𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 3

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♪ It's not like I feel like I could throw up right now
You're my ride or die ♪

Charles Leclerc POV

When I put my baggage in my room I went to see mom but I see Arthur and Lorenzo watching as Leah was sitting by her side and she caressed Leah's hand.

"You can't run away again. My heart can't handle losing you again my beautiful girl" My mom says and her voice cracked a bit.

"I love you too Pascale, but you know I will have to go" She says putting their hands together as my mom smiles.

"You don't have to go. This is where your heart is. Your family is here, we are here and your parents will be here in a few days. Stay, please. They are good sons but you- You know how much you mean to me" She says and I knew she was about to cry.

"My heart will stay here to keep you company, I can't be here physically but you know you can meet me whenever you want, I will make time for you. I will cook with you and take you to walks in the most beautiful cities. I just can't stay in this place" She says and my mom hugs her.

"You are my daughter, I didn't birth you but I raised you as much as I raised those three. I love the three of them with all my heart but you were the one who always understood me. If it wasn't for you I don't know what Hervé's death would've done to us. You can't leave. We all need you. Charles especially. You two need to talk, for me, for Hervé, for everyone's sake. Just do it" She says and Leah nods. We couldn't see her face but she never lied to my mom.

"I will think about it but you need to rest" She says and my mom nods laying down as Leah kissed her hand and got up.

"Mom, how are you?" Lorenzo says entering the bedroom pretending we just got there.

Leah got out while we talked. They went into their rooms and I went to the balcony where she was, which was surprising because I thought she had left.

"Don't I deserve a hello?" I ask sitting on the other chair we had there.

"Do you though?" She asks without even looking at me.

"What have I done? What happened? You disappeared" I say and she shrugs.

"I know what I did, but I can't say you did anything. Maybe the fact you did nothing is enough for me" She says getting up to head inside.

"What should I have done?" I ask getting up too.

"You should've been a good friend, you failed me" She says and I can feel the hurt in her face.

"If you don't tell me where I've failed I can't correct you. I waited for you to come back, if I saw someone similar to you on the paddock I got my hopes up. I may have done some shit, I may not be perfect but I didn't give up and left everyone. If it was my fault it was unnecessary leaving my whole family grieving a living person" I say and she looks to the floor.

"I did what was best. Everyone knew I was alive, I didn't hide it" She says and I nod.

"You could've texted us saying you would be leaving and wouldn't wish for any communication" I say and she lets out a sarcastic laugh.

"I did, I texted everyone. Especially your brothers" She says like I was saying an absurd.

"You texted everyone but me, Arthur, and Lorenzo. We got no shit from you since January 7th of 2020. Zero communication like we just died for you" I say and she picks up her phone.

"What do you mean no communication? I wished them a happy birthday and tried to explain that I left for my own good and said sorry. I didn't communicate with anyone for weeks but then I sent a text for them, Pascale and the girls, they all got it" She says showing me the texts she sent apologizing and explaining. She also always wished them a happy birthday last year and this one too.

"They never mentioned it. But what I'm worried about is what happened between us. We were best friends, and I trusted you with my life. What made 20 years fall apart like that?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"You. You changed and I didn't. I kept the same person throughout the years. I stood by you and by your side but you could never stand by my side. You trusted me with your life because I would cherish it but if I gave you mine I would probably be left aside" She says and I'm honestly saddened by the answer.

"I would die for you, even at this exact moment" I say and she shakes her head.

"I- You went from Giada to Charlotte but I couldn't deal with Charlotte. She's a two-faced bitch. She is sweet and adorable with you. She was demeaning and demolishing me on your back. I met her for a few weeks and I felt like I wanted to die every time I saw her. You are so blind for every girl who you fall in love with that you don't see the piece of shit they are" She says while her eyes got teary, I tried to touch her hand but she took a step back.

"What did she do?" I ask and she just gives me a fake smile.

"It doesn't matter. It's been two years. I will stay until the holidays end, your mom will need help, after that I'm gone but you have to keep your girlfriend away from me or you will never see me again Charles" She says and I nod.

"If you ever want to, I would like to know what happened. Besides that, I'm here for you like I've always been" I say and she nods.

"I would like to say the same thing but you look a bit glued to her so I can't promise to be here for you, besides you already have her" She says and leaves.

I head back inside as I see her closing the apartment's door. I grab an apple and eat it before going to my room and taking a shower so I could sleep. I just wanted to know what happened to take care of it.

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