watch.

"You can say no to her. Just imagine it's me" I say nonchalantly. It seems pretty straightforward.

"I can't say no to you. You, mom and Camille are people I can't say no to" He says and I start closing my laptop.

"You need to learn to say no then. That is not healthy" I say but he just shrugs.

"I don't really care, I would never say no to the three of you. I don't mind" He says and I get up. He makes space for me to lie by his side and I do it. "Are you feeling alright?" He asks after a few minutes of silence.

"I'm fine, there is no need to worry about it"

He got more worried since he knew what happened. He was checking up on me, discreetly, but he was. Sometimes he called, other times he texted or just showed up here. He used to do this before I left and I like it. I know it sounds weird but I feel cared for. He cares about me, he always did. He would walk through fire for me and I certainly would do the same for him. I looked at him and watched as he happily watched a series on Netflix that he has been following.

He looked like himself. I've seen him in all types of situations and with all types of emotions. He looked well-rested, happy, and comfortable. And I felt good anytime I had him by my side. That's how I knew I still felt the same and it was a big mistake to come back. A few kisses with some alcohol in the mix are fine but feelings, those are complicated. It can fuck up things that were okay and I don't want that.

"Do I have something on my face or are you just liking what you are seeing?" He asks without even moving and I feel embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I was thinking and didn't notice I had zoned out looking at you" I say and he lets out a laugh.

"Well, that is disappointing, my ego was growing" He says shrugging clearly not bothered and I laugh.

"Your ego will be just fine darling" I say and he finally looks at me, giving me a smile.

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