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♪ Well, I can tell you're afraid of what this might do
Cause we got such an amazing friendship and that you don't wanna lose ♪

Charles Leclerc POV

How do you react to your younger brother getting drunk and kissing the woman you love? Yeah. I'm still in shock. I haven't said a word since she quickly explained it. Arthur was jealous of us lately, he got drunk, confessed his feelings, and kissed her. But he is my brother. I can't even be that mad without getting mad at myself.

"Are you okay?" She asks after a few minutes of silence.

"Do you- Do you feel something for Arthur? I know I said I felt some jealousy of him, now I wish I could take it back because I clearly jinxed myself. If you like Arthur or if you would like to try it I can back off. Your happiness will always be more important and-" I was rambling at this point and she quickly interrupted me.

"Charles. I don't see Arthur that way, I've never even given it a thought" She says interrupting me.

"Are you giving it a thought?" I ask nervously. I could let her go but it wouldn't be easy.

"Not really. I kissed you last night. Do you think I was thinking of your younger brother? No way!" She says putting her hand on my cheek.

"It would kill me if you chose him right now. I would get used to it after the sudden change settled in" I say looking at her and I felt calmer almost instantly.

"I am not choosing anyone, I'm single and I will keep it that way. Us would be too complicated for my taste" She says letting her hand fall.

"I can't even be mad, I'm now more jealous than I was yesterday" I say getting up and she takes a step back.

"I should go" She says nervously. Every step I took in her direction she took one back.

"Are you seeing who is your best option? Or are you blowing off both Leclerc brothers?" I ask teasing her and she looks up at me.

"I don't have any option to consider, back off Charles" She says putting her hand on my chest to keep me at a distance.

"You kissed me yesterday, quickly but you did. I can't kiss you?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"We should keep our distance, this would never work out. Every time there is a different struggle and I am not up for it. There is always a new problem or a new level of difficulty to make this work. I can't do this Charles" She says and she clearly has given it a thought.

"Leah, I won't force you to do anything. You can go ahead. But if there is something I know is that we can handle complicated, we always could. Shit, I've been nothing but complicated for the last 5 years or more. You stood there, I trust you but I know you need to trust me too" I say taking a few steps back.

"I'm sorry Charles. I'm not sure of this, I need to think things through" She says and I nod.

"Go ahead, I'm going to talk to Arthur and make sure he knows he is not hated for being confused, I don't want to stress him out even more" I say following her to the door.

"See you tomorrow" She says happily and I nod kissing her forehead.

"Have a good night love" I say while she opened her door and I go knock at my brother's door. He went pale as soon as he opened the door.

"I'm so sorry, it wasn't my intention. I was so drunk. I have a huge hangover and I am sorry I went behind your back and I kissed her and it wasn't right" He says quickly and apologetically.

"Stop it. It's fine. It's Leah, I am not even surprised. It's ironic, I was telling her yesterday how I was jealous of you and her because she trusted you and you trusted her. Maybe you are the better option for her, I never stopped to think about it. You had Carla and I never put you two as an option in my mind" I say basically letting it all out.

"I would never be the better option. She has loved you since she was young and you have loved her for the same time. You two will be fine, maybe the drunkness made it all worse than it actually was"

"How long have you felt this way? I don't believe it only started now, you must know" I ask curiously about how long I missed this right in front of me.

"I never noticed it. I always thought it was jealous of the attention she gave you but she was pretty good at being there for both of us. She would always do her best to be at both of our races, she would celebrate every single point, win or loss. She was always everyone's best friend and confident" He says clearly conflicted yet.

"Leah is great and I really don't think I deserve her. I think she would be better off with you but I think she has the right to choose. I will just be her best friend, that is the one I'm certain that I could never fail at it" I say making my peace with the fact everything is in her hands now.

"She will make the right choice, I am not even a choice, I am not sure of my own feelings. And once we get back to Monaco I will have to tell Carla what I did" Arthur says letting out a laugh.

"Let's have dinner. I will call Lorenzo" I say getting up and he nods.

"That will be embarrassing" He says while changing clothes.

"I'm going to my room to put a shirt on" I say leaving his room.

We both head downstairs to the hotel's restaurant where Lorenzo already waited for us. It is needless to say that he was shocked once he knew what had happened. This is a roller coaster.

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