𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 23

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♪ But she was already broken
And it made her blind
She could never believe that love would ever treat her right ♪

Charles Leclerc POV

New Year's Eve started and everyone was gathering around the table happily. All types of conversations were being discussed and my mom asked for a few minutes of silence and everyone obeyed.

"I want to thank my sweet girl for being here and coming back home. Leah, you are the daughter I never had and I love you as much as I love my own boys. You are always welcome in our home. Even though you were always in our hearts, I missed you last year on occasions like this one. It didn't feel right but now I feel like we can finally come back to celebrate as a family and Hervé would be proud of how far we've come as a family unit" She says clearly emotional and I smile, Leah gets up and hugs her.

"You are more than my godmother, you are my second mom and I will always appreciate the love you've given me" She says while hugging her and my mom's smile grows wider with tears filling her eyes.

"I always wanted the best for you but always hoped it wasn't away from me and your parents. I wish you all the best in the world and I hope it brings you and Charles together, if it's meant to be" She says and everyone laughs.

"We will see about that mom, no pressure" I say as both sat back down.

"I hope this new year will be the year where we are all together as we always were. And I hope Arthur and Lorenzo know how much they mean to me and that I consider them my brothers from another mother. I want to thank you for always treating me like family" She says looking at my brothers with the sweetest smile, I missed seeing her like this. But it kind of hurt to not hear my name.

"You will always be our sister, no matter what" Arthur says getting up to hug her and Lorenzo also goes even though he is not a touchy person.

"I will always protect you, you are my baby sister. I can't risk anything happening to you sunshine" Lorenzo says while he hugged her and I saw how that made her emotional.

"Don't be like that, you aren't cheesy usually" She says wiping the stubborn tear that fell out and laughed.

"Try to be away from someone who you have lived with every day of your life. It's hard" He says going back to his place.

"And it would be hypocritical of me to talk about you like a brother Charles. Siblings don't kiss and don't have feelings for each other. You are my best friend and we went through a lot together, I hope this new year will be better than all the years we previously had together and I hope your career takes off even more" She says finally turning to me and I smile getting up.

"I hope this year will make it clear how much your comeback means to all of us. I hope we can grow up together like we always did. And I definitely know I can make anything happen if I have you by my side" I say and she hugs me.

"You are the best, 2022 will be your year" She whispers as we hugged.

"Having you here is enough ma chérie" I say and we sit back down.

We talked so much that we had to rush to get the champagne ready when the countdown began. I was the one in charge of opening the bottle as we went to the balcony to see the fireworks that would appear throughout the city. As soon as zero hit I opened the champagne and everyone started celebrating. I looked to my right and there she was.

"Let 2022 be our year mon chéri" I say right before kissing her and she kisses me back after a few seconds.

"To 2022" She says giving me her glass and starts hugging everyone.

"You two definitely started with the right mentality" My mom says teasing us and we laugh while going inside.

"There is no wrong mentality. 2022 can't be worse than 2021" Leah says unbothered and I followed her carefully placing my hand on her lower back.

"You two look great together, did you combine outfits?" Arthur asks mockingly as we were both wearing red.

"They are both manifesting the love they want in 2022, I see nothing wrong with that" Mom says quickly jumping to defend us.

"Do I have a chance in 2022 to show you that I would never risk any of this if I didn't love you?" I ask while everyone was having their own conversations.

"Time will tell if this is meant to be. But you will always have a chance Charles" She says looking around and smiling.

"I love this, I missed this. Last year sucked. It was just us three and mom"

"This is why I don't want to ruin what we have. Our friendship is guaranteed, a relationship could be a big mistake and there is a lot to lose" She says observing everyone with a sad smile.

"Nothing is guaranteed chérie. You left for more than a year, I could leave too. Misunderstandings can happen to a friendship and a relationship. I will make you see that this is worth any risk. You won't regret it darling" I say and she gets closer.

"Let's see about that then" She says smirking and all of us get ready for yet another family picture, it was the tenth today but our moms get happy with that. My phone was the one used but I didn't care.

I sat down on the couch with the guys while the woman were talking about something in the kitchen and threw me out. I looked at the picture and smiled. We were front and center since we were little that pictures were always like that. Me and Leah in the center, my brothers by my side, first Arthur and then Lorenzo, and mom was by Lorenzo's side and her parents by her side.

They tried putting Arthur in the middle of us once and ended up with a bunch of pictures of him crying and moving to my side. I smile and felt proud of having everyone back.

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