𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 7

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♪ It's fine, yeah it's cool
It's not like I'm in love with you
Shit ♪

Charles Leclerc POV

As soon as my eyes locked on hers I felt doubt go through my body. Have I gotten over her? Am I using Charlotte as I used Giada? Is that why Charlotte made Leah leave? Did she see the threat she posed?

"Why would you choose me over the person you love romantically? You have been with her for 2 years. I shouldn't be your choice Charles" She says a few seconds after Sarah left.

"I've known you since we were born, I was raised with you Leah. I know you as much as I know myself" I say and she looks down.

"People ditch friends and go no contact with family members for the person they love. Do you love Charlotte?" She asks and looks me in the eyes and I can't look away.

"I don't know. I know I would choose you but I wasn't given a choice. She never made me choose and neither did you. She made it seem like our friendship wasn't a problem for her and I thought you were good with my relationship until you came back yesterday" I say and she nods.

"That's fair. But you've been with her for 2 years, you should know if you love her. I just can't have her in my life but you can have her in yours" She says looking away and I feel disappointed as soon as she does it.

"But I don't know. I don't even know her anymore. She blocked you on my phone and my brothers. That is something I wouldn't expect from what I've seen from her. I am dumbfounded that she did something like that" I say and she seems to understand it now.

"I don't want to talk about her, she makes me mad" She says and I stay quiet for a few minutes.

"Are you with someone? What have you done during these years? Can I know?" I ask and she seems surprised.

"I'm single, thank god. I was in France the whole time, my parents went there for the holidays and we traveled together for vacations and weekend getaways. Pascale visited me sometimes too, she wasn't dealing well with my disappearance" She says and I let out a laugh.

"I knew, I could tell she got more quiet and less stressed a few months later. I just understood that the problem was me" I say and she shakes her head.

"I missed you Charles. I really did. You were my person, it was hard and it was depressing. I fought myself over and over every time I wanted to call you. When I went out to drink and have fun I always ended up almost calling you. It was really bad for the first year, but it was for my own good" She says and puts her hand on the table, I put my hand on top of hers and I feel relieved when I felt our hands touching.

"Can we talk about it? Can I know what happened to make you leave? I know I should've seen it by myself but I can't find it out two years later" I say and she starts taking her hand away, I hold her tightly and she stops.

"Charles, I can't talk about it. I just need you to promise she will be away from me. Go meet her at her house, I forgot my keys to my parents' apartment, I just need you to keep her away from the apartment until they come back" She says and I felt her voice shake.

"I promise I will do that" I say and she smiles. The food arrives and we start eating.

It seemed like it all went back to normal, we were talking about these two years, she saw every race, and she even went to the races in France. I told her about the guys and what has been going on lately. I felt relieved like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I needed her. I missed her and she is such a good person to me. I can't even picture what made her leave like that but it's seriously making me want to break up with Charlotte.

We left the restaurant, I drove and stopped the car to a place we used to go to see the city. We sat on the hood of the car and started talking like there was no tomorrow. Dinner time came and we went home. I saw the smiles on my family's faces as soon as we got in. They were clearly waiting for us on the couch. Arthur picked up the phone pretending to scroll, Lorenzo picked up the remote and started changing channels. My mom didn't even try to disguise it.

"I will make us some quick dinner" Leah says putting her purse down and I hold her hand.

"I ordered pizza, its quicker" I say and she smiles.

"Well, thank you then. I will take a quick shower. Can I use your bathroom?" She asks and I nod.

"You know where things are. The hoodies are where you liked them" I say and her smile grows wider.

"Is my hoodie there?" She asks and I let out a laugh. Her hoodie is my favorite hoodie that she used to sleep in, I almost never used it. Or I would use it for a few hours and she would steal it and sleep with it.

"It is" I say and she leaves for my bedroom.

"Thank god. I missed seeing you two back to normal, it was awkward" Arthur says putting the phone down.

"Just help me keep Charlotte as far as possible from her" I say and they nod quickly.

"No problem, I will gladly keep Charlotte out of my house" Mom says happily and I try not to laugh.

"I will take a quick shower after she leaves. The money is at the entrance. Call me when the table is ready" I say and they nod.

"No worries, you can spend as much time with her as you want" Lorenzo says and I give him the middle finger as I go into my bedroom.

"LEAH! I'M HERE IN THE BEDROOM" I scream so she wouldn't get out dressed in less than what she should.

"OKAY" I hear her answer and I pick up my phone to see 10 missed calls from Charlotte and like 50 messages. She is going crazy.

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