𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 35

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♫ I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
I found you ♫

Charles Leclerc POV

Everything was going well. We had two more races before I was able to go home and get some rest. Mom was waiting for us as soon as we crossed the door, Leah's parents were there and I will admit that the subject of us dating was left untalked. Probably because it was assumed and we would also prefer to talk personally. We put out suitcases in my room and met everyone in the living room while lunch was waiting for us.

"I am so happy for you. You two look so happy" My mom says happily and I smile holding Leah's hand that rested on top of the table.

"They look healthy, this was exactly what was needed" Camille says excitedly while looking at our hands.

"She makes me happy, she always did. She is the best thing to have happened in my life" I say looking into her eyes and seeing how they seemed to shine every time we had eye contact.

"We have been seeing each other for a few months and making it public was rushed by me but it was actually very good. We had insane support and I really do love him as everyone has been guessing for years" She says smiling and I nod.

"You two have been in love since you got to know what it was. You had your own ways to make and you have learned from past mistakes, I am glad you were able to reconnect after almost 2 years of no contact. I think it is just what your relationship needed to be a long-lasting one" Thomas says proudly looking at his daughter and then at me.

"We are young so we will be enjoying this time together, no pressure as you can guess. But that doesn't mean I love her less" I say honestly.

"There is no pressure for kids or marriage, we just want you to be happy. You have a lot of time for that. Go on adventures, travel all you want, and then you can make it happen however you want. We will be here to support any decision you two make" My mom says excitedly.

The lunch was good. I saw that Arthur and Leah went to the balcony to talk, I went they are talking about everything that went on with his feelings. She came back and she smiled at me happily.

"Carla and Arthur are giving themselves a second chance" She says laying her head on my shoulder and I was pleasantly surprised.

"I am glad she was able to give him a chance, not everyone would've done the same" I say happy for him, he deserved it, he truly regretted it.

"I'm going ahead with a restraining order against Charlotte. My parents showed me a video of her slashing my tires in the garage" She says quietly while looking around and I step back surprised. I look into her eyes and see that she was being serious.

"Fuck. Baby, I am so sorry. I will pay for it. I will find you a safer place to put your car. Let me call you a tow truck" I say picking up my phone from my pocket.

"It's fine. She did it during the night, she must've gone out to drink and came back in a vengeful mood and did it. I don't want to be the thing that gets slashed next so the restraining will be proof in case she tries to come after me. She knows you are on your break now" She says worriedly and I nod kissing her head.

"I won't let her even touch you. I will go with you to fill the papers" I say getting up and we leave the house.

It took longer than I thought but we did everything right and since there was proof it would be sent to the judge and we would be called for a court hearing in two weeks maximum. I took her out so we could forget about it and we watched a movie and then had dinner.

We went back to her parents' apartment and we lay in her bed after a good shower. She had her head in my chest while I ran my hands through her hair. I love it, I love every second I have her this close to me.

"She won't hurt you, I will make sure of it" I whisper as she watched the movie.

"She won't hurt me if you are around because she would never hurt you. Has she called you?" She asks lifting her head and looking at me.

"I blocked her, everyone did. She has no way of contacting me. But Giada did, she congratulated us on our relationship, and she invited us to have dinner or lunch when we can. She said she is happy to know you are back" I say happily.

"I love Giada, I think I will take her offer. It would be good to see her again. It won't be awkward, right? We were always good to each other" She started excitedly but then got worried and I laughed.

"She adores you, she likes you more than she likes me. I think you will be fine" I wasn't even worried about that. There was no doubt in my mind that Giada would love to see Leah again.

"I love you so much. I am glad I got back" She was smiling like a little kid and I know I am too.

"I love you too. I am glad I never picked up the call from the hospital. I never thought I would be glad that my mom got hurt but fate is fucked up" I say laughing.

"I am glad she told them to call me. It was a good choice" She says laying her head on my chest once again and I smile.

She was the best choice I never made. I never chose to fall in love with her but I would've chosen her. I never chose any of this. But I would choose her over and over again if I had to. She was everything and a little more, she will be the last woman in my life, besides our future daughter or daughters.


Hello everyone!

I will start by thanking you for every vote and comment you leave in every chapter, it means the world to me to know you like my stories.

As you may have guessed one or two stories, maybe more, are coming to an end. So I have a few choices for you to pick from for future posting. Just tell me which one catches your eye and more details can be given if you want, I love second opinions.

Gold Digger - Lance Stroll

Shameless - Marc Márquez

My significant Bother - Christian Horner (don't blame me babes)

All For Love - Pierre Gasly

Mr Arrogant - Carlos Sainz

If you need anything or if you want to talk I'm right here for anything you may need, my messages are always open for you.

Love you all and I hope you are having a great day.

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