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♪ Well I don't wanna lose it either
And I don't think I can stand sitting around while you're hurting babe, so take my hand ♪

Leah Dupont POV

Everything went really fast until the season started, testing was a rollercoaster but as soon as the first race in Bahrain ended I knew it was worth it. Charles won! And Carlos got second. The weeks until here were a bit hard, we kept it as if nothing happened. Arthur and Carla broke up. I talked to her, and she in no way blamed me and we are still in contact. I took her shopping and had a few days out with her and she said I made it better and she was happy to know me.

Charles is my best friend as he always was. He was always there, it didn't matter how busy he was. Carlos was great too, he was always making sure I was alright. The PR team is basically the social media administrator, Leonardo, me managing Carlos, and Bianca, the one who represents Charles. There were some more people to help us on the weekends but we do the biggest workload. Above us, there was the leader of the department and she was really nice.

"Charles is almost parking. You should go, he will be really disappointed if you don't" Bianca says excitedly.

"That will get you a lot of work. People are already taking pictures and videos of us any time we are remotely close. There are edits and everything. The season started this weekend" I say clearly still surprised by all the hype me and Charles were getting. People either love me or hate me, there is no in-between.

"Go, please. People will talk either way. If you don't show up you are mad and if you do it's two best friends hugging or maybe a couple kissing. Go ahead. We can handle it" Leo says and I start running to where the team was waiting for him.

"Let her through" Mattia says clearly pleased and I stop in the front row by his side. "I was starting to think you wouldn't show up"

"I wasn't going to" I say and I see Charles car stopping. He gets out and runs to hug the team, but he hugs me first. "Congratulations baby" I say when he comes back from trying to greet everyone.

"Thank you for being here" He says with the helmet in his hand.


He goes to the weighing and I watched him as he did the interview. Carlos came to hug us too and I smiled.

"I'm proud of you Carlos. You did really well" I say happily and he smiles.

"Thank you" He says excitedly and leaves to his interview and Charles comes back in our direction. He looked so good post-race, I had forgotten how good he looked.

"Will you watch the podium? I'm dedicating it to you" He asks while holding my hand. I was hearing the flashes and I wasn't liking it that much.

"Of course I will. Go on, do what you have to do" I say seeing his smile widen.

"Love you" He says before giving me a kiss on the cheek and leaving.

The time for the podium came and Charles was so happy that I felt happy just by seeing him. When it ended I left quickly to the media pen to make sure everything went smoothly once Carlos arrived. When it ended I followed him to the motorhome.

"Charles was delighted you were here to see him win" Carlos says as we walked through the multitude of people.

"I'm proud to be here too, you two did great. You are a good team, I am glad you are his teammate, you are a good man Carlos"

"Are you running from me?" I hear Charles asking coming quickly at our encounter. I feel his arm wrapping around my waist and I look up at him.

"How could I run from my favorite winner?" I ask happily putting my arm around his back too.

"Favorite? Don't get me used to all that attention" He says as we enter the motorhome, Carlos quickly disappears.

"Arthur will be a winner soon enough too. His time will come" I say confidently.

"You are going to the party too right? It's to celebrate my win" He asks giving me his puppy begging eyes.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it. It's my man starting the season winning, I have to celebrate it" I say as we walked to his room and we subtly greeted every team member that we pass by.

"Your man? Did I hear that right? Because that just made my day way better" He asks getting closer and I find myself between him and the door to his room.

"You know what I meant. You are my best friend here, you are my man. Until you have a girlfriend, then you are her man" I say trying to remain calm.

"That makes sense" He says and holds me as the door behind me opened. "I was just trying to open it, sorry. I didn't want you to fall ma chérie"

"I didn't get that" I say being honest because my heart was racing, I couldn't lie to him, he would've known.

He changed clothes and we made our way out of the paddock. We went to eat at a nearby hotel and then went to the hotel to change so we could go to the nightclub. I open the door to leave my room and I see Charles waiting for me.

"Merde! You are fucking gorgeous. Red is definitely the right color on you" He says still watching my every detail, he was just standing there while watching.

 Red is definitely the right color on you" He says still watching my every detail, he was just standing there while watching

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"Shit! I forgot my jacket, I don't want to receive side eyes until we enter the nightclub. Give me a second" I say running back inside and picking up my jacket. One of those trench coats or whatever we call it. I forgot the name.

I always bring that jacket to more conservative countries so I don't get arrested, kidnapped, or judged. I come back and go with Charles to the cab he called. We went inside and a lot of people were already there. Lorenzo and Arthur were already there and hugged Charles while congratulating him. My boys!

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